Holodilnik.ru: customer reviews, shopping conditions, range overview

Holodilnik.ru: customer reviews, shopping conditions, range overview
Holodilnik.ru: customer reviews, shopping conditions, range overview

Everyone has long known that you can buy household appliances not only in the store, but also on the Internet. However, the overwhelming majority of Russian consumers are still inclined to make expensive purchases in supermarkets that are familiar to us. People do not yet have the proper level of trust in virtual points of sale. The only exception is Holodilnik.ru. Reviews about this online store buyers confirm the reliability of this seller and the quality of the goods sold.

Company Description

Holodilnik.ru is a domestic company that sells all types of household appliances from Russian and foreign manufacturers. The online store was opened 15 years ago, in 2003.

Judging by the reviews, Holodilnik.ru copes well with its main tasks and creates the most comfortable conditions for customers. The purchase of household appliances on this portal requires minimal effort from the consumer. The firm providesdetailed information about each model of interest to a potential client - this allows you to make a successful choice and not be disappointed in it even after the warranty period has expired, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Holodilnik.ru store is constantly expanding its range. Over the years of existence in the Russian market, the company has managed to create strong relationships with business partners. The firm's permanent suppliers are leading manufacturers of small and large household appliances. Among the brand names found in the product range of Holodilnik.ru (https://holodilnik.ru), according to reviews, the most popular are the Belarusian "Atlant", domestic "Saratov", "Smolensk", GEFEST, "Biryusa", Ukrainian NORD, German Liebherr, Bosch, Siemens, as well as Samsung, Indesit, Candy, Electrolux, LG and many others. To draw conclusions about the prospects of the project allows its huge popularity among Internet users.

Despite the fact that the Kholodilnik.ru project is aimed at a retail buyer, the company successfully works with wholesale buyers and provides them with comfortable conditions for cooperation, including a system of discounts and loy alty programs. In the wholesale department of the company, according to the employees themselves, highly qualified personnel are involved, who are always ready to share information about the availability of a particular product in warehouses, to familiarize them with wholesale prices and terms of delivery. For regional clients of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as some other large cities of Russia, there is an opportunity to purchase householdequipment in installments.

Should I buy appliances in virtual stores: pros and cons

Despite the fact that prices in online stores, as a rule, are an order of magnitude lower than retail rates, most buyers do not pursue dubious benefits. Judging by the reviews about the store spb.holodilnik.ru (a branch of the company with a warehouse in St. Petersburg), its advantage is the very form of sales. It is not a typical online sales point where you can't even touch the product with your hands. Buying any household appliances here is a safe and profitable decision.

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m holodilnik ru reviews

What are the main risks for buyers of large appliances? The consumer is afraid of being deceived. Who wants to pay a fortune for a refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher or stove that may not be functional enough or simply not appropriate for the interior? But do not doubt the safety of purchases on the site https://www.holodilnik.ru. According to reviews, customers trust the company, because it has been present on the Runet for quite a long time. For 15 years, the company has never violated its obligations, so it is simply impossible to meet the comments of customers who were deceived in Kholodilnik.ru.

Advantages and disadvantages of the firm, according to people

As a rule, most of the reviews about the store spb.holodilnik.ru are positive. At the same time, it cannot be said that consumers like absolutely everything related to the company's activities and the quality of service. Users mention cases of delays in deliveries, salesilliquid and defective devices. However, it is important to understand that every site has negative feedback, and Holodilnik.ru (https://holodilnik.ru) is no exception. In reviews, people always want to express their dissatisfaction, but the most important thing is that there are still ten times more positive comments about the company than negative ones.

The main advantage of buying goods in the Kholodilnik.ru store is the ability to place an order in any convenient place - in the office or at home on the couch, in public transport or on vacation. In addition, before purchasing, the client will not be able to feel the product, but he can always carefully study the reviews of people who have already used it, take into account some nuances, watch a video review, etc. It is impossible to do this in a regular retail store.

Affordable price is another bonus that the client automatically receives. The biggest discounts and profitable promotions, according to reviews, are in moscow-holodilnik.ru. There you can always buy household appliances cheaper than in digital supermarkets. You can argue for low prices:

  • minimum staffing;
  • low storage costs compared to room rent.

