Tax refund when buying an apartment: detailed return instructions

Tax refund when buying an apartment: detailed return instructions
Tax refund when buying an apartment: detailed return instructions

Many citizens are interested in the return of tax when buying an apartment. Is it possible to reimburse some of the costs of buying a home? Or is it a useless idea? In Russia, there are so-called tax deductions. Thanks to them, it is not difficult to cope with the task at hand. This means that it is possible to return the money for the purchase and sale of real estate. The main thing is to know how to behave in this or that case. Not always the population has the right to receive a tax refund. We will describe the details of its design below. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. And with the right preparation, you can achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

percentage of tax when buying an apartment
percentage of tax when buying an apartment


Refund of tax when buying an apartment or other property in Russia is called a tax deduction. It is provided to the homebuyer under certain circumstances.

Deduction - the process of recovering funds for certain legally significant transactions, as well as forexpenses for various needs on account of paid income taxes. Also called the process of exempting earnings from personal income tax for a particular amount.

Types of deductions

Income tax refund when buying an apartment is a deduction. Only such returns are different. In our case, we are talking about a property deduction.

Currently encountered:

  • main property return;
  • mortgage deductible.

In the first case, the funds are returned from the amount spent on the direct purchase of property. In the second - for the interest paid on the mortgage.

Important: a citizen can issue two deductions at the same time.

Conditions for exercising rights

Tax deduction when buying an apartment is not always offered to citizens. As already mentioned, a person will have to comply with some rules and conditions.

Currently, a tax type deduction is allowed if:

  • applicant has an official job;
  • a citizen receives a salary and pays personal income tax in the amount of 13%;
  • the transaction was made on behalf of the asker and for his own money;
  • applicant has Russian citizenship.

Accordingly, the unemployed and pensioners, as well as foreigners, cannot count on the registration of a deduction for the purchase of real estate. But there are certain exceptions. We will talk about them further.

tax refund when buying an apartment on a mortgage
tax refund when buying an apartment on a mortgage

For foreigners

Do you want to return part of the funds spent on the purchase of housing? Then foreigners will have toactually forget about the relevant right. They, given the above information, the deduction is not allowed. But, as already mentioned, there are exceptions.

The point is that in order to obtain the right to a refund as a deduction for the purchase of real estate, a foreigner can obtain Russian citizenship. In this case, he will be treated as a "local" resident with all the relevant powers.

Retired and unemployed

Is it possible to get a tax refund when buying an apartment for pensioners? And the unemployed?

Based on the above information, no. In practice, yes. This is due to the fact that, under certain circumstances, the right to deductions is retained for a certain period of time.

An unemployed person or a pensioner can carry out the transfer of personal income tax. In this case, when calculating the tax deduction, income taxes for the last 3 years will be taken into account. What does this mean?

In an elderly (in the absence of official work) or a young non-working person, the right to reimbursement of money for the purchase of housing is abolished only 36 months after the termination of payment of personal income tax. Up to this point, it is possible to return part of the money. The main thing is to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.

Interest rate

What is the percentage of tax refund when buying an apartment? To give a correct answer to this question, you need to carefully study the current tax laws.

Today, the percentage of tax refunds for the purchase of housing, as well as for interest on mortgages, treatment and educationis 13% of the costs incurred. At the same time, there are certain general limits on deductions in Russia. As soon as they are exhausted, the citizen loses the right to this or that return.

Amount limits

The percentage of tax when buying an apartment, returned to the buyer, is 13% of the transaction amount. But, as already mentioned, there are certain limits on refunds.

Today you can return personal income tax for the main tax deduction in the amount of 260,000 rubles in total. For mortgage interest - another 390,000. Everyone should remember these limits.

Deduction amount
Deduction amount

Important: you cannot get back more money than a person transferred to the state treasury in the form of income tax.

How many times to ask

The amount of tax when buying an apartment is 13% of the cost of housing. It can be reimbursed by issuing a property type tax deduction. The main thing is to understand how to act in this or that case.

Some are wondering how often you can apply for the appropriate funds. There are no restrictions on the frequency of applications - a person can claim a deduction until he exhausts the limit amounts established by law.

As soon as they end, the right to a deduction of one kind or another is abolished irrevocably. Accordingly, you can apply for a refund both 1 time and 10.

