How many Russian rubles are in the Belarusian ruble? What are the factors behind the formation of the Belarusian currency exchange rate?

How many Russian rubles are in the Belarusian ruble? What are the factors behind the formation of the Belarusian currency exchange rate?
How many Russian rubles are in the Belarusian ruble? What are the factors behind the formation of the Belarusian currency exchange rate?

The Belarusian ruble is an interesting currency. It is uncomplicatedly called a "bunny", and in exchange offices they usually ask the question: "How much is 1000 Belarusian rubles today?" What are the reasons for such features of the national banknote of the Republic of Belarus?

About the Belarusian ruble

A country neighboring Russia - Belarus - despite the fact that we are united in the Union State, has its own currency. It is called the same as the banknote of the Russian Federation - "ruble". And in order to emphasize national identity, a definition has been added - "Belarusian". The ruble of our neighbors is divided, just like ours, into 100 kopecks (although they are not currently issued in coins). Banknotes of various denominations are circulating in the trade turnover - from 10 to 100 thousand Belarusian banknotes. Citizens themselves often call their currency "bunny", and this is understandable: this particular animal was depicted on the ruble banknote of 1992.

How many rubles in the Belarusian ruble
How many rubles in the Belarusian ruble

In general, the name "ruble" for some time competed with other potential names of the Belarusian banknote: at one time, the workingthe “thaler” (a German coin of the Middle Ages, a prototype of the dollar) was considered as an option. The currencies of Russia and Belarus are called almost the same, but have completely different values. So, how many Russian rubles are in the Belarusian ruble and why?

What affects the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble

First, let's talk about how the "bunny" money rate is formed. According to some analysts, the exchange rate of the national currency of Belarus depends on the state of affairs in the leading economies of the world, primarily in the United States. And in some cases, investors prefer to invest in banknotes of more developed countries. In particular, the latest publications of the Federal Reserve (America's main financial institution) indicate that the country's GDP has every chance of increasing.

How much is 1000 Belarusian rubles
How much is 1000 Belarusian rubles

Investors, having read this information, decided to move their capital to the US market. Against the background of this process, the currencies of the BRICS countries, as well as those of their neighbors (Belarus borders and closely interacts in the field of economics with Russia) have weakened. There are also internal factors affecting the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble. Analysts note as the most important - difficulties with the sale of manufactured products by exporters from Belarus. And in order to maintain the competitiveness of national producers, the government of the country can make decisions on the devaluation of the currency. So, we are very close to answering the question of how many rubles of Russian origin are in the Belarusian ruble.

Belarusian ruble: a difficult history of currency trading

Economy of the two countries –Russia and Belarus - after the collapse of the USSR experienced difficult times. For several years, the main vectors of monetary policy were being determined, the exchange rate of national banknotes was not stable either in relation to each other or in comparison with the dollar and the euro. A simple example from the history of trading: in April 1994, the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble against the American banknote was 19 thousand units, in May - already 20 thousand, in June - about 24 thousand. The real inflation of the national currency of Belarus, according to economists, in 1994- m was more than 1500%. And prices, according to Belstat, have increased 20 times. Rates on ruble deposits did not pay off the depreciation of the "hare". But over time, the position of the Belarusian currency has noticeably stabilized. What do we have today? Russian 1 ruble how much is Belarusian rubles worth? At the currency auction at the end of June 2014, one banknote from Russia was equal to about 300 units of the currency of the neighboring country. Or, to be more precise, about 3.36 rubles for 1000 "bunnies" - in today's banking practice, the rate of the Belarusian banknote is indicated, as a rule, per thousand units. Well, how many of our rubles are in the Belarusian ruble? It turns out, tenths.

Factor of integration with Russia

According to analysts' forecasts, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus may head for the devaluation of the "bunny" - this is facilitated by the country's integration processes with the states of the Customs Union, primarily with Russia. Active interaction between the authorities of the two countries has not stopped since the collapse of the USSR. Back in 1999, an agreement was signed on the prospectscreation of a single currency of the Union State and a common emission center. But so far, such a banknote has not been put into circulation. And experts cannot unequivocally say exactly when the single currency will be introduced.

1 ruble how many Belarusian rubles
1 ruble how many Belarusian rubles

Well, while there is no analogue of the euro for the Union State, we continue to count how many Belarusian rubles are in the Belarusian ruble. The countries continue to actively integrate, and there is a chance that in the foreseeable future, Russians and Belarusians will be able to pay each other with one sample of banknotes.
