2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Rabbits today are kept by many owners of suburban areas in Russia. Although these animals are quite capricious and whimsical, they are very profitable in breeding. The lion's share of the rabbit diet is ordinary green grass. At the same time, such animals reproduce very quickly. This means that on such a farm, with relatively low feed costs, you can get a lot of delicious dietary meat.
Unfortunately, in many farmsteads today you can see either outbred rabbits, or, in extreme cases, mestizos of the Soviet chinchilla. Caring for such animals, of course, is quite simple. However, they, unfortunately, never grow too large. Meanwhile, today there are many breeds of rabbits that can gain just a huge body weight in a relatively short time. And the largest of them is the German Risen. Rabbits of this breed are somewhat more whimsical in care than ordinary ones. But keeping them at the same time is much more profitable.
History of the breed
German Risen rabbits were bred in Germany in the 19th century. The farmers of this country in those days took the Belgian as a basisflandra. The selection of this breed was carried out by selecting the largest and hardiest individuals. In the end, German farmers managed to get the largest rabbits in the world at the moment, which are also quite he althy. The German Riesen was registered as a breed in 1937. Subsequently, these rabbits gained immense popularity all over the world. They are bred today not only in Germany, but also in other European countries, in America and Russia.
General description of the German Risen rabbit
The main distinguishing feature of the animals of this breed is just a lot of weight. The average body weight of an adult German Risen is 10 kg. But with good care, representatives of this breed can reach a weight of 14 or even more kilograms. The body length of these animals is usually 65-70 cm.

Distinctive features of rabbits of the Risen breed (or German giant) are also:
- massive body;
- strong legs;
- wide proportional head;
- upright, pin-shaped soft ears up to 20 cm long.
Fur color
Most often in farmsteads there are German rizen rabbits of gray chinchilla color. Also, breed standards allow other colors of animal skins:
- dark gray;
- yellow-grey;
- white;
- cream;
- agouti;
- sand.
The fur of rabbits of this breed is very thick and silky.
You can get a lot of German Risen meat from rabbits. In addition, this product is also distinguished by excellent taste and product characteristics. Also, some farmers who breed animals of this breed make a profit from the delivery of the skins of these animals. Rizens, as already mentioned, have very high quality and can be used for sewing hats, fur coats, bags, etc.

In terms of fertility, these rabbits are not much inferior even to representatives of small breeds. At one time, the female German Riesen can bring up to 12 cubs. Sometimes there are even more rabbits in the litter. The only thing is that these rabbits, like any other giants, reach puberty relatively late. If representatives of small breeds are allowed to breed for offspring as early as 5-6 months, for rizens this period comes only by 8-10 months.
How to choose the right rabbits
It is believed that for keeping in the compound you need to purchase rabbits of this breed at the age of at least 3-4 months. This is primarily due to the late maturation of the German Risen. At 1.5-2 months, these rabbits are still kept with their mother and are not very adapted to independent living.
Buy rabbits, of course, you need in farms that specialize in breeding precisely rizens. This will guarantee the acquisition of he althy purebred animals. This breed is currently quite common in Russia. And it will not be difficult for the owner of the farmstead to acquire high-quality rabbits, if desired. Residents of Saint Petersburgfor example, they can buy a German rizen in Lomonosov for their dacha of breeding rabbits. For the purchase of such rabbits, Nizhny Novgorod residents should go to the petrovskoye private household plot. Residents of Samara can contact the Giant Rabbit company, etc.
Experienced farmers do not advise buying such rabbits at the market. In this case, there is a possibility of acquiring mestizos. In addition, sick animals are often sold on the market, the purchase of which can lead to infection of rabbits already on the farm.
Where to keep
Great German rizen rabbits are actually very large. Therefore, representatives of this breed are rarely kept in cages. Most often, spacious enclosures are equipped for rizens. In this case, first they build a not too high shed without windows for the animals and warm it well. The floor in the rabbitry is lined with straw.

Further, the house assembled for the rizens is surrounded by a fence, for example, from a chain-link. Like any other rabbits, representatives of this breed can quickly dig the ground and make moves in it. So that the rizens do not subsequently escape from the aviary, the chain-link mesh should be buried 1-1.5 meters into the ground. In extreme cases, you can simply concrete the floor in the aviary with a slope for rainwater runoff and fill it with earth with a layer of 20 cm.
The top of the enclosure is also necessarily covered with a net. Otherwise, foxes or stray dogs (which, oddly enough, can climb a chain-link) can subsequently penetrate inside the rabbits to the German giants rizens. Also in the absencein the roof aviary, rabbits can suffer from magpies. The chain-link to the supporting pillars should be fastened as securely as possible. Otherwise, hungry stray dogs will definitely try to tear it off and get inside the enclosure.

