Main types of banquets and their characteristics

Main types of banquets and their characteristics
Main types of banquets and their characteristics

In terms of the costs of moral and material forces, organizing a holiday in a restaurant is easier than organizing a family feast at home. The most important and fateful events are held in restaurants. During the celebration, various situations are likely. For this reason, when approaching each upcoming important event, it is necessary to determine the method of its celebration and the type of banquet.

Service Systems

Banquet service systems
Banquet service systems

Coordinating each feast includes taking and registering an order, fees and service. Formed, accurate work depends on the extent to which all elements of implementation are discussed in detail and on time with managers. Most popular types of banquet services by serving method:

  • French organization - special service "running out". The serving staff, using a multifunctional device, shifts the food from the serving dish to the visitor's plate. A wide-purpose tool, as a rule, consists of a fork and a spoon, however, inin some cases, these may be knives, often fish. In addition, the server must be able to hold the wide-purpose tool with one hand.
  • English organization - special service with a serving cart, which makes it possible for the guest to pick up a delicacy to taste.
  • Russian organization - all without exception "on the table". Suitable for large corporate parties and holidays with a huge crowd of people and a huge number of dishes and snacks.

Full Service

Banquet with full waiter service
Banquet with full waiter service

This type assumes that all actions without exception are implemented by waiters, which guarantees the highest service culture. Each menu is based on traditional cuisine, cold dishes are provided (seafood salads, caviar, toast, fruit, cold cuts, butter), hot appetizers, soup (for lunch), alcohol (vodka, wine), desserts (puddings, jams, tartlets), fruits (washed and cut into portions). Three waiters serve from twelve to sixteen customers (the number of staff can be increased).

Classic serve - "in a run-out". Tables for this event are set in the form of the letters W, P, T and should have a width of 1200 - 1500 mm. (60 - 80 cm per visitor). There are also auxiliary tables near the walls and columns (one table for 12-15 visitors). The duration of the reception is approximately an hour. The number of participants is usually from ten to fifty people. Visitors are seated by card.

Usually this kind of banquet is acceptable forevents of an official nature, large-scale feasts, visits by public figures and delegations. Personnel must immediately and clearly pour alcohol and serve food, replace unclean utensils.

Partial service

Partial banquet service
Partial banquet service

This type is typical for feasts that have an individual character. As a rule, it is organized if various important dates are celebrated. The number of dishes is determined by the number of participants. One waiter serves 12-15 visitors. Even before the arrival of visitors, cool snacks, alcohol, fruits are set on the set table (30-60 minutes). Most often, guests are placed randomly, although for famous personalities and the owner of the holiday, areas in the middle are separated or a special table is set. Table arrangements are the same as for a full service banquet.


Type of banquet - "Cocktail"
Type of banquet - "Cocktail"

Acceptable when celebrating all kinds of birthdays, celebrations in the family circle, as well as during business negotiations. In some versions, it is preferred if the budget is limited, and communication is the main task of the holiday. This view is appropriate during breakfast or dinner. The menu consists entirely of a variety of snacks, but in some cases hot dishes are introduced. Cooked in small portions, in order to comfortably eat with just a fork and while standing. 18-20 visitors are served by one waiter. Traditionally, buffet tables are taller than usual (0.9 - 1 m). At the time of the event, the staff poursalcohol, lays out dishes, looks after the order, replenishes serving items and takes away used dishes. Those invited eat and drink, choosing their own food and alcohol.

Banquet - Cocktail

Can be businesslike and formed in intervals at meetings, councils, congresses, and in addition, relaxing, usually held at the end of meetings, in some cases outdoors. This type of banquet is especially popular in hotels. Without exception, all guests drink and eat without sitting down.

The menu mainly consists of:

  • mini sandwiches;
  • canape, tartlets;
  • mini cutlets, fish chunks and barbecue, sausages;
  • espresso, juice, water, tea;
  • ice cream, nuts, jam, cream, fruits.

This category has a versatile look and purpose, cocktail-style banquets and receptions are very popular in today's society. At this feast, you can receive a huge number of visitors in a not very large room. Tables are not set up here. Plates and utensils for personal use are not used at this type of event. Without exception, all snacks and alcohol are given to visitors by waiters, and instead of forks, specialized banquet skewers are used.

Banquet - Tea

Types of banquets - "Tea"
Types of banquets - "Tea"

As a rule, they are organized in the second half of the day - 16-18 hours. This event is informal and lasts approximately 2 hours. It is organized for name days and other festive anniversaries. This is one of the eveningfriendly types of banquets, and its peculiarity is that the diet mainly includes:

  • candy;
  • cakes, pastries, pies;
  • chocolate, sweet nuts;
  • various fruits and berries;
  • cream, creams, mousses, fluffy soufflés;
  • alcoholic drinks.

