"Raxil Ultra" is a rationalized and enhanced fungicide

"Raxil Ultra" is a rationalized and enhanced fungicide
"Raxil Ultra" is a rationalized and enhanced fungicide

Raksil Ultra is a rationalized and enhanced fungicide that combines proven agricultural control with cheap chemical protection against pathogenic microorganisms transmitted through grain and soil to cereals with a comprehensive growth regulation.


"Raxil Ultra" is a fungicidal drug that specifically protects plants from fungus that spreads through the ground and grains. This is a new generation system-wide treater.

Image"Raxil Ultra"
Image"Raxil Ultra"

The active chemical is tebuconazole, which prevents the conversion of lanosterol (alcohol) to ergosterol (polycyclic alcohol), which causes the death of the fungus. This fungicide is characterized by internal and external influence, in other words, it destroys the fungus that has already penetrated into the grain, as well as spores that are present in the soil where crops are sown.

Mechanism of action

Tebuconazole protects the sprout. Tebuconazole inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol and disrupts the course of the cell cycle, and then the death of the fungus. At the same time, at the beginning of growth, tebuconazoleinhibits the synthesis of gibberellins and acts as a development stabilizer, in other words, slows down the growth of epicotyl buildup in cereals. The biomechanism does not allow exorbitant growth of the above-ground lobe of the plant and at the same time promotes enhanced root growth.

Wheat seed disinfectant Raxil Ultra
Wheat seed disinfectant Raxil Ultra

Therefore, the protectant is effective against smut, root rot, snow mold or typhulosis, septoria, mold. Flax fiber is disinfected with the fungicide "Raxil Ultra" for the prevention of anthracnose and mottle.


  • Low consumption due to high concentration of disinfectants.
  • Flawless action.
  • Low cost.
  • Affecting chemicals do not inhibit the growth and development of treated grains.
  • Fungicide has a protective, preventive and curative effect.
  • For a long time, the protectant protects plants, allows you to reduce the number of treatments with drugs or skip them altogether.
  • Distinguished by dynamism among smut fungicides.
  • Acts as a plant development stimulator, increases frost resistance and drought resistance due to the growth of strong roots.
  • For universal chemical protection, use with other insecticides and stimulants is possible.

Range of action

Fungicide is used to eradicate smut diseases and root rot of cereal sprouts. At first, it protects crops from leaf damage.

ProtectSeed protectant "Raksil Ultra" spring and winter wheat against loose smut, hard smut, Fusarium root rot, Helminthosporium root rot, Septoria, Fusarium snow mold, grain mold.

Raxil Ultra protectant
Raxil Ultra protectant

Spring and winter barley protect against stone smut, loose smut, loose smut, Helminthosporium root rot, Fusarium root rot, net blotch, grain mold.

Winter rye is treated against Helminthosporium root rot, snow mold, Fusarium rot.

Oats are treated against loose smut, covered smut, red-brown spot, seed mold.

Millet is processed from smut panicles. Fiber flax protects against mottling, anthracnose.

Application technology

The consumption rate of the "Raksil Ultra" disinfectant is as follows. Seed grain dressing is done ahead of time or three days before sowing. Before use, the disinfectant is carefully stirred in a container.

To process one ton of grains, dilute the working composition in the proportion of 200-250 milliliters of fungicide per 9.8–9.75 liters of water. For a measured treatment of the grains with a layer of composition, during the procedure, carefully check the number of seed material going through the device for disinfecting grains, and the volume of etching composition entering the processing equipment.

Raxil Ultra protectant consumption rate
Raxil Ultra protectant consumption rate

"Raksil Ultra" is endowed with a multifaceted antifungal effect,effective for a large number of cultivated plants. Therefore, the heightened interest of agricultural companies in acquiring the next generation drug is understandable. "Raxil Ultra" has the ability to equally disperse throughout the plant as it grows and reduce the clutter during cultivation, improve the properties of the crop.
