2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Every one of us uses taxi services. Even those who have their own transport do not always have the opportunity to drive it due to inappropriate condition or even banal fatigue. And by ordering a taxi for the lowest price, you will be sure that you will be taken.
If we are talking about taxi services, then we cannot fail to mention such a service as Uber. Reviews of it range from taxi drivers on strike claiming that the company's model is taking away their jobs, to users themselves who managed to use Uber's services and still order a car using the app.
Learn more about the reviews we found about Uber, read on.
General information
First, let's clarify what the very Uber is. This is a service founded in 2010, the idea to create which came to the developers, as noted in unofficial sources of information, back in 2008. At first, the service was positioned as one that provides the ability to quickly and conveniently order a taxi exclusively with luxury cars. It is even known that Uber provided its drivers with a list in which cars were available for work. These were BMW 7-series, Mercedes-Benz S500, Cadillac Town Car and other similar models.
Howevera little later, it became clear that the model proposed by this startup could develop into something more than just a car order form. Uber offered the opportunity to benefit all participants - both taxi drivers and customers. Of course, the list of cars that can be ordered has also grown.

The first advantage concerns those who order a taxi using this application. It is important to note that the cost of Uber allows you to share with your friends, colleagues or even random people, thus saving customers money. In order to share and know exactly who should pay how much, there is a special function in the Uber app. It is very easy to use.
The second point concerns drivers who own cars. Unlike simple taxi companies, where the driver is accepted as an employee, everything is different in the model proposed by this startup. An Uber taxi driver is a simple car owner who can earn extra money in his spare time. Thus, he "monetizes" both his own time and his car, generating income.
Benefit for all
There is one more concept according to which the service operates. So, it significantly reduces the number of cars on the roads. Since it is cheaper to use the Uber taxi service, it makes no sense to buy your own car - after all, in any situation, you can call a private driver using the application. According to the authors of the idea, this reduces the number of cars on the roads,which benefits the environment.
Another point that has already been mentioned is the opportunity to benefit those who own a car. So that she does not stand idle in the garage, the Uber taxi driver has the opportunity to earn money on his car, thus covering maintenance costs.

How to order
According to the reviews left about the Uber service, ordering a taxi here is carried out in a fairly convenient form - using a mobile application. This gives Uber a lot of competitive advantages over the traditional call-to-cab taxi service. First, the application automatically determines the location of the client, allowing you not to bother specifying the address where you need to go. Secondly, the service has a function to show available cars in the area where the customer is located. Again, the ability to see the movement of the car on the map is a great alternative to the usual SMS and “car has arrived” calls. You can be prepared in advance for the arrival of a taxi driver.
Besides all this, there are other Uber bonuses. For example, the ability to see a transparent tariff setting system. The application notes how the cost of a trip is calculated based on its range. This is intended to put an end to the unreasonably high price. In the case of using Uber, the customer's phone will show how much he will approximately have to pay in advance.
Positive feedback
All of these things definitely make Uber more convenient and profitablein many ways. Due to this, again, the service began to rapidly gain popularity in many countries. Now, according to the information on the official website, it works all over the world, which makes traveling with private carriers cheaper and more comfortable.
Of course, there is also Uber in Russia. Moscow, with all its traffic jams, obviously needs a service that could reduce the number of cars on the roads. True, it is more likely that users of the service will not fundamentally refuse cars for the reason that even this service has not only positive, but also negative reviews. We will talk about them in this article, including.

Payment Reviews
Since Uber rates are formed using a mobile application, respectively, and payment here is carried out in the same way - virtually. Clients of this service do not pay directly in cash for transportation services - all money is debited automatically from the user's credit card. This has its own plus - you should not think about whether you have enough cash to pay for the road; no additional field is created for price manipulation by drivers; Uber now has the ability to track how much a customer has paid and how much the driver should earn.
Such a system, of course, brings positive feedback for Uber. And customers like the opportunity to pay in a non-cash form using cards.
But there is another reality - the human factor, whichalso cannot be discarded. An example of how it can spoil the impression of the service is the feedback from customers whose drivers did not turn off the “meter” of kilometers on time. Accordingly, the system counted astronomical amounts that were debited from the client's card. This happens, for example, if the driver does not indicate that the passenger has left and the trip has been completed - the statistics continue to collect data on where the car is going and, for this reason, instead of 300 rubles, it can count all 3000. At least a few such reviews to us I managed to find it on the Uber website (Petersburg). The solution is quite simple - make sure, when the car stopped, that the driver marked your trip as finished, and the billing was suspended.
As for what the tariffs are in Uber, you can find out on the company's official website by simply indicating the city that interests you. As noted in the official information, the cost of the trip is estimated taking into account the prices in your city and, of course, the duration of the trip itself.
Trip Reviews

