Selection of personnel. Necessary Art

Selection of personnel. Necessary Art
Selection of personnel. Necessary Art

When a person faces the need to change or find a job, he decides for himself a number of issues. As statistics show, the most significant criteria that the applicant pays great attention to when choosing a future place of professional activity are:

  • Pay level and employment schedule.
  • Social guarantees and career opportunities.
  • Distance from place of residence.
personnel selection
personnel selection

As for executives looking for new members of their team, they face a more serious task. Agree, in the search for a worthy candidate, it is necessary to take into account his actual level of professionalism (not the one indicated in the diploma), personal qualities, the true reasons for dismissal from the previous job and a number of other nuances that applicants for vacant positions often try to hide.

How to correctly select professional personnel, what to pay close attention to, what questions to ask in order to eventually get a truly qualified employee into your staff?

Employer can chooseone of two possible options. In the first casepersonnel selection is carried out by our own HR specialist, in the second one you can trust agencies for which the selection of applicants is a professional activity.

Large companies are more likely to use both options. At the same time, the search for medium and low-skilled personnel is carried out by their own division, and specialists in rare professions are recruited by recruiting agencies.

recruitment and selection of personnel
recruitment and selection of personnel

Both methods have their pros and cons. Thus, a representative of his own personnel service, when selecting personnel, takes into account not only the candidate's compliance with all the necessary requirements of the position, but is also able to clearly determine how harmoniously a person can join the existing team, accept its norms and style of communication.

Agencies that recruit and select personnel at the request of the company will not be able to give such an assessment. However, cooperation with such organizations minimizes the possibility of "personal participation" and the arrangement of an employee, as they say, "by pull". Moreover, recruiting companies receive payment for the work done only after the candidate passes an interview at the enterprise, and his hiring is approved. The full-time HR manager will receive a salary regardless of how many people he interviews and accepts.

professional selection of personnel
professional selection of personnel

It is worth noting that in small enterprises, managers prefer to conduct their owninterviews and make their own assessments and conclusions regarding the suitability of a person for a vacant position.

In general, all of the above options are quite viable. As for the actions of applicants, it is worth noting that finding a job in itself is quite a serious job. It is necessary to carefully approach the preparation of a resume, appearance, during an interview (regardless of who conducts it), provide only reliable data. Moreover, honesty is appropriate not only in relation to personal data or one's qualifications, but also in relation to questions regarding the reasons for dismissal. However, in this area it is also worth observing a certain tact and not delving into an emotional narrative.

The person representing the organization also needs to quite clearly formulate their own requirements and future responsibilities of the candidate, voice the subtleties of internal relationships in the team, as well as the requirements for the performance of the work.

Such reciprocity can turn the selection of personnel into a rather pleasant and beneficial process for both parties.
