How often to water garlic at different times of the year

How often to water garlic at different times of the year
How often to water garlic at different times of the year

Garlic tolerates frost well, so in temperate climates it is often planted in the fall. In this case, the plant will begin to develop with the first warm spring days, and by the beginning of summer new bulbs will already appear. Garlic planted in spring is usually harvested at the end of summer. At the same time, it is stored worse, more susceptible to various diseases, its taste and aroma are not so pronounced.

how often to water the garlic
how often to water the garlic

One of the secrets of growing this crop is the timely saturation of the soil with moisture. How often to water garlic depends on the time of year, rainfall, and some other parameters. As a rule, winter vegetables are planted towards the end of autumn, but always before the first frost. Garlic propagates with the help of individual fragments of the bulb, that is, in simple terms, cloves. They should be planted in prepared soil, and no more than once every 4 years in the same area.

You should return to caring for winter garlic in the spring, when the snow melts. It can be fertilized and loosen the soil. Many summer residents are interested in the question of how often to water the garlic with the onset of spring. If the winter was snowy enough, then moisture after melting, as a rule, is enough until May. So in the case of a rainy spring, winter garlic does not need spring watering.

By the beginning of summer, arrows begin to appear on the plants, which must be broken out. Otherwise, all the energy of the plant will be directed to the development of the inflorescence and the ripening of seeds, so that the bulbs will turn out to be either underdeveloped or not formed at all. A few arrows can still be left for further reproduction or for control, in order to correctly calculate the harvest time later.

how often should garlic be watered
how often should garlic be watered

At this stage, it is important to know how to properly water the garlic, because it is during this period that the plant needs additional moisture. 3 weeks before the planned harvest, it is necessary to stop any work on the beds (with the exception of weed control). Watering garlic is not recommended very often, as the soil dries. In dry times, this should be done once a week, in wet and rainy times - even less often. At the same time, experts strongly recommend additional feeding.

As a rule, people who have been growing it for a long time know how often to water garlic in a particular area. But even a beginner who does this for the first time can figure out that the plant lacks moisture, due to wilted tops and drysoil.

In addition to winter garlic, which can be distinguished by the characteristic purple veins on the bulb husk, this crop is also grown in the traditional spring way. The teeth are planted in prepared soil in the spring, and the bulbs are dug up in early autumn. How often to water garlic planted in this way depends on the dryness of the summer. Naturally, in a hotter period, all plants need more additional moisture. But still, it is better not to abuse watering and do it as needed (no more than 2 times a week in summer and 1 time in 2 weeks in spring).

how to properly water garlic
how to properly water garlic

Sometimes garlic is grown from seeds, but in this case, the harvest can only be harvested in the second year after planting. This method is not particularly common, since it is considered troublesome, but it also has certain advantages. How often to water garlic in the first year after planting seeds also depends on climatic conditions and soil moisture. In general, this plant is not whimsical, so even with insufficient watering it can produce a good harvest.
