Lick s alt in the diet of farm animals

Lick s alt in the diet of farm animals
Lick s alt in the diet of farm animals

In the wild, s alt for animals is not only a delicacy, but also a vital product that replenishes the deficiency of macro- and microelements in the body. Mineral hunger forces birds and animals to make many kilometers of crossings in search of its sources.

s alt lick for animals price
s alt lick for animals price

The use of s alt in animal husbandry

Having tamed animals, people have deprived them of the opportunity to take care of themselves, so livestock specialists and veterinarians, as a rule, are very attentive to the chemical composition of the diet for livestock. The body of an animal is capable of self-regulation, and all that is needed is to give it good nutrition, which includes a sufficient amount of macro- and microelements to maintain biological balance. However, even the best food alone cannot provide a vital level of minerals, therefore, to maintain the biobalance, s alt-lick is additionally given to animals. The presence of this mineral in the diet of an animal must strictly comply withcertain dosage.

Form of production and composition of the lick

In essence, a lick is a stone in the form of a block, cut from natural rock s alt, or a rectangular briquette, for the production of which edible table s alt is used. The mass of the product can be significant and reach 35 kg. Light weight briquettes with multidirectional action are more convenient for feeding farm animals and are in great demand.

s alt lick
s alt lick

Lick can consist of one table s alt or have vitamin and mineral supplements, such as Limisol-Mustang for horses, Limisol-F, Limisol-Iodocalcite, s alt mineral-vitamin lick Zorka » etc.

Benefits of using

Briquetted lick s alt approaches a single crystal in its density, therefore it does not crumble and does not break during transportation, storage and during feeding. It does not crumble and is not trampled by animals, so there is an economic effect from using briquettes instead of ordinary s alt due to the overspending of the latter. In addition to ease of use (s alt lick is simply hung at the right level or placed in a special container), there are other advantages of using such a product, the main of which is: to give animals the opportunity to independently compensate for the lack of s alt in the body in exactly the amount they need. It improves feed absorption and increases appetite, thus preventing weight loss, promotes bone formation, increases reproduction.

how to make s alt lick
how to make s alt lick

How to make s alt lick at home

The starting material for making a lick at home is table s alt, which is slightly moistened with water (not to dissolve), and then dried under pressure. Many livestock breeders note that few people succeed in obtaining a full-fledged briquette in this way, most often it has insufficient density and quickly crumbles. Therefore, it is preferable to buy ready-made lick s alt for animals. Its price is from 12 rubles. per 1 kg, the rise in price depends primarily on the composition of mineral additives, as well as on the region and manufacturer.

S alt is an indispensable component of the diet for feeding animals and is used both in pure form and as part of animal feed, protein-mineral complexes. However, it should not be uncontrollably added to the feed in a crumbly form, since this is fraught with kidney disease for animals, deposition in the joints, etc. Using lick s alt, negative consequences can be avoided. It is only necessary to give the animals the opportunity to regulate the s alt balance themselves and provide them with enough water.