Record of applications

Refund of income tax when buying an apartment for pensioners is not carried out very often in practice. It is worth remembering that ifan elderly person officially works and receives a salary subject to 13% personal income tax, he will receive a tax-type deduction on a general basis.

How much time is given to apply to the authorized bodies? To date, the limitation period for claims for deductions is 36 months. You can demand money both for transactions three years ago, and immediately for all 3 years. The last operation is extremely beneficial when it comes to returning funds for a mortgage or tuition.

IP and refunds

The return of income tax when buying an apartment raises many questions among the population. For example, what about a citizen who is an entrepreneur? Are such individuals eligible for a tax refund?

Yes, but not always. An individual entrepreneur can return money for various transactions to personal income tax if he pays income tax in the amount of 13 percent of profits. This is possible on OSNO. When using special taxation regimes, the entrepreneur will not have the right to deduct.

Maternity capital and government assistance

Refund of tax when buying an apartment on a mortgage, as a rule, is accompanied by significant paperwork. A citizen has to prepare a huge package of documents for the implementation of the task. We'll talk about him later.

Today, housing is increasingly being bought with the participation of maternity capital. Is it possible to claim a property deduction under such circumstances? Yes. Only under such circumstances, "third-party" funds (state aid or maternity capital) will be deducted from the cost of housing. This means that it will be possible to return less than withusing only your own money in the transaction.

Authorized services

The percentage of tax refund when buying an apartment is not so difficult to remember. And the general restrictions on the returned amounts established by the state too. And where to turn for help? Returning tax when buying an apartment on a mortgage is not so difficult. The main thing is to study the legal rules for demanding money.

The thing is that the income tax refund when buying an apartment is issued through:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • one stop shop service;
  • local tax authorities.

The main thing is to contact the service at the place of residence of the applicant. Otherwise, the deduction may be denied. This practice is sometimes encountered, it causes a lot of trouble.

income tax refund when buying an apartment
income tax refund when buying an apartment

Methods of address

Tax refund when buying an apartment with or without a mortgage is a long and very responsible process. You need to prepare for it in advance.

You can apply to the authorized body with a request of the established form:

  • personally;
  • through representative;
  • by mail.

The last alignment in real life is almost never found. It is considered the longest and most unreliable. However, let's take a look at it too. Citizens should be aware of all ways to make deductions.

Important: for some time now in Russia it has become possible to issue a personal income tax refund through the employer.

Personal message

Refund of tax when buying an apartment for pensionersnot always available. However, if there is such a chance, it should be used. But how?

Suppose the customer decides to personally apply for the relevant service. Then he will have to:

  1. Prepare a certain package of documents. It will change depending on the situation.
  2. Fill out an application for a tax deduction.
  3. Submit a request in the prescribed form to the authorized body. This should not be delayed.
  4. Wait for a response from the Federal Tax Service. It will indicate whether the citizen will be given a deduction or not. In the second case, the tax authorities will prescribe the reason for the refusal.
  5. Wait until the money arrives at the account indicated by the applicant. Personal income tax refund is not issued in cash.

That's it. It doesn’t sound too scary, but in fact, problems are quite common. Especially among those who do not prepare in advance a package of documents for the implementation of the task.

Through representative

The amount of tax when buying an apartment is equal to income tax. And, as already mentioned, it can be reimbursed under certain circumstances.

Some decide to issue a personal income tax return through an official representative. To do this, you will have to adhere to the specified algorithm of actions. The difference will be only in the package of documents provided by the Federal Tax Service. We'll talk about him later.

Instruction: request by mail

Need to make a tax deduction when buying an apartment? Some still send such requests through postal services. As already mentioned, this scenario is not very popular. Hetakes a lot of time, effort and money.

To request a personal income tax refund for the purchase of real estate by mail, you need:

  1. Create a package of documents. Its component is described below.
  2. Make copies of the relevant papers, and then certify them with a notary.
  3. Fill out an application for a deduction.
  4. Send an application in the prescribed form by mail to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration of a citizen, along with copies of the prepared papers.

That's it. Now it remains to wait for a response from the tax authority, and then receive the money. Not too fast, but you don't need to go anywhere in person.

Terms of service provision

Returning tax when buying an apartment is not the fastest process. It usually requires a citizen to wait a long time.

