Insurance: customer reviews, conditions, features

Insurance: customer reviews, conditions, features
Insurance: customer reviews, conditions, features

It is impossible to protect yourself and your family members from misfortune, but citizens can reduce financial losses in case of full or partial disability. Insurance, or protection of financial interests, has long been one of the most popular products in the service market. Banks and insurance companies offer to protect everything that is of value, from life and he alth to interior items. Reviews about insurance are different: not all customers believe in the validity of the insurance policy. Is it worth buying a policy and what is it?

Insurance Features

Thinking about whether insurance is needed or not, first of all, clients think about the financial part of the transaction. The main reason why citizens insure themselves, their families, property and interests is a large compensation from the insurance company in the event of an insured event.

But not everyone is aware that the purchase of a policy is not a 100% guarantee of reimbursement. Reviews about insurance partially confirm the fears of citizens about an unnecessary purchase.

insurance reviews
insurance reviews

In order not to spend money to protect whatwhat is not at risk should be prioritized. In this case, the effect of having an insurance policy will be maximum.

Insurance options in modern conditions allow you to purchase a policy online, choose only the protection options you need and buy insurance for those who are dear (as a gift).

What guarantees a policy?

Insurance is a chance to receive compensation as a result of an insured event. But the chances of paying out differ depending on the type of protection, the amount of the policy, the insurer and individual conditions.

Having a policy guarantees that the insured person can apply for reimbursement to the company. Based on the results of the investigation, the beneficiary may be reimbursed within the limits of the insurance coverage.

Popularity of insurance policies

According to insurance reviews, the largest number of requests comes from vehicle owners. OSAGO policies in Russia are mandatory for everyone who owns a car. The number of accidents confirms the need to protect the interests of motorists on the roads.

Casco insurance reviews
Casco insurance reviews

The second most popular policy is the protection of life and he alth. Customers can purchase insurance in the process of obtaining a consumer loan. In this case, he protects the interests of the borrower and his relatives in the event of the death of the client or the loss of legal capacity. The purchase of a policy outside the loan agreement provides for compensation, including in case of injury (for example, a fracture).

Third place among popularinsurance cover Casco policies. A feature of protection is the payment of a large financial compensation to the owner of the car. The cost of hull insurance is 70-400% higher than buying OSAGO.

During the summer and New Year holidays, Russians actively acquire insurance coverage for travelers. It allows you to protect the interests of those who have a rest in Russia or abroad.

Reviews about OSAGO, insurance conditions

Millions of Russians who drive every day, once a year are forced to apply to the insurer for an extension of the OSAGO policy. According to reviews, since 2017 OSAGO insurance can be issued via the Internet.

OSAGO insurance reviews
OSAGO insurance reviews

To buy compulsory insurance, the owner of the vehicle must provide a passport, driver's license, car registration certificate and a diagnostic card. When renewing OSAGO in the same insurance company, it is recommended to take the old policy.

In the reviews about the service, drivers do not always speak positively about the registration of OSAGO. Renewal of the policy in the offices of insurance companies takes an average of at least 1.5 hours, taking into account the waiting and verification of documents. Online registration is much more profitable and faster: you can buy OSAGO via the Internet within 15 minutes.

The percentage of payments in case of an accident depends on the company. The firms "Rosgosstrakh", "Sogaz" and "VSK" enjoy the greatest confidence among citizens.

Terms of Casco purchase, customer reviews

Casco, unlike compulsory insurance, is not always purchased by drivers. The main reason is the highpolicy cost. Not all motorists are ready to pay from 30 to 150 thousand rubles for car protection for a year.

Casco has an advantage over OSAGO, as it implies the payment of compensation to the policyholder. The client himself chooses which risks to include in the contract, thereby adjusting its cost.

The presence of a deductible from 0 to 15% allows you to reduce the amount of insurance and the amount of compensation. The option is suitable for those who want to protect the car from damage, but are not ready to pay large sums for hull insurance.

insurance reviews
insurance reviews

Reviews about Casco insurance depend on the reputation of the insurer. Clients are more responsible when choosing an organization than when insuring OSAGO, since the cost of the insurance premium is 2-4 times higher.

Customers advise extending Casco only in the same insurance company. This will save up to 50% of the cost. Completed with OSAGO, insurance will cost even less: the insurer will reduce the commission by another 10-15%.

Life insurance when applying for a loan

Life and he alth insurance when applying for a consumer loan is an additional cost for borrowers. Therefore, every 3rd client in the bank wants to refuse the service.

An additional risk when applying for a loan is its hereditary trait: in the event of the death of the borrower, the obligations are transferred to his relatives.

Reviews on the protection of life and he alth

Life insurance reviews written by customers who have received a refund make you seriously consider buying. Despite the bigcost (the average price in the bank is 45,990 rubles), insurance can protect the interests of the family.

Russians have the greatest confidence in Sberbank Insurance, reviews of which are available on banking forums. Clients take out insurance on Sberbank loans at 2.9% per annum. It protects the family and the borrower from financial obligations in the event of an insured event. The percentage of payments from Sberbank Insurance is high, besides, the largest bank in the country has a good reputation.

According to reviews, insurance is not always able to protect the client's relatives from having to pay off the debts of another person. Immediately after the occurrence of the insured event, the beneficiaries must contact the insurance company. If the application is approved, the relatives will be released from the need to pay off other people's debts.

Traveller protection: reviews, features

Travel, in addition to pleasant emotions, can carry a risk not only for life, but also for the wallet. Customers can protect themselves when traveling in Russia or abroad with the help of a travel protection policy.

travel insurance reviews
travel insurance reviews

According to reviews, travel insurance is especially popular with buyers who are going to exotic countries. Thailand, China, the Caribbean Islands attract with their color. But not everyone likes the local cuisine or customs. Poisoning, injury and robbery - that's what all travelers abroad are afraid of.

To protect the interests of those who decide to rest, a travel protection policy can. check it outcustomers can in the bank or insurance company. The cost of insurance depends on the number of included risks.

The average price of insurance is 4990 rubles. It is issued for a certain period, for example, 2 months. A feature of protection is a very high percentage of payments: more than 97% of insurers' applications are paid.

insurance reviews
insurance reviews

Customers can arrange protection for themselves and the whole family. The most common risks are injury, death, disability, theft and robbery. To get maximum protection, the policyholder can purchase a policy with a high cost. The amount of insurance coverage for insurance for 14,990 rubles or more reaches 2-4 million rubles.
