Melons: how to grow in a summer cottage

Melons: how to grow in a summer cottage
Melons: how to grow in a summer cottage

Many summer residents would like to grow melons on their plots. This case is not too complicated and is quite accessible to any gardener. If desired, even a beginner can get an excellent harvest from a plant such as melons. How to grow this vegetable correctly, we will consider below.

melons how to grow
melons how to grow

This plant can be planted both directly in open ground and for seedlings. In the latter case, the harvest can be obtained half a month earlier. However, you need to know some rules. First, you need to check the seeds for germination. To do this, they are placed in a two percent solution of ordinary s alt. At the same time, those unsuitable for planting will emerge, and in the remaining ones you can be sure that all melon seeds will sprout. How to grow the seedlings themselves is a simple question. Seeds must be placed in peat pots with a diameter of at least 10 cm. One in each. The fact is that this culture absolutely does not tolerate picks.

Seeds are deepened by 3 cm. Watering is necessary moderate, otherwise the roots may rot. Melons sprout two weeks after planting. Growing seedlings should last no more thanmonth.

how to grow melons
how to grow melons

Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the term. In addition, the high frost susceptibility of plants such as melons must be taken into account. How to grow them in open ground is known to many gardeners. First of all, a week before planting, it is necessary to dig up a bed (on which cucumbers, pumpkins or zucchini have not previously grown) and fertilize the soil with manure. This is a must, because the roots of this plant are very large and need a certain amount of nutrients.

You need to choose a sunny place for plants like melons. How to grow them is a question that primarily concerns how often a given crop should be watered. The fact is that, like seedlings, adult plants do not tolerate waterlogging. Therefore, watering is done about once every two weeks. In any case, the ground under the bushes should dry out.

how to grow a melon in the country
how to grow a melon in the country

Under the transfer of seedlings prepare holes that are filled with warm water and wait for it to be completely absorbed. If you are new to gardening and do not know how to grow melons properly, follow our advice and do not bury the plant when transplanting. The root ball should protrude about 2 cm above the soil surface. This will provide ventilation for the roots and, like moderate watering, will prevent them from rotting. The distance between adult bushes should be about a meter.

Cultivation of hybrids and varieties is somewhat different. The fact is that in the latter, female flowers are on lateral shoots. Therefore, you need to pinch the central stem. In this case, the lateral ones will develop more intensively. In hybrids, female flowers are located on the central shoot. Therefore, in this case, pinch the side ones. This will avoid thickening the plant. No more than three fruits are left on each melon bush.

So, we hope now you more or less understand how to grow a melon in the country. It's easy to do this if you want. With a little effort, you can diversify your diet with tasty and he althy fruits.