On average, an application for a tax deduction of one type or another is considered for about 1.5–2 months. The same amount is spent on a bank transfer.

Where to file a tax return
Where to file a tax return

If you send documents to the Federal Tax Service by mail, you will have to wait longer than when you personally contact the authorized body. This is normal.

The fastest way is to apply for an income tax refund with the employer - the waiting time for the service is 1 month. It will not be possible to receive the entire amount in cash only. A citizen will simply be exempted from personal income tax for a certain amount.

Main Ingredients

Need to make an income tax refund when buying an apartment? Documents forthe implementation of the task will have to be prepared in advance. They will change depending on the situation.

It is mandatory for the applicant to:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • certificate of income for a particular period;
  • contract of sale or mortgage;
  • certificates indicating the deposit of money for the operation;
  • USRN statement;
  • tax return in form 3-personal income tax.

This is not a complete package of documents. Below are possible additional references needed to claim a tax deduction.

Main return

Is there a refund of income tax when buying an apartment? Various documents are required for this service. For example, to issue the main property deduction, it is enough to prepare the certificates listed above.

If maternity capital was used to purchase housing, you will have to bring an extract of the established form. It is recommended to prepare additionally:

  • copy of the passport of the former owner of the property or the seller's constituent documents;
  • receipt of receipt by the selling party of money for the deal.

All documents must be submitted in original. Their copies without notarization are not endowed with any legal force.

Mortgage - documents for reimbursement

Suppose that a person wants to recoup some of the expenses incurred for purchasing a home with a mortgage. Under such circumstances, the applicant will have to prepare the papers listed above.

They needadd:

  • mortgage agreement;
  • receipts and bank certificates on depositing money for a loan;
  • mortgage repayment schedule.

There is nothing difficult in preparing the listed certificates. Every conscientious buyer should have all of the listed ingredients.

Mortgage and tax deduction
Mortgage and tax deduction

For families

Are you planning to issue a tax refund when buying an apartment? Documents for the provision of the relevant service will have to be prepared in advance. Family citizens must bring much more documents to the authorized bodies than single applicants.

A person with family may need the following paperwork to successfully claim the deduction:

  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • certificates of birth or adoption of children;
  • marriage agreement;
  • any documents confirming the applicant's personal rights to the property.

If there is no marriage contract, it's not a problem. Just in this case, it is recommended to indicate who and to what extent of the spouses draws up a tax deduction, because the property purchased in marriage is common.

If we send a representative

As already mentioned, a person can appoint an official representative, and then send him to the Federal Tax Service to file a tax deduction. The papers listed earlier will not be enough for successful service.

To ensure that income tax refund is not denied, in addition to the listed papers, a representative’s passport and officialpower of attorney to represent the interests of a person. Only in this case can we hope for a successful registration of the deduction through a representative.

If refused

Earlier it was emphasized that income tax refunds may be denied. Such cases are becoming more common. They are not a violation of the current legislation, if the motives for the relevant behavior are explained in writing by the Federal Tax Service.

If a citizen was denied a property tax deduction, he needs to carefully study the reason for this circumstance. 30 days are given to correct the situation without re-applying the application of the established form. During this time, for example, you can bring missing or replace invalid documents.

Sometimes the refusal to issue part of the money for the purchase of real estate is associated with a lack of citizenship, work, or the exhaustion of the established amounts for deductions. In these situations, you will have to come to terms with the decision made. The quick exception is the lack of work. If you find a job and re-request a deduction, it will not be denied.


We got acquainted with the deduction of tax when buying an apartment. Practice shows that citizens often face certain difficulties in the process of exercising the studied rights. Only the advice and instructions offered to your attention will help to minimize possible problems.

Tax deduction when buying an apartment
Tax deduction when buying an apartment

In general, processing an income tax refund is a long process, which, with the right preparation, turns out to be extremely simple. Urgentunder no circumstances will you be able to recover the funds for the expenses incurred. Is it planned to return the tax when buying an apartment? Documents will have to be prepared in advance. And the sooner the better.

That is why experts recommend applying to the Federal Tax Service for deductions as soon as possible, if there are grounds for that. This technique will help to avoid the expiration of the limitation period for personal income tax applications. In addition, it is easier to prepare documents immediately after the transaction than several years later.
