Black-fire rabbit: description of the breed, features of care and maintenance, photo

Black-fire rabbit: description of the breed, features of care and maintenance, photo
Black-fire rabbit: description of the breed, features of care and maintenance, photo

Black-fire rabbit is an interesting breed, famous for its unique characteristics and use in the meat and skin direction. This breed is able to bring good profit to any farm. During its existence, it has not changed much and is successfully grown in different countries of the world.

Rex rabbit black fire
Rex rabbit black fire

History of the breed

The black-fire rabbit was first mentioned in 1880 in England.

When it was created, wild animal species from local areas were taken as the basis. They were crossed with Belgian rabbits and giants: silver, Dutch. As a result of selection work, a new medium-sized breed was obtained.

In domestic rabbit breeding, such an appearance was not immediately accepted, so only enthusiasts were engaged in preserving the exterior. They worked to adapt the breed to climatic conditions.


The breed of the black-fire rabbit is characterized by an average weight of about 3.5 kg. As well as the original color, calm disposition. They are often keptas pets. Animals differ from other similar ones in that they quickly become attached to a person, they are tame. Although their main purpose is valuable fur.

The color of the black-fire rabbit combines bright yellow-red and coal tones. The lower part of the abdomen is colored yellow-red, and the upper one is black. A bright fiery stripe passes at the junctions of the colors.

In Europe, according to the standard, not only contrasting black is allowed, but also blue, brown, squirrel. According to the standard, an adult should not weigh more than 3.3 kg, but not less than 2 kg. On average, rabbits weigh about 2.8 kg.

Due to the color, the body of the animal seems pampered, but this is only at first glance. He has a straight rounded back, strong legs, pronounced chest. The head is graceful, in harmony with the body and straight ears. The eyes are brown.

Breed black fire rabbit
Breed black fire rabbit


The reasons for culling rabbits are:

  • white spots of gray fur;
  • body too tight;
  • overweight, out of standard;
  • pale coloration, no pronounced contrast;
  • skeletal curvature;
  • lack of fur shine;
  • bald spots;
  • friable wool, uneven density.

You should pay attention to these features in order not to sell too cheap.

Unusualness of the breed

For animals of this breed is characterized by high activity. To keep them, you need a large cage with the possibility of walking. Rabbits differ from other breeds in thatthat they are tame, and unusual color options allow you to find a pet among individuals that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Within the breed there are individuals with a black-fire color, there can also be an agouti color, a monochromatic variant.

Rabbits black fire and tan
Rabbits black fire and tan


The Black-Fire Rabbit Rex is picky about the conditions of detention. This animal needs large cages. The breed is highly active, pets need a place to move.

Individuals grown in Russia tolerate cold well. The fur is better in those animals that are raised in open pens.

When breeding rabbits, it should be borne in mind that their paws are easily injured. Therefore, cages with mesh floors are not suitable for them - they must be solid, without gaps.

Rabbits require certain care rules:

  1. The room in which animals are kept must be clean and dry. The bedding is changed regularly. Regular cleaning helps keep the valuable pelt clean.
  2. Proper nutrition. Animals need nutritious nutrition to ensure a he althy appearance and beautiful fur.
  3. Rabbits should have constant access to clean water.
  4. Keep animals protected from drafts.

The black-fire rabbit shown in the photo has good immunity. But even this does not mean that he does not need to be vaccinated.


Representatives of the breed are distinguished by increasedherbivory. Rabbits prefer fresh grass to any feed. In the summer, fruits and vegetables are introduced into the diet. In winter, the menu should include hay, mixers, silage, brooms. The latter are ideal for dental hygiene.

Ready factory feed mixtures have a good effect on the condition of the fur. They can be made independently, according to the needs of the animal's body.

The diet should contain minerals, vitamins, animal protein sources.

Rabbits black fire and tan
Rabbits black fire and tan


Black-fire rabbits with tan and not only are not fertile. What affects their value.

Rabbits are suitable for mating from the age of six months, and female rabbits from the age of five months. The period of puberty in females is pronounced. She begins to aggressively dig the litter, bite, drags hay in her teeth, building a nest, and plucks fluff from her chest. If it is not possible to observe the behavior, then puberty is determined by examining the genital organs. When the rabbit "comes into the hunt", her loop will change - it will become red, swollen. At this moment, she is placed next to the rabbit. The mating process must be supervised. This is due to the fact that rabbits are selective in choosing partners.

After mating, in 28-32 days, black and red babies will be born. The female is able to feed up to seven rabbits.

rabbit tan
rabbit tan


Rabbits are often exposed to various diseases. Most often, eared suffer from such ailments as:

  1. Listeriosis. It's a bacterial infectionwhich affects the animal's liver.
  2. Mycoplasmosis. The disease is carried by mosquitoes. The entire population of rabbits can become infected in a matter of days. In the early stages, the disease is treated.
  3. Hemorrhagic disease.
  4. Conjunctivitis. Manifested by the appearance of purulent contents near the eyes.

Other rabbit diseases include:

  1. Failure of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Infection with scabies. Pathology is manifested by the appearance of bald spots, hair loss.

Livestock can die when infected with infestations. Parasites penetrate not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also affect the lungs and heart.

To avoid the disease of rabbits, it is necessary to carry out prevention. To do this, the premises where the animals are kept are kept clean. All livestock are regularly inspected, and if sick animals are identified, they are isolated. Cells need to be disinfected periodically. It is mandatory to vaccinate, monitor the quality of feed.

If all requirements for keeping conditions are met, animals will not get sick.
