Cadastral engineer: registry. Questions of a cadastral engineer

Cadastral engineer: registry. Questions of a cadastral engineer
Cadastral engineer: registry. Questions of a cadastral engineer
cadastral engineer
cadastral engineer

Since 2007, the Federal legislation of Russia has indicated that the preparation of documents necessary for state registration of any real estate can be carried out exclusively by a cadastral engineer working only on the basis of his own qualified certificate. It is issued only if the following requirements are met:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • secondary education in one of the speci alties approved by the state body, or higher education obtained only in an accredited institution;
  • no conviction for willful misconduct.

All this is indicated in the application for passing the tests, to which all the necessary documents must be attached. The certificate is issued only after passing a special exam. This document has no expiration date or territory. The executive authority within one day sends a copy of the issued document to the accounting authority, and the cadastral engineer proceeds with the execution of hisobligations after the appearance of information about him in the public register.

Information from the list

cadastral engineer questions
cadastral engineer questions

The register of cadastral engineers includes:

  • last name, first name, patronymic;
  • date and place of birth;
  • phone number, postal and email address;
  • personal passport data;
  • date of issue of the qualification certificate and its number;
  • date and reason for cancellation of the document.

This information is publicly available and posted on the official website of the cadastral registration on the Internet. It can be obtained by anyone who has previously filled out a special application form. The answer to the request will be ready within 5 days from the moment of its registration. Information about a specialist can be automatically excluded only in the event of death, which will be confirmed by a certificate.

Activity Forms

The law establishes that a cadastral engineer can work:

  • as a private entrepreneur;
  • as an employee of the company on the basis of an employment contract.

Non-profit associations for cadastral engineers exist for:

  • ensuring the conditions for their professional activities;
  • setting binding rules for the conduct of their work and ethics;
  • enforcement of these laws;
  • organization of refresher courses.
conclusion of the cadastral engineer
conclusion of the cadastral engineer

Such organizations can:

  1. Represent the interests of its members inrelations with the authorities when they issue a cadastral registration refusal.
  2. Create internal rules for all members.
  3. Exercise control over the work of their employees in terms of compliance with the rules.
  4. Receive from the accounting authority information about the results of work.
  5. Deal with complaints about the work of their members.
  6. Apply foreseen liability measures.

Questions from a cadastral engineer

Certification of future specialists takes place with the help of special software that provides a qualified exam at the workplace in real time. Since 2010, the official website of the Russian Registry has posted questions and answers for the future exam and a complete list of regulatory documents that will be needed for future work.

An application for a certificate can be submitted to any commission, regardless of registration. The request is considered within 5 days, re-taking the exam occurs only after two months from the moment of the previous attempt. To pass the tests, all applicants are divided into groups, the number of people in them depends on the material and technical capabilities of the commission. If a candidate for a position could not come for good reasons, he is allowed to take the exam with another group, but in other cases, a re-writing of the application will be required.

Test order

register of cadastral engineers
register of cadastral engineers

The first thing a candidate must do before the exam is to verify their identity andsubmit documents on the education received. Next, he enters his personal data into the computer and proceeds to testing. The test includes 80 cadastral engineer questions, each with only one correct answer. The time allotted for the exam is 120 minutes. The test is considered passed if the applicant answered correctly at least 64 questions. The results are known on the same day. An extract from the minutes of the commission meeting can be obtained upon written request.

In case of disagreement with the test results, the applicant can always appeal. Consideration is carried out within a month, in case of satisfaction, the opportunity to retake the exam will be given.

Reasons for cancellation of the certificate

A document may be canceled in the following cases:

  • if the fact of false documents for obtaining accreditation is established;
  • if there is a court decision or sentence that provides for the deprivation of the cadastral engineer of the right to carry out activities for a certain period;
  • submitting a personal application to cancel a document;
  • received more than 10 times refusal to carry out site accounting after the work of an engineer or the execution of relevant documents.

The decision to cancel the certificate by the qualification commission can be appealed in court.

What is the conclusion of a cadastral engineer?

for cadastral engineers
for cadastral engineers

When surveying and accounting of land takes place, it is of great importance to draw up an importanta document that is part of a text plan. The conclusion of the cadastral officer must be included in the main document in the following cases:

  1. If during the verification process, inaccuracies were revealed in the information about the boundaries of the site that were established earlier. This applies to the land of various municipalities. It is necessary if there are obstacles to registering the site or making changes.
  2. If as a result of the work it was necessary to specify the location of the borders.
  3. At the discretion of the specialist who performs the work to substantiate previously obtained results, for example, if it is necessary to confirm the size of the allocated areas.

There are always suggestions in the conclusion, where the cadastral engineer gives information on how to fix the problems identified during the check.
