Design. Credit card without annual service

Design. Credit card without annual service
Design. Credit card without annual service

Credit cards have become quite a convenient tool for managing money. They are rightfully considered the type of loan that is easy to get and convenient to repay. Despite the wide choice, the most popular credit card is without annual maintenance, which will be discussed later in the article.

Key Benefits

Trying to retain regular customers and attract new ones, many banks are developing new conditions for servicing credit cards. The most important advantage in this case is the interest-free period of using the funds. It is different for all banks, but such an opportunity gives the borrower the right not to think about financial problems for some time.

credit card no annual fee
credit card no annual fee

A credit card without an annual service fee is becoming more and more relevant, although when concluding an agreement, a bank client needs to be especially careful.

Firstly, such a card can have a highinterest rate outside the interest-free period. Secondly, free service can only last for the first year after receiving the card. And thirdly, there may be a high percentage for cash withdrawals, conversions, etc.


A credit card without annual service, unlike the others, may have a minimum set of options. In other words, it is given to get acquainted with the bank. Most likely, after the expiration of the validity period, such a card will be transferred to annual service with a wide range of options.

credit card with no annual fee
credit card with no annual fee

A no-maintenance card is often an advertising campaign for a bank to attract new customers, so you should figure out how profitable it is for you to use it:

  • The average amount of annual credit card maintenance is from 750 rubles. up to 3,000 rubles, depending on the type of card and the set of options, so the client of the bank, before signing the contract, needs to find out for himself whether the card will be used permanently or is it a backup option for a rainy day.
  • If the card will be used constantly, especially for non-cash purchases abroad, you should pay attention to the amount of conversion. After all, if the card is without service, then, most likely, the bank will take exorbitant interest for this option, then the meaning of free service disappears. The bank client will lose money on other card transactions.
  • Customers who work constantly with cards can be issued a credit card without annual maintenance with a full setoptions (usually "gold" cards for privileged customers).


You can apply for a credit card without annual service by personally contacting a financial institution, or through the official website of the bank, leaving an online application. For registration, you only need a passport, but in this case, the cash limit will be small.

If you want to receive a large amount, you need to be ready to submit a full package of documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • certificate in the form of 2 personal income tax, confirming income;
  • additional identity documents;
  • copy of work book;
  • other documents requested by the bank.

If a person has a salary card of a certain bank, then it is better to apply for a credit card there. There is an option that the interest rate in this case will be lower, and there will be no annual maintenance.

Bank offers

Let's consider some offers from different banks where a credit card can be issued without annual maintenance.

credit cards with cashback without annual service
credit cards with cashback without annual service
Bank name Basic conditions
"VTB 24"
  1. "Gifts for purchases" - opening a card 75 rubles, monthly turnover on the card is not less than 20 thousand rubles.
  2. "Cash Back" - credit cards with cashback without annual service with a monthly turnover of up to 20 thousand rubles.
  3. "Pocket" - card design costsRUB 900
  4. "Map of the World", "Autocard", "Collection", "Map of Impressions" - opening a card costs 350 rubles, the monthly turnover must be at least 35 thousand rubles.
  5. Platinum cards can be issued for 850 rubles. and the turnover on the card must be at least 65 thousand rubles.
  6. Grace period - 50 days.
  7. Rate - from 28%.

"Bank of Moscow"

The card is serviced free of charge only for the first year. Subsequent periods will be free of charge if the borrower makes a monthly turnover on the card in the amount set by the bank

"Renaissance Credit"
  1. Maximum card limit 300 thousand rubles.
  2. Grace period - 55 days.
  3. Maintenance is free for the first year only.
  4. Card rate - from 24.9%.
  1. Interest-free period up to 145 days.
  2. Interest rate - 29.9%
  3. The maximum limit is 600 thousand rubles.
  4. Free service valid for the first year only.
  1. Grace - up to 55 days.
  2. Card rate from 23.9%.
  3. First year free.
  4. Maximum loan - 250 thousand rubles.

There are, of course, other offers from other financial institutions. In any case, each borrower must independently choose the conditions that suit him best.

Offers from Sberbank

Sberbank credit card without annual service is offered to regular customers who already have a debit card, or payroll customers. In both cases, it is a pre-approved no-maintenance card with an individual cash limit.

Sberbank credit card without annual service
Sberbank credit card without annual service

"Gold Card".

Service Billing
Annual Maintenance
  • with prior approval - 0 RUB;
  • with a regular card order - 3 thousand rubles.
Loan rate %
  • for regular (salary) clients - 25, 9;
  • for other clients – 33, 9.
Limit for withdrawal of funds per day 100,000 – 300,000 RUB

The "Give life" card has practically the same characteristics. There are slight differences in billing and in the limit for issuing money per day.

Service Billing
Annual Maintenance
  • with prior approval - 0 RUB;
  • with a regular card order - from 900 rubles. up to 3,500 rubles (depending on card type).
Loan rate %
  • for regular (salary) clients - 25, 9;
  • for other clients – 33, 9.
Limit for withdrawal of funds per day 50,000 - 300,000 rubles (depending on the type of card and whether the client is a regular).

Sberbank, for its part, sends up to 50% of the annual service cost to charity.

Card "Classic".

Service Billing
Annual Maintenance
  • with prior approval - 0 RUB;
  • with a regular card order - 750 rubles.
Loan rate %
  • for regular (salary) clients - 25, 9;
  • for other clients – 33, 9.
Limit for withdrawal of funds per day 50,000 – 150,000 RUB

The Aeroflot card is also of interest. Depending on its type, after paying for their purchases, the client receives from 500 to 1,000 “miles” for every 50 rubles.

Service Billing
Annual Maintenance From 900 rub. up to RUB 3,500
Loan rate %
  • for regular (salary) clients - 25, 9;
  • for other clients – 33, 9.
Limit for withdrawal of funds per day 50,000 - 300,000 rubles (independing on the type of card and whether the client is a regular).

The Momentum card is of a different type. Its use is subject to certain conditions.

Service Billing
Annual Maintenance Free
Loan rate % 18, 9
Limit for withdrawal of funds per day 50,000 – 150,000 RUB
Additional terms
  • forfeit for late payments: 37.8%;
  • fee for cash withdrawal at Sberbank ATMs 3%, but not less than 199 rubles, at ATMs of other organizations - 4%;
  • providing a report on a credit card account - 50 rubles.

The "Youth" card is also interesting. It can be issued to students who do not have regular income.

Service Billing
Annual Maintenance 750 RUB
Loan rate % 33, 9.
Limit for withdrawal of funds per day 50,000 – 150,000 RUB

Cash withdrawal

The credit card is intended for cashless payments. If the borrower intends to withdraw cash, he must be prepared to paycommission in the amount of 3% to 7%, as well as lose the interest-free period. Using cash from a credit card is fraught with a huge overpayment and a large commission.

apply for a credit card without annual maintenance
apply for a credit card without annual maintenance

There are banks that offer credit card withdrawals. But such a service is more accessible to privileged clients, participants in salary projects and employees of the bank offering this option.
