2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Home breeding pigs can be very profitable. Such farm animals gain weight very quickly and at the same time are distinguished by fertility. Of course, it is possible to replenish the home herd on farms of this specialization simply by buying piglets. But it is much more profitable to raise a good queen and boar on your own. In any case, every farmer needs to know how pigs breed.
General information about breeding piglets
Physical maturity farm animals of this species reach the age of about 9 months. It was at this time that the future uterus was brought together with a boar for the first time. The pluses of pigs, among other things, include the fact that their pregnancy does not last very long. On average, this period is 110-120 days, that is, about 4 months. Only in some cases, the uterus can bear cubs for 101 days or up to 126.

Theoretically, with very good care, one pig can bring 10-14 cubs at a time. But most often in the litter there are still 6-10piglets. But in any case, the reproduction of pigs on the farm is usually very fast. By the age of six months, young pigs, depending on the breed, can reach a weight of 60-100 kg. It is at this time that the animals grown for meat are slaughtered.
After giving birth, a sow is ready for a new mating in 1.5 months. But they usually bring the breeder to the boar no more than twice a year. Too frequent pregnancies can negatively affect the he alth of the uterus and, accordingly, its offspring.
Manufacturers' Choice
These are the features of breeding pigs. But of course, in order for the herd to be replenished with he althy animals in the future, the farmer first of all needs to choose good producers. The development of piglets in any herd usually does not go too evenly. Some pigs gain weight very quickly, while others may lag behind in development. The successors of the genus on pig farms usually begin to be selected already when the young animals reach the age of 4 months.
Of course, the future sow and boar must first of all be he althy. Therefore, for the reproduction of the herd, first of all, the strongest, disease-free pigs are chosen.

It is believed that the most active and mobile piglets with a not too vicious character are best suited as boars on farms. When choosing a sow, of course, you also need to pay attention to her character. It is believed that individuals who are calm, not cocky and loyal are best suited to replenish the herd.related to the owners. Such pigs usually become good mothers later.
Also, when choosing a future producer, you should, of course, pay attention to her constitution. The exterior of the animal must meet the breed standards as much as possible. Of course, animals with a wide pelvis are best suited for the role of queens. This will make the process of breeding pigs as successful as possible on the farm. The photo below, for example, shows a quality queen capable of producing good offspring.
The gilt selected as a dam should not be too big. The optimal weight of the uterus is 100-120 kg. Very large pigs, unfortunately, often crush some of their piglets.

When to mate
The selected queen and boar at 4 months are separated from the main herd and transferred to a special room. Keep producers in the future always together. In the room chosen for them, they simply put the railing in such a way that the pigs cannot contact, but always see each other. Piglets that do not know each other, unfortunately, often end in failure.
As already mentioned, a feature of breeding domestic pigs is that for the first time the uterus and boar are usually brought together at the age of 9 months. At the same time, of course, they first wait for the onset of the hunting period for the pig. At this time, the animal becomes very active, eats poorly, sometimes freezes in one place for several minutes. You can also determine that the female is in heat by herreddened genitals. This sign is especially noticeable in young queens.
The period of hunting for pigs lasts about 2-3 days. At the same time, such conditions are repeated in animals with a frequency of 18-24 days.
Pig breeding: how mating is done
To cover on farms, the female is supposed to be transferred to the male's department, and not vice versa. In this case, the boar will not be distracted by unfamiliar surroundings, which will increase the chances of successful mating and pregnancy.
The future queen is usually left in the male department for at least a few hours. This greatly increases the chance of successful coverage. It is undesirable for the farmer to be present during mating. Outsiders at this moment will distract the male, because of which he may refuse to fulfill his duties.

How to tell if you're pregnant
The owner of the pig farm can determine the success of the mating of producers in a week after it. By this time, a translucent white discharge begins to appear in the pregnant uterus from the organs of the reproductive system. Also, the pregnancy of a pig can be determined by its behavior. For a pregnant animal:
- appetite increases;
- vital activity is somewhat reduced.
A pregnant animal often lies on its side. He also does not have a new hunt 15-30 days after mating.
You can also determine pregnancy in a pig by palpation. To do this, the pig must be laid on its side and wait until it calms down. Embryos in the uterus, if it is not too well-fed, will be felt in the nipple area.
How to care for a pregnant animal
To successfully breed pigs on the farm and quickly increase the livestock, the farmer needs, among other things, to know what requirements are imposed on the maintenance of pregnant queens. First of all, a pregnant animal, of course, needs to be provided with decent living conditions. Cleaning the pen of such a pig should be done several times a week. You need to keep the uterus in a bright, dry, well-ventilated area.

Of course, a pig at home after pregnancy, among other things, must be properly fed. The uterus should receive enough succulent feed, roughage and concentrates. It is necessary to introduce hay flour from legumes, carrots, silage, s alt, chalk into the diet of the animal.
How to determine the time of farrowing
To prepare for the birth of a sow, farm owners should start from about 110 days of pregnancy. You can determine that an animal will soon have cubs by the following signs:
- pig gets restless;
- the animal often lies down and jumps up abruptly;
- pig grabs the litter with its mouth and starts dragging it around the corners.
Also, early labor in the uterus can be determined by physiological signs:
- increased udder;
- sagging belly and arched back;
- colostrum secretion when pressing on the nipples.
Before giving birth, the animal finds a secluded place, lies on its side and calms down.

What to do during farrowing
Pig births are usually easy. In any case, it is not necessary to call a veterinarian on the farm to accept the cubs. Piglets emerge from the birth canal of the uterus at short intervals. Pig pushes occur at intervals of about 10 minutes.
It is imperative for the owner of the household to be present at the birth of the uterus. In some cases, piglets may be born in a bubble. If it is not broken by hand, the cub will suffocate. Also, sometimes piglets have to be resuscitated by giving them artificial respiration and lowering them into warm water for a few seconds.
How to care for the uterus after childbirth
After farrowing, the pig begins lactation. At this time, she should first of all receive a large amount of protein-rich feed. In the diet of the uterus, you need to introduce more concentrates and high-quality feed. In this case, the breeding of pigs at home for the farmer will be a success. The uterus will be able to feed all the piglets that are born, and the cubs themselves will grow strong and he althy.
During the first two weeks after birth, pigs are given only liquid feed. That is, their food is diluted in water in a ratio of 1x3. Such food is offered to the animal 4-5 times a day. Of course, the uterus is necessarily given juicy food and greens.
How to care for newborns
After birth, the piglets themselves find the nipple at the uterus. You don't need to help them with this. The only thing is that the farmer, and especially at first, should make sure that the queen does not strangle her offspring. During the next 10 days after birth, the cubs feed exclusively on pig milk. After 10 days, they are offered water for the first time. Complementary foods are given to piglets 14 days after farrowing. At this time, porridge is introduced into the diet of the cubs.
Features of caring for bellied pigs
Piglets of this breed have recently become more and more popular with Russian farmers. A feature of the Vietnamese bellied pig is, first of all, precocity. Representatives of this breed are usually slaughtered already at the age of 4 months. And of course, many farmers would like to know what the breeding process of Vietnamese pigs is like.

The mating of such piglets, since they develop quickly, is usually carried out already at the age of six months. Such uterus of cubs bear about 4 months. That is, in this regard, the reproduction of the Vietnamese bellied pig occurs in the same way as representatives of any other breeds. Normally, such uterus also gives birth.
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