Consumer loans from Sberbank of Russia

Consumer loans from Sberbank of Russia
Consumer loans from Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank of Russia is currently one of the most stable banks in the country. He with dignity survived the difficult years of the crisis, when financial institutions became bankrupt every day. What turned out to be disastrous for some, allowed others to become stronger and develop more strongly. Sberbank consumer loans are currently one of the most profitable programs. They are enjoyed by a huge number of citizens of our country.

Sberbank consumer loans
Sberbank consumer loans

Consumer credit programs have an extremely wide range of applications. Within their framework, the borrower can take an amount from 30 thousand to 10 million rubles for a period of 3 months. Terms, interest rates and the amount of money supply directly depend on the number of documents and guarantees provided to the financial institution. Sberbank consumer loans can be issued both with one passport and with a guarantee and a collateral object.

Loan process

consumer creditsavings bank calculator
consumer creditsavings bank calculator

To obtain a loan, you must provide the following set of papers to a financial institution:

  • a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a mandatory residence permit in the immediate vicinity of one of the Sberbank branches;
  • second official document confirming the identity of the borrower;
  • guarantee - allows you to increase the maximum amount of money issued up to 3 million;
  • collateral object - allows you to take consumer loans from Sberbank in the amount of up to 10 million.


This is a special type of transfer of guarantees to a banking organization by a third party. It does not take a loan, but undertakes, in case of violation of the payment regime, to assume full responsibility and resume servicing the loan program. Sberbank consumer loans require the mandatory presence of a guarantor's signature in order to receive amounts in excess of 1.5 million rubles. Also, this option allows you to significantly reduce the interest rate.

Pledge facility

consumer credit sberbank interest rate
consumer credit sberbank interest rate

They call it any value that becomes the property of the bank in case of violation of the contract. To date, the most popular collateral objects are real estate and vehicles. In the case when the car is the collateral, it can replace the guarantee, which will allow you to issue a consumer loan. Sberbank, whose interest rate is the most loyal, willingly provides loans to those who leave their car aspayment guarantees. In some cases, the owner can even take the car with him, having previously insured it and installed a special GPS sensor.

For those who decide to take out a consumer loan, Sberbank, whose calculator can be found on the main website, will always provide all the necessary information on the points of the agreement and the maintenance of the program. To do this, just visit the nearest branch of this financial institution or go to its official website on the Internet. You can get this type of loan for a period of 2 hours to 5 days, depending on the conditions of the program and the required amount of money.
