Working on your own gazelle: advantages and disadvantages, requirements and conditions

Working on your own gazelle: advantages and disadvantages, requirements and conditions
Working on your own gazelle: advantages and disadvantages, requirements and conditions

At different times, people thought about their own business. Periods of financial stagnation are no exception. You always want to have your own business and not depend on the moods and generosity of the authorities. Working on your own gazelle is one of the most popular areas in the field of small business. To start doing it, you need to take into account a lot of nuances, including the size of the initial investment, as well as the amount of free time. After all, cargo transportation can be considered not only as the main employment, but also as a side job opportunity.

Terms and Conditions

So, working on your own gazelle is impossible without buying the appropriate vehicle. In fact, this is the main condition and at the same time a requirement for those who want to enter this business. It is with the consideration of the financial issue that it is worth starting the discussion.

work on your own gazelle in moscow
work on your own gazelle in moscow

How much could you invest at the start? Experienced workers recommend having inavailability of approximately 600 thousand rubles. On the scale of your own business, this is not so much.

Working on your own Gazelle car will require not only the purchase of a vehicle, but also some other expenses.

To buy a used truck, you will need about half a million rubles. You need to set aside some more money for paperwork and elimination of shortcomings. In the current example, this will be 50 thousand rubles. Some amount should be left in reserve for the first time. This is especially true for those who consider their own gazelle as a permanent employment, and not a side job in their spare time. At the initial stage, downtime, lack of orders and, accordingly, profits are possible. However, the car requires some expenses, so a small financial reserve is very useful.

Take a loan?

When talking about investments, we are talking about our own, not borrowed funds. Working on your own gazelle is the kind of business that, according to more experienced businessmen, it is better not to start with credit funds. This activity has some risks that cannot be calculated in advance. The need to make monthly loan payments will become an additional source of stress and will not allow you to fully focus on business development. In addition, in the initial period, working on your own gazelle may not bring enough profit due to the lack of orders.


So, having invested starting funds in the purchase of a gazelle, you can become a businessman. First you need to know the market from the inside. After all, according to other people's reviews, it's more difficultevaluate how profitable it is. Do not give up permanent work if available. At first, it is better to combine it with working as a driver on your own gazelle, gaining the first customers.

work as a driver on your own gazelle
work as a driver on your own gazelle

When a little bit of experience is gained, it will be possible to draw conclusions. Is it worth it to continue this activity or is it better to go out of business? In the case of the gazelle, this can be done with minimal losses. After all, you will have a vehicle. In fact, this is an asset that can be sold and some funds can be raised. That is, recover the costs. Of course, some amount will still be lost. But it's better than working to your own detriment and continuing to waste money.


Pay attention to the difficulty:

  • High competition. The freight transportation market is overloaded, which leads to dumping by drivers and, accordingly, a decrease in income.
  • The need to independently look for orders, spend money on advertising and attracting customers.
  • Having to drive all day. This job is not for everyone.


And now for the positive:

  • Absence of superiors when looking for orders on their own. You can choose a schedule and not share part of your income with anyone.
  • With a stable flow of orders, you can earn a decent income.

Job Search

To make a profit, you will have to attract customers or get hired. Each option has its own disadvantages and advantages at the same time. Let's talk more.

work on your own gazelle car
work on your own gazelle car

It is not enough just to buy a gazelle and wait for the money to flow like water. We'll have to show some activity. When wondering what it takes to run your own gazelle, consider the most popular options.

Private firms

Some transportation companies hire drivers with their own gazelle. This method is attractive to applicants because there is no need to attract clients on their own. After being hired for such a job, the driver gets permanent employment.

However, behind all this advantage, there are also disadvantages. In particular, such work on your own cargo gazelle offers lower pay. After all, part of the income will be taken by the company that provides orders. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that all orders will have to be fulfilled, even if the conditions are not satisfactory. It is possible that you will have to exceed the carrying capacity of the vehicle. If the gazelle is designed for one and a half tons, the authorities can give orders for two tons. You won't be able to refuse them. Otherwise, there is a chance of losing your job.

Cargo Taxi

work on your own car gazelle
work on your own car gazelle

One of the easiest ways is to contact the dispatch service, which accepts orders from private clients who need to transport bulky items. This is much more convenient than searching on your own:

  • Don't have to spend money on advertising.
  • There are no longdowntime.
  • You can cooperate with several dispatch companies.
  • Part of the income will have to be paid to the intermediary.

Online shopping

Every year the turnover of virtual stores is increasing. Selling various goods, they are faced with the need for transportation. At this stage, drivers have another business idea. If an online store sells large goods, such as furniture or household appliances, but does not have its own transport, you can offer your services ahead of competitors. I must say that this is true for young stores. It is enough just to convince the entrepreneur of his own reliability.


Working as a driver on a gazelle implies the need to attract customers yourself. Everyone does it differently.

The easiest option is to place ads in newspapers, as well as on specialized free sites and sit waiting for calls. However, there is a possibility of long downtime. During the work shift, you may not receive a single order.

An alternative option is to have an agreement with several firms in addition to ads. Preliminary informing about orders should become a prerequisite. In this way, it will be possible to fulfill ready-made orders and find your customers.


work on your own cargo gazelle
work on your own cargo gazelle

When there is a need to take out the contents of an office or apartment, you can not do without freight transport. And this is another idea for those who are interested in working on their own car"Gazelle". However, you need to understand that people will also need the services of a loader. Therefore, it is difficult to develop this market alone. Most likely, you will have to negotiate with a partner.

Construction team

There are many specialists who are engaged in home improvement. They are constantly moving between objects. At the same time, they have to transport tools, equipment, building materials. At this stage, you will need a truck. Having established contact with several teams, you can consistently receive orders.


In some localities there are no large supermarkets, and in existing stores there is a very poor assortment. Having your own gazelle available, you can master this line of business. However, you will need to collect a package of documents:

  • certificate from the manufacturer;
  • trade permit issued by local officials.
what you need to work on your own gazelle
what you need to work on your own gazelle

In addition, the tax authorities sometimes require a cash register for outbound sales. It is better to ask this question in advance.


If there is no time, desire, or any other reasons interfere, do not let the gazelle stand idle. Consider renting it out. Theoretically, you can count on passive income in the range of one to two thousand daily. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not easy to find a driver you can trust. In addition, all operating costs are borne by the owner of the gazelle.

Sale of vegetables, fruits

In the season when the harvest is ripe, the owners of their own gazelles have another opportunity to earn money. The advantage is that transport is mobile. If one place turns out to be unprofitable for trading, you can quickly change the location, settling in a more crowded area. To count on maximum income, it is better to buy vegetables and fruits directly in the fields in order to bypass the chain of intermediaries and minimize costs.

job driver gazelle
job driver gazelle

So, having considered the advantages and disadvantages of various methods, the owner of a gazelle will be able to decide on the most profitable one, in his opinion.

Price of services

There is always an average market value. The trucking business is no exception. Looking through the ads of competitors, you will be able to meet a variety of prices:

  • Some deliberately underestimate the cost of services, trying in this way to attract more customers. However, dumping is a direct path to nowhere. Fulfilling a lot of orders for low pay and not getting a decent income, you can quickly become disillusioned with this business.
  • The latter, on the contrary, inflate the price, assuming that in this way they will be able to earn more.
  • Thirds set the average market value, adequately evaluating their services. Experienced drivers recommend choosing just such a pricing policy. To attract customers, you can offer additional services. For example, help with loading.

When setting the price for your own services, you should focus on the average market offers in the selected region. For example, working on your owngazelles in Moscow may be more profitable than in the regions. It's all about the higher prices.