The route calculated by Uber may also be different from the actual route your taxi driver took. At least, and this can be found if you read reviews about Uber.
Taxi is always an opportunity for knowledgeable drivers to “cheat” a little more due to a longer journey. This is normal, because it is difficult to reproach him for the fact that the road was really longer than necessary. The taxi driver may object that there was a threat on the alternative route to get intotraffic jams, so he decided not to risk it. Uber has the same flaw.
The application independently calculates the duration of the route you would like to follow, after which it provides information about the duration of the trip and, most importantly, about its cost. Based on this data, the client knows the approximate cost of calling a taxi, understanding how much he will have to pay.
But there are situations when everything happens according to a different scenario. The reviews have a lot of information about it. Instead of the route stated in the application, the taxi driver takes his client along a longer route. Due to this, of course, more time is lost for the trip and, most importantly, the amount that the client will have to pay increases.
There are situations when a driver may deliberately drive longer distances in order to "roll" extra miles. And it also happens that the taxi driver sincerely does not know the route, so he is guided exclusively by the navigator on his mobile phone. Maps do not always take into account the actual situation on the roads (repairs, traffic jams, the ability to “cut off” the distance, take a shorter route that is not on the maps, and similar moments), so such a driver will not take you as quickly as possible. Again, there may be dissatisfaction on the part of the customer with how he was taken and how much time it ultimately took to travel.
Transport Reviews
Cars that are available for order in the service also deserve special attention. As already noted, Uber initially allowed only those cars that meta number of criteria. In particular, it was the belonging of the model to a certain class. That is, you will not find the classic Zhiguli here, even the economy version is a well-groomed foreign car, the interior of which must be put in order and look proper.
Most of the reviews that we managed to find on various resources on the Internet indicate that good cars are used in the service - most often it is really a foreign executive class car, which is more pleasant to drive than the usual Daewoo Lanos. On the other hand, there are also negative reviews regarding transport. They talk about the fact that it does not always matter which car you drive - Mercedes-Benz S500 or Renault Laguna. More important is the fare, and it will clearly be lower in the case of a Renault than if you drive a German premium foreign car.

In addition, some users even complained about the transport they had to go after ordering through Uber. In particular, we were able to find the characteristics of people who noted that the car, despite its premium brand, was clearly shabby on the inside, which indicated that the driver had been working as a taxi driver for a long time. Paying more for riding in an old Mercedes is not considered appropriate by many customers. You can parry this statement from a security standpoint. Yes, it’s cheaper to drive old Zhiguli, but in any force majeure situations on the road, you must agree, it’s better to be in a Mercedes. Perhaps this was the main motive of the creators of the service when the requirement for the class was created.auto.
Reviews about taxi drivers
I would also like to talk about drivers who can get caught in the service. Of course, most often taxi drivers who come across when ordering a car correspond to all those stereotypes that can be found in jokes. These are people who, by the nature of their work, like to talk to customers. Therefore, it is quite normal if the driver starts to start a conversation with you. Anyway, you see each other for the first and last time, so you can safely share your personal problems and experiences, especially since psychologists have proven that this helps to feel better. Therefore, if you order a car through Uber, get ready for the fact that this service is no different from other companies in this matter.
On the other hand, some points, as evidenced by the reviews, may go beyond the norm. For example, drunk drivers. If we are talking about traditional taxi services, then they have a clear control of the state in which a person gets behind the wheel. In addition, there are bosses who, without any doubt, will fire a person who drinks at work (and even while driving a car).
Uber is a little different. There is no boss, but there is only a rating system and the ability to complain about a taxi driver. Yes, the client can complain after the service has been rendered, and the driver will most likely be given a negative rating, due to which he will not be able to continue working. But it is very difficult to prevent a situation where a drunk taxi driver takes his order through this service. Yes, and no licenses to carry out suchthere are no activities like passenger transportation in this service.

Grading system
We have already said that drivers are assigned a kind of rating. The more they work and take nightly orders, the faster it grows. Again, if the client leaves a positive assessment of the services rendered to him, the taxi driver receives an increase in that same rating.
The same applies to passengers. Each client has his own “reputation”, which is based on the adequacy of his behavior. Such a rating system is visible to taxi drivers who take an order. They see not only the cost of transportation, but also what kind of person they will come across. Plus, such a system allows you to “screen out” those who order a taxi, but do not arrive at the call - the numbers of such users fall into the “black list”.
Uber problems
There are a lot of mixed opinions about the service. Someone argues that such a model cannot take root in Russia, and there are many reasons for this. If the idea of a startup appeared somewhere in San Francisco, where there was a problem - there were people who wanted to carry out transportation on their transport and, accordingly, those who needed taxi services; then in our country there are also a lot of other people. For example, these are taxi drivers who insistently require customers to leave them tips in the form of cash. Or, say, customers who leave a negative review “just because”, for the reason that they paid not 100 rubles, as they wanted, but 200. Another example is the drivers already mentioned above, artificially “rolling” additional kilometers.
ThatUber has troubles in the form of which model is presented as the main one and how it is implemented in our country. And for sure the service has a lot of similar local problems in every country. All this depends on the mentality of people, on their customs, habits and culture.
Worth using

If you've read all these customer reviews of Uber and still haven't decided whether or not to use it, we have good news for you. For people who first used the services of the service, a free ride is available in Uber. It can also be called a trial, because its purpose is to enable a potential client to evaluate how convenient and comfortable it is to use the service, how easy it is to order a car to where you need it and how cheap it all can be.
So, if the reviews didn't clear things up for you, our advice is to just try it. Install the application, figure out how it works. And the next time you want to call a taxi - try the Uber service. Perhaps you will really like the mechanism of the application - to track the movement of a taxi driver, no need to dictate the address and pay in cash. If all this is to your liking, then why not? In the end, this service in the shortest period of time has become extremely popular around the world. There is a possibility that you will have some minor problems such as a taxi driver asking for a tip or not being clean enough. On the other hand, there are ratings that you can put onend of the trip. Or maybe you are lucky - and your trip will be just fine.
In general, the Uber concept has a right to exist. Perhaps in Russia it will develop only a little later, but we are sure that it will happen. And if not this one, then some other service for calling a taxi using applications will make a real boom in the transportation market, and at the same time in the field of employment.
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