Nuclear fuel: types and processing

Nuclear fuel: types and processing
Nuclear fuel: types and processing

Nuclear energy consists of a large number of enterprises for various purposes. Raw materials for this industry are extracted from uranium mines. After that, it is delivered to the enterprises for the manufacture of fuel.

nuclear fuel
nuclear fuel

Further, the fuel is transported to nuclear power plants, where it enters the reactor core. When nuclear fuel reaches its end of life, it is reprocessed. Processing waste is subject to disposal. It is worth noting that hazardous waste appears not only after fuel processing, but also at any stage - from uranium mining to work in a reactor.

Nuclear fuel

Fuel is of two kinds. The first is uranium mined in mines, respectively, of natural origin. It contains raw materials that are capable of forming plutonium. The second is fuel that is artificially created (secondary).

enriched uranium
enriched uranium

Nuclear fuel is also divided by chemical composition: metallic, oxide, carbide, nitride and mixed.

Uranium mining and fuel production

A large share of uranium production comes from just a few countries: Russia, France, Australia, USA, Canada and South Africa.

Uranium is the main element for fuel in nuclearpower plants. To get into the reactor, it goes through several stages of processing. Most often, uranium deposits are located next to gold and copper, so its extraction is carried out with the extraction of precious metals.

spent nuclear fuel
spent nuclear fuel

In mining, people's he alth is at great risk because uranium is a toxic material, and the gases that are released during its mining cause various forms of cancer. Although the ore itself contains a very small amount of uranium - from 0.1 to 1 percent. The population that lives near uranium mines is also at greater risk.

Enriched uranium is the main fuel for nuclear power plants, but after its use, a huge amount of radioactive waste remains. Despite all its dangers, uranium enrichment is an essential process for creating nuclear fuel.

In its natural form, uranium is almost impossible to use anywhere. In order to use it, it must be enriched. Gas centrifuges are used for enrichment.

Enriched uranium is used not only in nuclear energy, but also in the production of weapons.


At any stage of the fuel cycle there is transportation. It is carried out by all available means: by land, by sea, by air. This is a big risk and a big danger not only for the environment, but also for humans.

nuclear fuel reprocessing
nuclear fuel reprocessing

During the transportation of nuclear fuel or its elements, many accidents occur, resulting in the release of radioactive elements. This is one ofmany reasons why nuclear power is considered unsafe.

Decommissioning reactors

None of the reactors have been dismantled. Even the infamous Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The thing is that, according to experts, the price of dismantling is equal to, or even exceeds, the price of building a new reactor. But no one can say for sure how much money will be needed: the cost was calculated on the basis of the experience of dismantling small stations for research. Experts offer two options:

  1. Put reactors and spent nuclear fuel in landfills.
  2. Build sarcophagi over decommissioned reactors.

In the next ten years, about 350 reactors around the world will run out of service and must be decommissioned. But since the most suitable method in terms of safety and price has not been invented, this issue is still being resolved.

nuclear fuel
nuclear fuel

Now there are 436 reactors operating around the world. Of course, this is a big contribution to the energy system, but it is very unsafe. Studies show that in 15-20 years, nuclear power plants will be able to be replaced by stations that operate on wind energy and solar panels.

Nuclear Waste

A huge amount of nuclear waste is generated as a result of nuclear power plants. Reprocessing nuclear fuel also leaves behind hazardous waste. However, none of the countries found a solution to the problem.

Today, nuclear waste is kept in temporary storage facilities, in pools of water, or buried deep underground.

The safest way isstorage in special storage facilities, but radiation leakage is also possible here, as with other methods.

In fact, nuclear waste has some value, but requires strict adherence to the rules for its storage. And this is the most acute problem.

An important factor is the time during which the waste is dangerous. Each radioactive substance has its own decay time, during which it is toxic.

spent nuclear fuel
spent nuclear fuel

Types of nuclear waste

During the operation of any nuclear power plant, its waste enters the environment. This is water for cooling turbines and gaseous waste.

Nuclear waste is divided into three categories:

  1. Low-level - clothing for nuclear power plant employees, laboratory equipment. Such waste can also come from medical institutions, scientific laboratories. They don't pose much of a threat, but they do require safety precautions.
  2. Intermediate level - metal containers in which fuel is transported. Their radiation levels are quite high, and those who are close to them should be protected.
  3. High level is spent nuclear fuel and its products. The level of radioactivity is rapidly decreasing. There is very little high-level waste, about 3 percent, but it contains 95 percent of all radioactivity.