Departments for manufacturers
Young rabbits of German giants (rizens), selected for fattening, like any other breeds, are kept in groups by age. Therefore, several branches must be made in the aviary and shed. Also, individual dwellings should be equipped for manufacturers. At the same time, the largest "compartments" should be left, of course, for the queens. After all, in the future they will have to live here for some time with the growing rabbits.

Can it be kept in cages
Most often, thus, farmers use the method of aviary keeping for German Riesen rabbits. In the photo on this page you can see how big representatives of this breed can grow. Of course, they need a lot of space for normal development.
Of course, if necessary, you can breed rabbits of the German giants rizens and in cages. However, most farmers still consider the use of such a technique for this breed inappropriate. The initial costs of using this technology, unfortunately, can be quite large. After all, rizens need cells 1.5-2 times larger than ordinary rabbits. And such agricultural equipment is very expensive.
Rabbit diet: what you needknow
Thus, above in the article a detailed description of the German Riesen rabbit breed was given. Breeding and keeping these animals is technologically a relatively simple procedure. But only fairly experienced rabbit breeders should undertake the organization of such a farm. Beginners should first practice on some cheaper and less demanding mestizos. Compared to ordinary small breeds, the German giant is distinguished, as already mentioned, by some whimsicality.

For the rizen rabbits brought from the breeding farm, first of all, it will be necessary to develop the correct menu. When buying animals from the seller, be sure to ask what they ate on his farm. In no case should you change the diet of small rizens drastically. Otherwise, the rabbits will definitely upset the stomach, as a result of which they may even die.
Also, do not include in the menu of small rizens and too many beets and cabbage. These foods can also cause intestinal upset. Carrots for rizens, including small ones, can be given in plenty. Green grass before laying in the feeders for rabbits must be dried during the day.
Breeding German Riesen rabbits: how to feed adults
The diet of rizens, like any other farm animals, should consist of three types of feed:
- juicy;
- rough;
- concentrated.
To the first group of rabbit food,in addition to carrots, herbs, beets and cabbage, may include, for example, zucchini, apples, watermelon peels, potatoes (necessarily boiled and not green), a small amount of cucumbers.
What grass to give
Very often, rabbits, including German rizens, are fed in private farms with weeds from vegetable gardens. It is believed that it is very useful to give these animals, for example, nettle, quinoa, leek. Also, be sure to throw carrot and radish tops into the aviary with rizens.
But some types of herbs, including those growing in vegetable gardens, are contraindicated for rabbits. Of course, you can’t give German rizens poisonous greens, for example, the same henbane and dope. Also, celandine, nightshade (including tomato and potato tops), euphorbia have a negative impact on the organism of these animals.
Adult rabbit German giant Risen will calmly eat, including freshly cut grass. But, as for young animals, for such animals it is better to dry it in the shade for some time.
Which concentrates to use
Rizens are gaining more muscle mass. Therefore, concentrates in their diet, of course, should include quite a lot. They feed German rizens, like other rabbits, mainly with crushed barley. If desired, it can be diluted with a small amount of oatmeal. Also, the owners of rabbit farms often add bran to the barley shredder. In this case, the grain mixer is pre-moistened with water. Dry bran, unfortunately, can clog the nose and throat of rabbits.
Sometimes animalsit is allowed to give dried white bread. But it is not worth offering too much such food to rizen rabbits. Dried white pastries in such a household can only be used as a treat. Black bread rabbits can be given more.
In winter, rabbits are also given hay. You can prepare such a product yourself. At the same time, it is supposed to mow it away from rivers and lakes. On the green parts of the grass growing near water bodies, various pathogens of rabbit diseases often live and multiply. Of course, hay for German rizens can not be mowed, but purchased ready-made. It is believed that this type of roughage prepared for goats is best suited for these animals.

In addition to hay, German rizen rabbits also need to dry brooms for the winter. These animals are excellently eaten in the cold season, for example, branches of an apple tree, birch, grapes, aspen. It is forbidden to offer branches of cherries, apricots, plums, elderberries, rosemary to German Giants.
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