Rating of insurance companies in Russia: an overview of companies, working conditions, customer reviews

Rating of insurance companies in Russia: an overview of companies, working conditions, customer reviews
Rating of insurance companies in Russia: an overview of companies, working conditions, customer reviews

The current economic situation in Russia requires organizations and citizens to take care of the safety of their property. Consider the largest insurance companies in Russia, the rating, as well as the benefits they provide.

Reliability criteria

The structure of the company's insurance portfolio, its financial condition - these are the two main factors. It is they who determine the solvency. The rating of insurance companies in Russia is based on the same principle - each organization is assigned a number on the reliability scale. For example:

  1. A++ - high level of reliability. This means that the insurance company pays its obligations in full, even with market fluctuations. There are varieties of A-ratings - AA, AAA - this indicates stability at the international level.
  2. В++ - medium level of reliability. In this case, the company makes guaranteed payments only if the market is stable at the maturity date of the obligation.
  3. С++ - low level, at which the insurance organization cannot even fulfilltheir current obligations.
  4. E - license revocation.
Insurance consulting
Insurance consulting

The largest in the market

The rating of Russian insurance companies is as follows:

  1. SOGAZ. The insurance group has been operating in Russia since 1993. Leading international experts have confirmed the high reliability and solvency of this company.
  2. SPAO Ingosstrakh. This company has existed on the market since 1947. Initially, the insurance company was part of the USSR Ministry of Finance, later acquired the status of an independent legal entity. Belongs to the backbone insurance organizations - participates in the control of the insurance market and carries out operations in the international financial market.
  3. "VTB-Insurance" is a large insurance company operating since 2000, the current name has been in use since 2008. It is a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, has an A++ rating.
  4. "Sberbank Insurance" is a subsidiary of Sberbank, operating on the market since 2014. The reliability of the company is assessed by international agencies at the AA+ level, and the forecasts for further development are classified as financially favorable.
  5. "AlfaStrakhovanie" - the authoritative edition of Forbes estimates this company as the largest on the market in Russia. Founded in 1992, part of the Alfa Group consortium.
Discussion of the terms of the life insurance contract
Discussion of the terms of the life insurance contract

The rating of insurance companies in Russia may change depending ondepending on the volume of the financial portfolio and the universality of the services provided. When deciding on the choice of organization, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with the current tariffs and the conditions provided by each of them.

Tariff spread

The rating of the largest insurance companies in Russia contains a list of names of organizations, the difference in prices for services of which can vary up to 20%. This is due to the fact that there is an approved tariff corridor within which a particular company can set tariffs.

Regardless of the status of the company, it is important to remember that additional services that the manager offers to include in the policy can be waived.

Determining the choice of insurance will help the study of information about the duration of the company's work in the Russian market.

Favorable insurance conditions
Favorable insurance conditions

Favorable conditions for OSAGO

Before proceeding to the analysis of the rating of Russian insurance companies in terms of motor third party liability, it should be mentioned that the basic rates for OSAGO have increased since January 9 of this year. This is important to consider! More precisely, the corridor within which insurers can set tariffs has changed. Practice shows that within the price corridor, insurance organizations are guided by the upper limit. For passenger cars, the price corridor will range from 3,432 to 4,118 rubles.

The rating of insurance companies in Russia, in which OSAGO is provided on favorable terms, we will consider further.

1. "RESO-guarantee"

Stablethe Russian company offers uncontested compensation for the damage caused to the vehicle. The convenience is that in the event of an insured event, you will need to contact your insurance company. On the day of the accident, an independent examination is carried out, and an examination of internal damage is scheduled within a few days.

Customer feedback confirms that "RESO-guarantee" makes payments on time and in the stated amount. Motorists warn that it is necessary to contact the office of the company, do not respond to the statements of lawyers who invariably catch the client by the hand near the insurance office and offer intermediary services. Such "lawyers" most often have nothing to do with insurance, in addition, company managers draw up all the necessary documents quickly and efficiently.

Closing an insurance deal
Closing an insurance deal

2. SPAO "Ingosstrakh"

You can issue a policy in your personal account on the official website of the company, as well as extend the current one - everything is done for the convenience of customers.

Clients of this organization, who have repeatedly encountered a situation where compensation for damage caused to a car is required, recommend issuing OSAGO, but do not recommend comprehensive insurance, and here's why: in the case of OSAGO, payments are made to a bank card in a short time. Naturally, this happens on the condition that the client applied to the insurance company on time and provided a complete package of documents. On the net, you can find a positive review of an elderly client who said that he brought the Europrotocol with corrections, sincesuffers from myopia and had difficulty filling out paperwork. The protocol was accepted, and the amount of payment exceeded even the value expected by the applicant.

However, many had problems with Casco - for example, there was damage to the windshield. Only the glass was replaced in the car service, and the sealing gum remained the same, respectively, it failed right during the movement. The representative of the repair organization reasonably objected to the client that only glass was listed in the direction from Ingosstrakh. To avoid such unpleasant moments, you need to carefully study the terms of the Casco agreement.

3. VSK Insurance House

It is possible to issue a policy both at the company's office and online. The site interface is convenient and allows you to go through all the tabs quickly and without comment. The only negative noted in the reviews of the clients of the insurance house is the inability to issue an OSAGO policy online until at least one additional option is selected (which, of course, is paid in excess of the cost of the policy).

When applying for insurance, it is important to immediately decide whether the payment will be made in monetary terms, or the insured will receive a referral to repair his car. At the same time, if the client agrees to a monetary refund, then it is immediately stipulated that he will not have any claims to the amount of payment.

Accordingly, if the repair of the vehicle, the conditions of which will be indicated in the direction from the insurer, does not allow to eliminate all the damage, then the car service will expose the difference to the car owner.

Life insurance is an investment infuture

The rating of life insurance companies in Russia is opened by Sberbank-Insurance, in second place is Renaissance Life, in third place is Alfa Insurance Life. The fourth and fifth are occupied by "Rosgosstrakh Life" and "Consent Vita" respectively.

Familiarization with the insurance contract
Familiarization with the insurance contract

Cumulative life insurance is becoming increasingly popular in the Russian market. And demand, as you know, creates supply. The list of rating of insurance companies in Russia presents several of them to choose from. Which is very convenient. In fact, life insurance conditions in all organizations are approximately the same. Most often, UA is issued in banks - at the suggestion of a consultant manager. Customer feedback boils down to the fact that this type of insurance requires careful study. People who agreed to sign an agreement when applying for a bank card later regretted their decision.

HOA is a long-term investment, so it is especially important to understand all the nuances of such a transaction.

Life and he alth insurance
Life and he alth insurance

Central Bank Rating

Insurance organizations are ranked not only by the size of the insurance portfolio and the ability to cover current liabilities, but also by the amount of insurance premium received from customers. This is the sum of all payments that policyholders made to the company's account during the reporting period.

Now let's get to the fun part. The rating of insurance companies of the Bank of Russia is headed by Sberbank Life Insurance. Next come "SOGAZ" andAlfaStrakhovanie, VTB Insurance and RESO-Garantiya.

Foreign companies

When choosing an organization for long-term investment, many opt for those with foreign capital. The list of international insurance companies in Russia with a high financial strength rating is presented below:

  • Allianz, Germany;
  • Zurich Financial Services based in Switzerland;
  • Aviva, UK;
  • AXA Group, France;
  • China Life Insurance, China.
Pros and cons of foreign insurance companies
Pros and cons of foreign insurance companies

The reliability of foreign insurers has a downside - double taxation and minimal risk coverage. Make an informed decision when choosing an insurance company by studying the terms of the contract yourself.