Agricultural. animals, types of livestock complexes

Agricultural. animals, types of livestock complexes
Agricultural. animals, types of livestock complexes

Today, the importance of agriculture for the economy of any country is very high. More and more new methods of maintenance and care are being developed in order to agricultural. animals felt more comfortable and brought maximum benefit, while the desire to mechanize all types of work associated with the rural industry is growing every year.

Concept and types

The livestock complex is a specialized large industrial type enterprise, whose task is to produce livestock products using the latest technologies.

There are pig, sheep, cattle, horse, fur, rabbit, poultry farms. The type of livestock complex depends on what agricultural. animals it contains or what type of products is the main one.

farm animals
farm animals

The specialization of such enterprises is usually narrow, the simultaneous production of two or more types of products is contrary to sanitary and hygienic standards. Let's look at an example: if the complex belongs to the type of cattle, then agricultural. animals are kept either solely for the purpose of obtaining meat,or for the purpose of obtaining milk.

Zones of livestock complex

The division of the territory into zones is one of the key factors for the successful operation of the entire complex. There are 4 main zones:

  1. Administrative - part of the complex, where everything necessary for staff recreation (dining room, shower) is located, all decisions related to work activities are made.
  2. Auxiliary, or veterinary, - a zone where a veterinary pharmacy, sanitary checkpoints and checkpoints are located. Here agricultural. animals can get all the help they need.
  3. Main production - a zone where buildings for animals and feed are located. And also in this area there is a place for walking animals. All the main types of work are carried out here.
  4. Waste area - buildings for the processing, storage and collection of animal waste (manure storage) are located.
  5. livestock complex
    livestock complex

Animal housing systems

Agricultural content animals - a set of measures to care for animals, maintain their viability and productivity (feeding, watering, hygiene procedures, walking).

Many systems for keeping animals for each type of livestock complex have been developed. The choice of system depends on the following parameters: climatic conditions, number of animals, economic and technological capabilities, type of product obtained.

Let's look at the example of cattle breeding: the main criterion in this industry when choosing a system is usuallygeographical location of the complex and livestock.


Pasture system (divided into two subsystems) - all year round animals spend on pastures (extensive subsystem - only on natural pastures, in the winter season on distant pastures; intensive subsystem - on pastures where crops were grown).

Stall-pasture - in summer, walking and feeding animals take place on pastures, in winter - in a stall.

Stoylovo-camp - cold season agricultural. animals are kept indoors, in the summer they are moved to a camp equipped with everything necessary for the full maintenance of livestock, this system is used in countries where, due to climatic conditions, there is no natural food.

Stalled - all year round the animals are in the stall.
