Want to know how to write commercial proposals?

Want to know how to write commercial proposals?
Want to know how to write commercial proposals?

The last two years, the question "how to write commercial proposals to successfully close deals" has been increasingly raised. It arose for a reason, because the well-being of the enterprise depends on how well the document is drawn up. There are simple tips, following which, you can achieve the desired effect.

What is a commercial offer?

Commercial offer (CO) is a tool for making a sale, which expresses the sender's intention to conclude an agreement with the addressee. It is this that is the first step in introducing a potential client to the company. It may describe services or products, but the main difference between a quotation and a price list is to encourage the customer to take advantage of the offer.

How to make commercial offers? Features and structure

how to write commercial proposals
how to write commercial proposals

In fact, this type of text follows the same principles as sales texts: conciseness, honesty, capacity and motivation toaction. A quotation may be sent to one or a group of legal entities.

The most important information should be at the beginning of the document. Its purpose is to interest the reader to read everything to the end. The fact is that already in the first minutes a person decides whether he needs it or not. To generate interest, you need to write services and specific benefits from them.

The CP is compiled according to the following structure:

  • company emblem, contacts (offer face);
  • header (date sent, document number and type);
  • theme of the offer (the usefulness of the product or service and the organization you represent);
  • essence (a clear name and description of the products offered, what benefits it will bring to the client, technical characteristics, the benefits of buying from you, prices);
  • conclusion (informing about high service and quality in the future, wishes to the addressee of success, prospects);
  • signature of the addressee to continue the relationship (name of the contact person, position, phone number, email address).

Principles of building a commercial offer

If you want to know how to write a good business proposal, remember the following rules:

how to write a good business proposal
how to write a good business proposal
  1. In the CP, you need to take into account the vocabulary of the target audience (accounting terms for an accountant, computer terms for a programmer), but be careful, scientific words should not be cumbersome, it is unacceptable to use them too often in the text.
  2. In the CP, you should correctly build sentences andPresent information in a way that is easy for the reader to understand. Do not use general expressions, but rather state the facts. For example, instead of the phrase "Asus laptop is the best to date" it would be better to write "Asus laptop is number 1 in the PC World rating".
  3. The third step in compiling a quotation is a message urging the client to call the firm. In this case, you can write: “If you have any questions, call us.”

Common mistakes

Young business people who want to understand how to write commercial proposals often make the following mistakes when creating the document in question:

  • there is no clear idea about the product or service (what is being sold and why it is needed);
  • the client is imposed with all the services of the company, and not the specific ones that he needs;
  • not selling the benefits of the product, but its characteristics, that is, it makes no sense to describe the product without an example of its specific benefits.

How to write commercial proposals. Decoration

how to write a business proposal example
how to write a business proposal example

The optimal format of the CP is a readable text (Arial or Times New Roman font) on an A4 sheet. If the document is sent electronically, it is even less likely to remain in the trash. In this case, his first lines decide fate in a few seconds.

Now you know the algorithm of how to make a commercial offer. An example or sample of such a document can be found in specialized publications. For more effective action, please contactfirms that will professionally draw up a quotation and help you expand your business.
