Cob alt chloride: instruction, description, dosage, reviews

Cob alt chloride: instruction, description, dosage, reviews
Cob alt chloride: instruction, description, dosage, reviews

Pets and bees should receive with food all the micro and macro elements necessary for normal growth and development. Their lack leads to metabolic disorders, reduced productivity. Cob alt chloride is one of the important and very significant trace elements. Its shortage leads to serious problems with the he alth of animals and bees and, as a result, to the bankruptcy of farms.

What is cob alt chloride?

cob alt chloride
cob alt chloride

This term usually refers to the cob alt s alt of hydrochloric acid (CoCl₂). It belongs to the class of cob alt halides.

Cob alt is a microelement that is part of cabalamins (vitamin B₁₂). Cob alt and its compounds are vital for the body. Cob alt chloride has the following pharmacological properties:

  • Participates in the process of creation, formation and maturation of blood cells.
  • Associated with the formation of deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acids from nucleotides.
  • Promotes muscle building.
  • Supports cellular respiration.
  • Promotes the absorption of retinol, tocopherol,ascorbic acid.
  • Regulates various metabolic processes: mineral, protein, carbohydrate.
  • Enhances the ionization of iron.

Cob alt chloride according to GOST 12.1.007-76 belongs to the 4th hazard class - low hazard. This means that the drug is of biological origin. The complete breakdown of harmful substances into simple components occurs within a week.

Composition of the drug and release form

The composition of the veterinary drug includes cob alt chloride - 0.04 g, sodium s alt of hydrochloric acid - 0.92-0.95 g, talc - no more than 1 g. The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral use. Tablets come in a light pink or purple hue and are flat-cylindrical in shape. They are packaged in plastic bags in the amount of 10 to 5 thousand pieces. Instructions for use are included in each package.

Store the drug at t from 0 to 30 ° Celsius. On December 26, 1991, by a decree of the State Standard of the USSR, restrictions on storage periods were lifted.

Indications for the use of a veterinary drug

Cob alt chloride is prescribed for cattle, artiodactyls (sheep, goats), pigs for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The drug is also used in beekeeping. Key indications:

sick animals
sick animals
  • Violation of cellular nutrition processes in animals due to complete or relative deficiency of cob alt.
  • Disorders of metabolic processes, accompanied by a decrease in activity, a slowdown in the growth and development of young animals, damage to the coat.
  • Pathology,characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin, hematocrit and the number of red blood cells in the blood. Animals with anemia have reduced performance and productivity.
  • Eating disorders or complete loss of appetite.
  • Progressive exhaustion.

The drug is also used to increase the enzymatic activity of the digestive system.

How does the drug work on bees?

bees in honeycomb
bees in honeycomb

In the middle of the 20th century, a cattle epidemic broke out. Mass death was associated with a deficiency of cob alt in the body. Scientists began to conduct various studies on the effect of the metal and its compounds on animals and bees. The analysis revealed the following:

  • Metal enhances metabolic processes in the body of insects.
  • The use of cob alt chloride in beekeeping contributes to an increase in brood, honey productivity, and a decrease in the overall incidence of insects.
  • Substance enhances the therapeutic effect of antibiotics.
  • Microelement promotes the activation of protective mechanisms in the body of bees. During observations, it was found that in areas with a deficiency of cob alt, insects became infected with American and European foulbrood and other diseases of bacterial etiology.
  • When using CoCl₂ in the autumn and spring periods, the bees do not experience an imbalance in mineral nutrition.

Studies have shown that if you put various top dressings near the hives, adults feed the brood only with cob alt.

Instructions forapplication: cooking methods

Most beekeepers are aware of the benefits of using cob alt chloride and use it regularly as a preventive measure. Together with the tablets in the package there is a document containing recommendations for the use of the medicinal substance.

According to the instructions, cob alt chloride - in liquid incentive feeding. The drug is diluted at the rate of 10 grams of the substance per 20 liters of syrup or honey full. At lower concentrations, top dressing will be simply useless. An increase in the amount of a substance can lead to an overdose. If the drug is given for the first time, then one tablet diluted in 2 liters of sweet syrup will suffice.

Tablets should be dissolved in freshly prepared syrup at 38-40°C.

How to feed bees with cob alt chloride?

bee feeding
bee feeding

Honey insects are very sensitive to various medicines. Failure to comply with the dose and application rules can lead to negative results. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly water the bees with cob alt chloride.

Standard hygiene and safety rules must be followed when handling medication. The drug is administered several times a year - in spring and autumn.

  • In early spring, after a cleansing flight of insects, syrup is distributed in 200-300 ml per family. The duration of top dressing is from 10 to 14 days. Helper families are given the solution in the same amount throughout the active season.
  • In the springbees are fed 2-3 times every 2-3 weeks. The amount of syrup is 300-500 mg per family.
  • After pumping honey, they distribute 1.5-2 liters per family. The exact dosage is determined based on the strength of the bee colony.

Missing the next dose is highly undesirable, it can lead to a decrease in the medicinal effect. If necessary, other drugs are added to cob alt. The substance interacts well with other medicines. The distribution of the drug is alternated with pure syrup or honey full.

Special Instructions

bee feeding
bee feeding

Cob alt chloride is a low-risk drug and has no contraindications in recommended doses. Honey collected by the treated bees is consumed on a common basis.

People with individual intolerance to the components of the product should avoid direct contact with the drug. If the solution comes into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of running water. In case of accidental ingestion of cob alt into the human body or the appearance of an allergy, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The drug is stored in a dry place out of the reach of small children.

Negative Consequences

Cob alt chloride is absorbed quickly and well by bees. To speed up and increase efficiency, some beekeepers use the drug in greatly exceeded doses. High concentrations lead to a deterioration in the he alth of insects and a decrease in offspring. The uterus is the most sensitive individual. It sharply reduces egg laying after 4-5 suchtop dressing. If you continue to give the drug in high doses, this will lead to the cessation of egg laying and the death of young larvae. If in doubt, it is better to reduce the amount of dressing while observing the recommended dosage.

queen bee
queen bee

Cob alt chloride is an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of bee diseases. Reviews confirm that its use contributes to the improvement of insects, increases their honey productivity, which contributes to the economic prosperity of farms.