A dessert set is set for each guest. Delicious food is offered first, followed by tea with baked pies and other treats. The cake is pre-cut into portioned pieces. In conclusion, nuts and sweets are served. Tea from a samovar, installed in the middle of the table or on a separate table, is poured by the hostess herself or the waiter.

Features of a family banquet

Banquet, party in the family mound
Banquet, party in the family mound

A cordial meeting with loved ones fills a person with an excellent mood and a feeling of happiness for a long time. The organization of this type of banquet (family feast) must begin with the selection of a venue. It can be a cafe, a restaurant, a summer terrace or a recreation center. Such fun can be attributed to a special kind of celebration. Visitors should be comfortable, light and not stuffy. When choosing a hall, you should take into account the fact that you will need to dance and conduct competitions.

The setting should be inviting and the food appetizingly prepared. Read reviews on the Internet, ask friends. Negotiate the diet with the restaurant, specify the elements. It should be noted that only a team of high-class culinary specialists can make a large number of really tasty treats.

Corporate types of banquets and theirfeature

Corporate type of banquet
Corporate type of banquet

Coordinating a collective feast is a rather difficult and expensive task. The failure of even small elements can cause unfavorable results. For this reason, first of all, you should choose the optimal room. If the conversation is about a corporate party in honor of traditional celebrations, then it is necessary to start choosing a hall 2-3 months in advance. Thus, the implementation of the event in the most optimal place and the likelihood of obtaining discounts are ensured. The price for various types of banquets in numerous organizations depends on the day of the week and season, for this reason, when talking with a representative, it is imperative to specify everything. If the budget is limited, you need to select a cafe with a probability of bringing your own fruit and alcohol.

The site environment and infrastructure is also significant. There are magnificent areas on the coast of reservoirs, lakes, near parks, with their own green area, playgrounds, open verandas, panoramic views of the heart of the metropolis. Certain halls may be located in industrial areas, which is not very attractive to guests. Honest banquet managers understand how many visitors can comfortably sit within the walls of the hall. For this reason, in addition to reading dry specifications on capacity websites, it is imperative to pronounce the moment.

When choosing a cuisine, the preferences of guests are taken into account, and it is more correct to choose a traditional and well-known one.

If it is planned to invite to an eventspecial visitors, it is imperative to think about their status. It is often unacceptable for famous people and business partners to appear in public in a low-quality building.

If there will be dances and extreme performances, then a stage, sound and light special equipment is needed. In some cases, you need a spa complex, sauna, hotel.

Children's types of banquets and receptions

Children's types of banquets and celebrations
Children's types of banquets and celebrations

Compared to adult celebrations, a children's feast should be well thought out, taking into account different scenarios. Children are a category of guests that require special attention. When holding a celebration for kids, several aspects should be taken into account that affect the venue, design, security and animation program. Satisfying absolutely all the little visitors is not easy, but the experts understand what boys and girls expect - mouth-watering treats, cheerful competitions and active interaction.

Many establishments already have special menus for younger guests. Extraordinary canapes and tartlets, warm snacks with meat, seafood and cheese, small fragrant pizzas, buns and pies with exciting fillings, fruit drinks, juices, lemonades will be appropriate here.

So that children do not feel bored, there should be a large playroom, an exciting show or an animation program. In addition, it is worth using the services of a photographer and videographer. The room must be decorated, and the little guests must be delivered to the venue.

Featureswedding banquet

This is an uplifting occasion and a feast that must be memorable. Some are surprised by a four-tiered cake and pigeons, others are delighted with a barbecue picnic.

For wedding banquet:

  • The cafe should have a fairly large area with separate rooms.
  • Wedding designers must design the hall and coordinate the event.
  • Probable organization at any site - in a suburban cottage, on a boat. White tents on grassy glades and festive arrangement looks especially solemn.

Coordination of the feast for weddings should take into account the abundance of exquisite dishes and the entertainment part. The diet can include both restaurant dishes and food from the home menu, for example, jelly with mustard.

What to consider?

At various types of banquets, guests often come with a child, and children need a place to play. In general, a banquet hall should cater to absolutely everyone.

You also need to focus on where the place of celebration is directly located: in apartment housing, in an office center, or even in a separate building. If the dance hall is located in an apartment building, there is a threat that after 23.00 residents of nearby apartments will complain about the deafening music.

Everything without exception should contribute to a great mood, from furniture to service.


Different feasts have their own special purpose and type of banquetshould be optimally suited to the level, direction and preferences of the guests. Therefore, it is preferable that the one who will be directly responsible for the preparation and service be informed in detail about the specifics of the order provided.
