How to get a "Metro" card to visit a hypermarket?

How to get a "Metro" card to visit a hypermarket?
How to get a "Metro" card to visit a hypermarket?

Metro's hypermarkets are widely represented all over the world and are distinguished by a unique customer admission system. If any other similar shopping facility seeks to attract as many customers as possible without any restrictions, then the buyer can get into the "Metro" only with a special card. Not everyone can get it, and therefore the question of how to get a Metro card becomes especially relevant.

how to get a metro card
how to get a metro card

The attractiveness of this retail chain is also due to relatively low prices. This does not mean that the quality of the product is low. On the contrary, Metro has one of the toughest controls on the Russian market in this area. Often there is a situation when a company disposes of products that have not yet expired. Recycles simply because customers should be offered only the freshest. The main feature of the Metro trading network is that stores provide their cards only to legal entities, individualentrepreneurs, as well as persons representing them. These hypermarkets focus on small-scale wholesale trade (instead of regular receipts, full-fledged consignment notes are issued at the checkout), but the cardholder can purchase products for personal needs. It is this circumstance that makes many potential customers think about how to get a Metro card.

client's card
client's card

The most correct approach to resolving the issue is to provide the constituent documents of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. In order for employees to receive cards, a power of attorney must be drawn up for each of them. You will also need a passport of the person being issued. It should also be noted that the client card will be issued to each of the employees personally. A photograph of the owner is placed on the card, and the photo is taken directly at the counter at the entrance to the trading floor of the hypermarket. All the details on how to get a Metro card can be found on the official website of the company.

It should be noted that the above is not the only available shopping option. In extreme cases, you can go to the store with the owner of the customer card as an accompanying person. In addition, many individuals became holders of customer cards during the opening of new hypermarkets in the regions. The company sent offers for issuing customer cards to local organizations to develop an initial customer base.

metro shops
metro shops

Today there arecompanies that are engaged in issuing Metro cards for a certain fee. The trading network itself indicates that such actions are illegal. Cards can be blocked if they were made or issued illegally. In conclusion, one more possibility of how to get a Metro card should be noted - to become an employee of this trading network. Each employee of the hypermarket itself, as well as employees of satellite organizations, is issued a personal card. It is noteworthy that it continues to operate even after changing jobs.
