2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
The self-explanatory name of this tomato is quite justified. "Sugar Giant" - a tomato, reviews of which indicate: a new variety, already loved by many gardeners, is quite promising and in demand. This fleshy fruit conquered both experienced and novice gardeners. All of them noted the excellent yield of the variety and the excellent taste of the fruit. They say about him: "That's really it: both sugar and giant." Let's get to know him better.

Tomato variety - "sugar giant"
Indeterminate standard mid-early variety of tomato - "sugar giant" - is equally successfully grown both in open ground and under greenhouse protection. Characteristic features of the variety are large-fruitedness, versatility, unpretentiousness in care and high resistance to traditional nightshade diseases. Of course, the main advantage of the plant is the ability to produce large fruits with an average weight of up to 500 grams, which have excellent taste properties. But it is precisely the significant weight of the fruit that can play a bad joke: notshoots always withstand the weight of ripening tomatoes, they can break. Therefore, the plant needs special attention during the fruiting period.
Reaching a height of 1.2-1.5 m, the culture forms a strong bush with a powerful stem and an average number of leaves. "Sugar giant" - a tomato with an enviable yield. From 1 sq. m experienced gardeners remove 15-18 kg of fruit.
Tomatoes of this variety are round, sometimes slightly elongated. The color of ripe tomatoes is pink-red. The taste of fruits is wonderful - sweet, without sourness, due to the high content of sugars and lycopene.
"Sugar giant" - salad tomato, excellent for fresh consumption, various salads and snacks, but also suitable for processing. The high sugar content and low percentage of dry matter in fruits is the basis for obtaining high-quality juices and sauces.

Growing: basic rules
"Sugar Giant" - a tomato that does not differ in any special requirements, but when cultivating it in greenhouse conditions, you must remember some rules of agricultural technology:
- At elevated temperatures (more than 32-35 ° C), pollen is sterilized and fruit formation stops. Therefore, you will have to control the air temperature in greenhouses, arrange regular ventilation.
- Plants are planted with a planting density of no more than 3 bushes per 1 sq. m.
- The bush is formed into one or two lashes.
- A prerequisite is the presence of supports and garters.
- The tomato is watered exclusively under the root, the plant does not accept sprinkling at all. An increase in humidity in the greenhouse above 70% can provoke the occurrence of diseases that are very dangerous for the tomato.
- Quality fruit formation and a good harvest will require periodic top dressing.
Let's consider in more detail each aspect of the listed conditions of agricultural technology.
How to plant?
Sow seeds for seedlings in the middle or end of March, focusing on the climatic features of the region. With the appearance of 2–3 true leaves in seedlings, they dive into separate containers. A week later, seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, while reducing the dosage of the solution against the recommended one by 2 times. Water seedlings sparingly. To prevent the stems from stretching, control the light regime. 55–60 days is the maximum seedling period.

The "sugar giant" is planted in a permanent place at the end of May. Placing on 1 sq. no more than 3 plants per meter, the gardener creates optimal conditions for development: young tomatoes will not be cramped, free air access stimulates fruit set and reduces the possibility of diseases.
How to care?
Proper care of tomatoes is not burdensome and consists in maintaining the optimal temperature regime, proper watering, regular feeding and timely pinching of plants. The most comfortable for tomatoes are daytime temperatures within25-29 °С, nighttime - 18-20 °С. "Sugar Giant" is a tomato that is not afraid of drafts, so regular airing only benefits it.
Water for irrigation should not be below 20-22 ° C, and plants should be watered in the morning or after sunset. It should be remembered that the intensity of watering is increased during the filling of fruits.
Regular fertilization also affects the good development of the tomato. The first top dressing after planting is introduced to the plant after 10–15 days: 30 grams of nitrophoska and 0.5 liters of infused mullein are dissolved in a bucket of water. After 10 days, the tomatoes are fertilized again: for a bucket of warm water - 30 grams of potassium sulfate and Fertility fertilizer. This procedure must be repeated every two weeks.
Gartering and pinching
"Sugar Giant" - a tomato, the photo of which is posted in the publication, is a powerful bush with impressively large fruits. Therefore, the presence of support for the culture is necessary: it helps to withstand the weight of ripening fruits. The plant is tied up for the first time already on the 5-7th day after planting in a permanent place, and as it grows, the garter is repeated. Various devices can act as supports. These are tapestries, cords, and linear structures. It is only important that the supports and garters help the plant develop, and not hinder or injure.

Another important procedure in growing a tomato is pinching, i.e., removing the shoots that form in the axils of the leaves. Having initially identified one or two stems, whichwill form a bush, you should carefully monitor the formation of stepchildren and remove them at intervals of 1-2 days, since they draw significant culture forces onto themselves, and their uncontrolled formation will thicken plantings and reduce yields. Stepchildren are removed by carefully cutting or breaking out. It is better to carry out such work in the morning hours.
Advice based on feedback from consumers who have been growing the variety for several years. Having planted this tomato once, it is already impossible to refuse it.
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