Production Engineer: Responsibilities

Production Engineer: Responsibilities
Production Engineer: Responsibilities

Specialists who have received higher engineering, economic or technical education, are experiencing more and more difficulties with employment. At the same time, the labor market is overflowing with offers for in-demand technical speci alties that are not popular with engineers. Pre-production is one of those areas that need more attention from applicants.

Prospects and wages

Production Engineer is a promising position that requires great personal responsibility, attentiveness and impeccable professional skills.

pre-production engineer's instructions
pre-production engineer's instructions

High demands are offset by decent working conditions, career prospects and stable wages: even a novice specialist can count on 20,000-45,000 rubles a month.

What does a pre-production engineer do?

Responsible workimplies a long list of job responsibilities. The effectiveness of the measures he develops depends on how well a professional understands the specifics of each stage of the work cycle.

pre-production engineer
pre-production engineer

The Lead Production Engineer manages the following workflow segments:

  1. Timely provision of machinery, equipment, components in sufficient quantities. The specialist calculates the quantity of materials, sends documentation with data for bulk purchase, monitors the remaining number of tools and replaces technical units in case of premature failure.
  2. Development and introduction of labor standards. The engineer of the pre-production department prepares the best options for solving production problems; introduces regulations to improve production efficiency.
  3. Compliance with production standards. The specialist is responsible for the timely implementation of the calculated standards. Not only minimum norms are taken into account, but also prepared schedules of calendar advances.
  4. Development of the most efficient loading cycles for production equipment. Both performance indicators and natural wear parameters of machines are taken into account. It is the responsibility of the lead engineer to calculate the cycles that will allow you to get the maximum without premature wear of the equipment.

Secondary Job Tasks

pre-production engineer
pre-production engineer

Forpre-production engineer, the job description consists in listing the factors of responsibility that the specialist must control at the initial stages of the implementation of the production program. Main responsibilities also include:

  1. Analysis of the labor activity of subordinate shops and labor sites. Optimization of production cycles, reduction of human and mechanical labor spent on production.
  2. Search and activation of production reserves. Identification of labor opportunities and capacities not involved in the main production cycle.
  3. Communication between management and workers. Organization of a smooth, rhythmic work process with maximum efficiency, without delays and delays. Prevention of disruption of the schedule of any kind, creating an environment and conditions for an effective production cycle.
  4. Reporting. Drawing up reports on the effectiveness of the team, the use of equipment, the results of the introduction of changes in the production cycle. Because the pre-production engineer's reports involve large amounts of data, reporting is often done using computers and special software. The form of the report is set by management.

The pre-production specialist affects the efficiency of all production activities in the organization.

A pre-production engineer has a variety of responsibilities, but this job offers more opportunities for personal and career growth.

lead pre-production engineer
lead pre-production engineer

Qualification requirements for a Category I engineer

The position requires highly specialized training. Only candidates who meet the following requirements should submit a resume for the speci alty:

  1. Higher professional education: engineer-economist.
  2. Alternative: higher vocational technical education.
  3. Work experience: pre-production engineer of the 2nd category, from 3 years.

High competition hinders a quick job search for this profile. The most effective method is the "vertical lift": promotion from category II without changing the employing company.

Qualification requirements for an engineer of the II category

Entry into the profession is open to specialists with specialized education and professional experience of at least 3 years. An applicant counting on the II category must meet the following requirements:

  1. Higher professional education: engineer-economist.
  2. Alternative: higher vocational technical education.
  3. Work experience: pre-production engineer, 3+ years.
  4. Alternative work experience: related engineering and technical positions for specialists with higher technical (engineering and economic) education, from 3 years.

If you have experience in responsible positions that require appropriate qualifications, then you have the right to apply for category II.

Qualification requirements

Specialist getting a joban uncategorized engineer position is not required to meet the same stringent seniority requirements. For pre-production engineers, ETKS is presented with two options for positions for the applicant.

Requirements for higher professional education:

  1. Higher technical education.
  2. Higher engineering and economic education.
  3. Employment history: not required. University graduates without work experience are accepted.

Requirements for persons with secondary vocational education:

  1. Secondary technical education.
  2. Secondary engineering and economic education.
  3. Work experience: 1st category technician, 3+ years.
  4. Alternative experience: work in the speci alty, from 5 years.

What a specialist should know

The pre-production engineer's instruction contains all the basic information that a specialist should be able to navigate freely.

A pile of papers
A pile of papers

The list of materials required for study and development includes:

  1. Methodological instructions and regulatory materials that prioritize production planning.
  2. Reference materials for organizing the work cycle.
  3. Resolutions and orders of the management, affecting the duration and norms of the production cycle.
  4. The order of preparation of new programs and production cycles.
  5. The order of drawing up tasks for daily shifts.
  6. Projected and actual production capacity of equipment.
  7. Complete information about the products: nomenclature, variations, production specifics.
  8. Complete information about production work or services provided by enterprises.
  9. Basic information about the technology of manufacturing products and the mechanics of the production cycle.
  10. Working relationships between workshops and production sites of various specializations, understanding the dynamics of labor relations in the production process.
pre-production engineer
pre-production engineer

Also in the field of mandatory knowledge of the pre-production engineer is the development of the means of organizing warning systems, dispatching services and communication devices. Uninterrupted communications ensure the timely completion of the production cycle.

General knowledge required for a specialist

The position allows you to use the skills and knowledge gained in the process of studying at a higher educational institution. To be successful in production optimization, an engineer must be fluent in the following disciplines:

  1. Basics of the organization of labor processes.
  2. Basics of management.
  3. Fundamentals of Economics.
  4. Fundamentals of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

A specialist has to combine daily theoretical knowledge in various areas of economics and management in order to achieve the best result on existing equipment, with the current team. It is also necessary to have a detailed knowledge of the established labor standards and labor protection rules: production must be organized in accordance withthe letter of the law.

Profession benefits

This speci alty is suitable for people who are passionate about labor optimization. The pre-production engineer determines whether the production capacity will be used to the maximum. This is a position where there is no time to be bored. Strong specialists receive stable bonuses, become reputable professionals for management.

pre-production engineer etc
pre-production engineer etc

The speed of professional growth is directly related to personal initiative. The specialist independently develops proposals for improving the production cycle and sends them for discussion.

You can get a job in your speci alty without specialized work experience, which makes the position attractive for graduates of specialized universities. It takes only 6 years to get Category I.
