Mechanical assembly worker: features of the profession

Mechanical assembly worker: features of the profession
Mechanical assembly worker: features of the profession

A mechanical assembly fitter is a specialist who has certain knowledge in the field of manufacturing parts and assembling mechanisms. He must have certain personal and professional qualities that will ensure the maximum quality of the product made by him.

What knowledge should the presented specialist have?

So now let's figure out what a mechanical assembly fitter needs to know:

  • mechanical assembly fitter
    mechanical assembly fitter

    conditions and rules for assembling mechanisms, their structure and functionality;

  • mechanical and chemical properties of the materials he works with;
  • the result of the influence of various conditions on metals (heating, melting, welding, cooling);
  • system of landings and tolerances;
  • features of using and sharpening tools;
  • rules for making welded and riveted seams, as well as features for ensuring maximum joint strength;
  • a way of marking various kinds of details;
  • use and application features of various solders, fluxes, pastes and mordants;
  • functionality of various measuring devices that can be useful inwork.

What should a professional do? What grid of ranks does this specialist have?

A mechanical assembly fitter does not only assemble products, but also adjusts the dimensions of parts. After connecting them into a single structure, he must check the quality of work and the strength of the product. If there are any defects in the mechanism, this specialist eliminates them. As for the structures with which the locksmith interacts, these are: machine tools, cars, complex and unique units, industrial equipment.

mechanical assembly fitter ranks
mechanical assembly fitter ranks

A mechanical assembly fitter performs threading on parts, welding and riveting, preparation of various blanks from sheet steel and metal rods. The activity of the represented specialist is connected with grinding, drilling, milling and other machines. In addition to welding, he uses cold and hot soldering, glue, and some other types of fastening parts in his work. This specialist can also install pipelines, unique test benches. In addition, he can perform many other tasks related to fitting, manufacturing and assembling parts into a single mechanism.

As for the level of qualification, it depends on where the specialist received his education and what practical skills a mechanical assembly worker has. The ranks are determined by the complexity of the operations that it performs. A specialist receives a qualification by decision of a special commission. Tariff scale includes 5digits (from 2nd to 6th). Each of them has its own list of works.

mechanic assembly work duties
mechanic assembly work duties

What are the responsibilities of a specialist?

Basically, they are what the presented professional does. That is, he must not only be able to fully assemble various mechanisms (stands, machine tools, vehicles), but also know how to properly manufacture and process the necessary parts. He must be able to work with metals and other materials with which they are connected.

A mechanical assembly fitter, whose duties include knowledge of safety regulations when working on various machines, must be able to make certain calculations, draw diagrams of parts. He also conducts testing and elimination of flaws in the assembled mechanisms.
