2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Many summer residents, in anticipation of the warm season, carefully study the range of seeds, plan what they will grow on the available hundred square meters. Of course, they carefully look at all interesting varieties in order to get the richest possible harvest. And as a result, many of them choose the Kolobok potato variety. No wonder - it has a number of important features and benefits that make it a great choice for many people.
Features of the variety
Talking about the "Kolobok" potato, it is worth saying that it belongs to mid-season varieties. That is, from the moment of planting to harvesting, an average of 90 to 115 days passes - a lot depends on the number of warm days, soil temperature, soil quality and abundant irrigation. The yellow peel is combined with appetizing yellow flesh. It contains quite a lot of starch - about 10-12 percent. The tubers are great tasting and best suited for French fries and chips.

Unsurprisingly, by studying the characteristics of potatoes"Kolobok", many summer residents decide to purchase this variety for planting on their site.
History of Appearance
Talking about this variety, it is worth noting that it was developed by Russian breeders at the Lorch Institute of Potato Farming. The variety is quite young - it was officially registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2005.
When breeding, the experts sought to create a plant that grows well not only in the Central Black Earth region, but also in the Central, which is characterized by less rainfall and poorer soil quality.

Mainly used in industrial cultivation (primarily due to neatly shaped tubers), but it is not uncommon to see this breed in private farms.
Main advantages
Potato variety "Kolobok" reviews are excellent not at all by chance. As the name implies, his tubers are quite even, neat and even graceful. On the one hand, this greatly facilitates their cleaning. On the other hand, machining is also becoming easier and more comfortable. It is quite clear that these fruits will be more popular when sold than others, simply because of their beautiful appearance, a kind of "photogenicity".
There are practically no outgrowths and protrusions - the tubers are either round or oval. The eyes are quite deep, but still not too noticeable, due to their small size and small number.
Finally, potatoes have excellent keeping quality - up to 98%,which is one of the best indicators to date.

So with good care, you will not only get a rich harvest of tasty potatoes, but also easily store them for many months.
If we talk about the minuses, then, alas, not without them. More precisely, without one minus - the peel of the "Kolobok" is quite tough. On the one hand, this is even a plus - keeping quality increases. You can store tubers for several months even in a room with low humidity, in which other potatoes will simply dry out, wrinkle, and become flabby. On the other hand, when peeling potatoes, certain difficulties may arise. The process will take more time and effort than we would like.
Correct fit
Now, knowing the description of the potato "Kolobok", it will not be superfluous to find out some practical information.
It all starts, as you might expect, with landing. It is advisable to choose not small tubers, as some summer residents do, but the largest ones. Still, it is desirable to plant such potatoes as you want to get as a result, and not one that is simply not a pity.
If there is little planting material, and the planting area is large, you can carefully cut each potato with a knife, making sure that at least one eye remains on each half or even a quarter, and preferably more. After that, the incisions should be disinfected. Some summer residents prefer treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate. But, as practice shows, it is better to use wood ash for disinfection. She not onlyprotects the tuber from infection through the wound, but also dries it, reducing the risk of rot.

The next step is proper landing planning. The optimal distance between rows is 70-80 centimeters. If you reduce it, then serious problems may arise with further care. It is desirable to maintain a distance between the holes of about 30-35 centimeters.
It is not worth it to deepen the tubers when planting. A depth of 10-15 centimeters is quite acceptable - about half the length of a shovel. Otherwise, the first shoots will take too long to break out of the ground before they can grow leaves and consume the energy of sunlight.
In general, the variety does not like dampness too much. But during the planting period it will be better if the ground is moist enough.
How to care for him?
In general, caring for the Kolobok potato variety, the photo of which is attached to the article, is quite simple. You don’t need to know any special subtleties - everything is about the same as when growing ordinary potatoes.
Hilling is done twice per season. For the first time - after reaching a potato tops height of 20-25 centimeters. The second is about two weeks later. At the same time, the plant has to grow intensively in order to rise above the earthen moat. Therefore, it is desirable to provide abundant watering. The easiest way is to run water through the furrows.

Throughout the warm season, you need to remember about weed control. This is especially important in the first weeks. If you do not fight weeds,the whole area will quickly be covered with it. As a result, only stems that have hatched will not be able to receive enough sunlight - this will slow down growth, and in some cases can even lead to death. In the future, when the potatoes grow to 40-50 centimeters, we should also not forget about the weeds. They will hardly be able to shade the crop, but they will be very active in absorbing nutrients and moisture from the ground, which will affect the crop.
Finally, on heavy soils (especially clay or with an admixture of clay), it is advisable to loosen several times a season. It is not necessary to go deep - 5-7 centimeters are enough for moisture to seep into the ground more easily, and at the same time the roots get access to oxygen.
To fertilize or not to fertilize?
Another important point that interests many summer residents is fertilization. And really, is it necessary to fertilize the Kolobok potato or not? And if so, which fertilizers to give preference to.
When growing potatoes with fertilizers, you need to be very careful. The fact is that most plants tend to accumulate some of the dangerous substances contained in mineral fertilizers in their roots. Usually it doesn't really matter - who cares about the roots of tomatoes, pumpkins or peppers? But with potatoes, the situation is quite different. After all, here the main crop is precisely the tubers! Therefore, the use of mineral fertilizers should be abandoned.
But not fertilizer in general. Organic is great here. First of all, this is ordinary compost - waste that has rotted on a compost heapproduction, weeds and last year's leaves, excrement of animals and birds - in total, all this creates an excellent fertilizer that provides the plant with all the necessary substances.
Also, don't forget the mullein. Fresh cow dung diluted in water will make a very good top dressing. And, importantly, even with abundant watering, this does not create an excess amount of substances in the soil that could harm people who eat potatoes.
Fruits are similar in size and weight - almost never found too large or small. Usually the weight is from 120 to 140 grams - a little larger than average, which makes it easier to cook, store and transport. Many summer residents note that the number of tubers with good care can reach 15 per bush! An excellent indicator that can pleasantly surprise even the hardened skeptic.
The yield is not the highest, but still quite good - up to 250 centners per hectare.
The excellent taste of tubers has already been mentioned earlier.
High stability
Potato "Kolobok" enjoys considerable popularity due to unpretentiousness. For example, it tolerates a dry summer quite easily. Even if only one or two not heavy rains fall in a month, the plant will still be able to bring a rich harvest. Of course, in the worst conditions, you still have to think about watering. Drip is perfect, allowing you to save moisture and at the same time sufficiently moisten the roots and tubers of the plant.

Highthe plant is also not afraid of temperatures - the main thing is that there is enough moisture to evaporate and support the growth of tubers.
Main diseases and pests
Experts highly appreciate this variety because it is not susceptible to many diseases that can cause a lot of trouble when growing other crops. For example, "Kolobok" easily resists potato cancer, black leg, common scab, as well as a number of viruses: verticillium, fusarium and some others.
But before parasitic insects, the variety is also defenseless, like the others. Therefore, we can expect the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle and aphids. There is only one way to deal with them - collection, and in the most advanced cases - treatment with special insecticides.

It is more difficult when a summer resident collides with a wireworm when harvesting. Still, it is more difficult to notice it and it is far from always possible to take timely measures after detection. So, knowing about the possible risk, it is advisable to treat the tubers with special preparations before planting. If this does not ensure the complete safety of the crop, then at least it will reduce the number of damaged tubers.
In closing
Now you know the description of the potato variety "Kolobok", you have an idea about its main advantages, features of care. So, you can easily decide whether it suits you for growing in a summer cottage or a huge field, or it makes sense to find the best option.
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