Green fodder: classification, characteristics, growing features and harvesting

Green fodder: classification, characteristics, growing features and harvesting
Green fodder: classification, characteristics, growing features and harvesting

Zootechnical classification divides all food into the following types: coarse, concentrated, juicy, green food. The main advantage of any kind is nutrition. It can be increased in many ways. For example, when harvesting herbs, after processing with various methods, their nutritional value increases.

Each type of feed has its advantages and disadvantages, features of harvesting. The easiest way to get green food, as they include the entire ground part of plants - shoots, leaves. This group includes meadow grasses, pastures, legumes, cereals, hydroponic fodder, tops of root crops.

Growing green fodder
Growing green fodder

Food benefits

Fresh herbs are an excellent source of readily available nutrients for all animals, birds. Green foods can be used for five months or more. By their composition, they are distinguished by a high water content: approximately 60% of the composition is water.

Grasses contain crude protein - about 15%, fat - 5%, fiber - 11%, and the rest isash, BEV. Natural meadow grass contains about 5% protein, 1% fat, and about 8% fiber. When animals eat such feeds, the percentage of digestibility is about 70%, and the protein is absorbed by 80%.

Young grasses are high in energy and protein. Because of this feature, green fodder is equal to concentrates, but surpasses them in value. Grass is especially valuable as a source of carotene.

Cereal crops during the heading phase contain about 200 milligrams of carotene per kilogram of dry matter, while in legumes this figure is 100 milligrams higher. In the later periods of the vegetative development of the plant, the concentration decreases.

Green forage species
Green forage species

Getting Feed

Most of the green fodder animals get from pastures and meadows. The following types of grasses have good fodder qualities:

  • bluegrass;
  • fescue;
  • bonfire awnless;
  • foxtail;
  • timothy;
  • clover;
  • rank;
  • alfalfa;
  • peas.

Use of pastures

In animal husbandry, it is important to correctly assess the load on the pasture, determining its productivity and the optimal number of animals that it can feed. Usually, the yield is determined by the mowing method, and the load is determined by the number of livestock and yield. On average, one cow needs half a hectare of pasture land. With a free livestock system, the stock of herbs is not used rationally: about half is lost, as animals eatthe most delicious and nutritious plants, while others trample.

To prevent this, it is rational to use a corral-portion feeding system. It involves the breakdown of pasture into paddocks. They alternately feed green fodder to animals. In those areas that have already given up their resources, it is possible to carry out agrotechnical work.

Green food for animals
Green food for animals

Uninterrupted feed supply

With the pen-and-portion animal feeding system, a green conveyor can be organized that can constantly provide herbs from early spring to late autumn. Usually, with this method, the following types of green fodder are grown:

  • corn;
  • oats;
  • rye;
  • alfalfa;
  • clover;
  • peas;
  • lupine;
  • melilot;
  • vetch-oatmeal;
  • rapeseed;
  • viku.

To organize a green conveyor, plants with different maturation periods are used. Plants are sown in different periods, starting from early spring. Thus, the animals regularly receive the right amount of green mass.

When developing a conveyor, it is necessary to calculate the feed consumed by one animal per day. Approximate scheme of planting and harvesting:

  1. At the end of April, sowing is carried out, planting rapeseed, rye.
  2. Alfalfa is sown at the end of May.
  3. At the end of June, a mixture of cereals, legumes and oats is sown.
  4. In early September, the mixture of cereals and legumes is harvested.
  5. In October, mowing of corn and pea crops, perennialherbs.
  6. Green feed
    Green feed

Grass in the diet of poultry and animals

The nutritional value of green fodder allows it to be used for all kinds of animals, as well as for birds. Chickens, geese, turkeys and other poultry happily eat fresh grass. After all, it contains many vitamins, trace elements, nutrients necessary for the normal growth and development of birds. Because of this, many poultry farmers have been actively harvesting herbs for their farm since June. Herbs are dried for chickens, and brooms are made to feed goats.

Nettle and other herbs

In June, nettles are usually harvested, which is not only fed fresh, but also dried for the winter. At the beginning of summer, amaranth is harvested - grass is considered a malicious weed by gardeners, but animals eat it with great appetite. When weeding, all the grass is given to the birds. Clover, quinoa and other herbs are quickly eaten. But with green feed for rabbits you have to work hard. These animals are demanding and very fastidious in their diet. For them, many types of grass eaten by chickens are dangerous.

green feed nutritional value
green feed nutritional value

Food for rabbits and small cattle

Young tree leaves, tender shoots are important for rabbits and small cattle. In June, they usually harvest green fodder in the form of brooms. They supplement the diet of animals kept in the farmstead. When dried, brooms are an excellent source of vitamins and other nutrients not only for young animals, but also for adults.

