What is the decile coefficient?

What is the decile coefficient?
What is the decile coefficient?

In the analysis of the effectiveness of public administration, the issue of the standard of living of the population is important. The authorities of the country exercise control over its useful resources, the contents of the subsoil and the gross product of human activities. It is the state that organizes the distribution of material we alth among citizens. Why, then, in some countries rich in minerals, people

decile coefficient
decile coefficient

are you dissatisfied with your standard of living? And other states that do not have such resources do not know what popular indignation is. How to find a criterion for comparing measures of the distribution of material we alth?

What is the Decile Rate?

For these purposes, a number of tools are used in sociology. One of them is the decile coefficient of income differentiation of the population. It is calculated by comparing income statistics for the top 10% of the population and income data.the same number of poor people. In science, it is believed that the approximation of the value of the coefficient to 10 creates conditions for social unrest in the country. The people will begin to express their indignation at the current government, and riots are possible.

Decil ratio in Europe

decile coefficient of income differentiation
decile coefficient of income differentiation

Sweden, Denmark and Finland have the lowest value of this coefficient. In these countries, the indicator fluctuates between 3-4. In France and Germany, it is at the level of 5-7. An insignificant spread in the incomes of the population of these states helps to maintain a favorable social climate. In Russia, the decile coefficient has shown continuous growth since the 1990s. The gap in incomes of different segments of the population has now reached impressive proportions.

The we althiest citizens receive 15-20 times more than the poorest categories. And this applies to the working part of society. Persons who fell into the category of the poor from unwillingness to work are not included in the calculation. Consequently, a person who has worked all his life in Russia also runs the risk of remaining poor. The work of a simple locksmith, for example, has no value compared to the profitability of a Gazprom employee. The decile coefficient shows that conditions of social inequality and non-equilibrium distribution of material goods have formed in our country.

Negative aspects of the large value of the coefficient

in Russia, the decile coefficient
in Russia, the decile coefficient

The onset of most adverse economicfactors affects, first of all, the unsecured segments of the population. Inflationary and crisis processes are reflected in the growth of utility tariffs, prices for public transport services, as well as the cost of essential goods. At the same time, prices for luxury goods fluctuate in a smaller range. In addition, citizens with low incomes do not have the so-called financial "airbag". They do not have sufficient material savings to easily weather severe economic shocks. When such categories of the population form a social majority in a state, then conditions are created for social unrest. The decile coefficient clearly shows this.