In June, mostwild herbs begin to bloom. During this period, hay is harvested. If you delay and miss the time, then from overripe grasses you will get low-quality hay with low nutritional value.

For feeding, not only wild herbs are used, but also those obtained by agrotechnical methods.

Forage plants

The energy value of fodder cereals is high - about 0.25 ECU per kilogram of herbs, dry protein content - 25 grams. All types of green foods, namely cereals, are a source of easily digestible carbohydrates.

At different times, different types of plants are introduced into the diet of animals:

  1. Winter rye. It is included in the feed from the end of April. As green fodder, it is used in the phase from exiting the pipe to the moment of heading. This crop is deficient in amino acids, but due to its high sugar content, it provides an ideal use of nitrogen-containing substances in the diet of ruminants.
  2. Winter wheat. It develops half a month later than winter rye. Ruminants eat the green mass of feed with great appetite.
  3. Oats. This is a late-ripening crop that is cut for forage in the same way as rye. Oats have a tender stalk, which makes the animals willing to eat them.
  4. Timothy grass meadow. It is a very common fodder crop. Usually it is sown with clover. When growing this herb, forage can be harvested up to five times per season. This green food contains 3% crude protein, 12% fiber, 1.3% calcium.
  5. Meadow fescue. Considered valuablea plant that can survive in herbage for up to six years. This culture is readily eaten by all kinds of animals and birds. Crude protein in fescue 3.3%, fiber - 10%.
  6. Wheatgrass is the most common weed. It is usually sown in water meadows. The plant has a stimulating effect on the digestive system, which is why even cats and dogs eat it. Wheatgrass contains crude protein - 5.5%, fiber - 11%. It also has many other useful elements.
  7. Forage harvesting
    Forage harvesting
  8. Bean herbs. This type of herb is considered the most popular. Due to the nutrients contained in legumes, it is recommended to introduce at least 50% of herbs of this particular type. So, with the right diet, legumes help prevent the development of rickets in calves, goats, sheep.
  9. Alfalfa. It is not only useful, but also a high-yielding herb. It is useful not only for cattle, ISS, but also for birds. This type of green feed is perfect for pigs. Alfalfa contains a lot of protein, calcium, but little phosphorus.
  10. Clover. This plant is used not only in the creation of green conveyors, but also in hayfields, as an improvement in natural fodder lands. Clover is good for feeding pigs, and can also serve as the main type of green fodder for horses, ruminants.
  11. Soya. This plant is considered the most leafy. In the early stages of the growing season, about 80% of the foliage goes into the diet of animals, and in the later stages - about 60%, which is a fairly high figure. Soy contains 5% crude protein,fiber 6, 5%, etc. The useful elements included in the composition are perfectly absorbed and digested.
  12. Peas. It can be sown both in pure form and in mixtures with other plants. Silage, haylage are usually prepared from peas, they are used fresh. In the early stages of development, the plant contains a lot of protein - about 4%, carbohydrates, but there is little fiber in it - no more than 3%.

Growing and harvesting different plants

Knowing the characteristics of green fodder, you can properly organize the nutrition of animals that are not free-raised. There should be a variety of herbs on the menu. It is useful for animals to give lupins. This plant is grown in pastures. In terms of chemical composition, the plant is close to legumes, but has a high sugar content, especially at different stages of vegetation. Lupine contains up to 4.5% protein, 6% fiber, but there is little phosphorus and calcium. The plant contains alkaloids that can cause paralysis of the nervous system and damage the liver. Because of this, the herb is given in small quantities.

Good sweet clover. In its composition, it is not inferior to legumes. In the first year of cultivation, the plant is well eaten by animals. During the period of budding and flowering, the grass contains up to 7% fiber, 4% protein. Grass briquettes, flour, hay are made from sweet clover.

Characteristics of green fodder
Characteristics of green fodder


Among the new green animal feeds, perko is distinguished. It is a fodder crop obtained by crossing Chinese cabbage and winter rapeseed. The plant is mowed before flowering, when it is no more than 60 cm high. Perco is suitable for making silage. Hay from this culture is not obtained. Pergo is perfectly eaten fresh by animals without any additional processing.

Knowing which plants are suitable for feeding animals, and what their main composition is, you can easily form the right diet, while saving on other feeds and concentrates.