Essentially, such savings result in lower prices. However, the main reason for the mass of negative reviews about moscow-holodilnik.ru, as an online store, is the same impossibility to get to know the product more closely until the money is transferred. At the same time, Muscovites do not face such a problem. They have the opportunity to check the performance of the model they like and evaluateits real appearance right in the warehouse. There are two of them in the Moscow region: one is located on the Novoryazanskoye highway, the other on the Leningradskoye.

Company Principle

In the conditions of fierce market competition, the company is trying to offer the Russian consumer the maximum choice of household appliances. The entire range of the Holodilnik.ru online store, according to reviews, has the best value for money. The company, together with manufacturers-suppliers, regularly holds promotions, thanks to which buyers get the opportunity to purchase modern high-tech household appliances at the lowest price. In addition, the company's regular customers are offered participation in profitable discount programs in order to save money on subsequent purchases.

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http holodilnik spb ru reviews

According to the management of Kholodilnik.ru, attentive attitude to customers is the basis of the company's corporate policy. The owners of the holding are interested in the fact that the purchased equipment will serve the owners properly and as long as possible.

Often, buyers in reviews of Holodilnik.ru complain that the company does not have its own service for warranty service and repair of goods. In the event of a malfunction of household appliances, customers have to look for specialized service centers authorized by the manufacturer. Thus, Holodilnik.ru completely disclaims any responsibility for low-quality goods. Moreover, the company has nothing to do with the length of the warranty period - it is set by the manufacturer.

On the site https://spb.holodilnik.ru, according to reviews, consultants are trying to satisfy the needs of the most demanding customers. Almost everyone who asks for help in choosing equipment is satisfied with the service, appreciates the sincere desire to help, the experience and professionalism of the employees.

Assortment of goods in the online store "Holodilnik.ru"

In their reviews of Holodilnik.ru, some customers admit how they first mistook the company for a chain store of refrigerators. There is nothing surprising. Based on the name of the company, anyone who hears about it for the first time might think that the range consists exclusively of refrigeration and freezing units. In fact, the widest catalog of products is presented for buyers on the site https://moscow.holodilnik.ru. In the reviews, users note that here you can find both small and any large household appliances, digital electronics. The catalog of this site is used mainly by residents of the capital and the Moscow region. It is divided into several categories.

The first and most numerous includes refrigeration and freezing equipment (single-chamber, two-chamber, Side by Side, car refrigerators, showcases, chest freezers, wine cabinets, accessories and other goods). Washing machines and dishwashers are a neighboring group on the site www.holodilnik.ru. According to reviews, here you can find a variety of household units in a wide price range. Cookers (electric, gas, combined models), built-in appliances and small appliances for the kitchen are separate categories.

Judging byreviews, https://spb.holodilnik.ru is one of the most popular sites among Petersburgers who prefer virtual shopping. In addition to large household appliances, the portal offers goods for the home, cottages and gardens, including lighting fixtures, furniture, a variety of inventory and tools. The site also presents an assortment of TVs, laptops, digital equipment, goods for children, he alth and beauty.

Why shoppers choose this online store

Judging by the reviews of spb.holodilnik.ru, the company has many regular customers. Shopping here is especially convenient for those people who buy several types of household appliances: there is no need to look for where to buy a refrigerator, where - a TV, and where - a medical blood pressure monitor, since everything is in one place. Affordable prices and constant updating of the assortment are one of the important advantages that are noted in the reviews. Holodilnik.ru websites (spb, moscow, voronezh, samara and other prefixes to the geographic domain correspond to the names of cities where the company has warehouses) often hold promotions and sales. Shopping with coupons and promotional codes is very popular.

spb holodilnik ru reviews
spb holodilnik ru reviews

The interface of the Kholodilnik.ru store is easy to use and easy to visually perceive. Among the sections of the site there is also a special section dedicated to the novelties of the catalog, thanks to which users can always be aware of innovative solutions in the world of technology. In addition to recommendations on the choice of household appliances, portal visitors have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with informationintroductory materials on various models, a description of their technical characteristics.

Reliable quality of goods, models of world famous brands is another argument in favor of the online store spb.holodilnik.ru. The reviews also mention the high quality of domestic goods, which are becoming more and more in demand every year. Buyers have no problems with the choice of payment methods - you can make a payment using a card of any bank, electronic money or cash on delivery, which, by the way, is also calculated on an individual basis.

The undoubted advantage of the online store is the artistic painting of technology. This unique offer involves the transformation of household appliances, which will help to make any interior original. In St. Petersburg, you can order art painting on one of the websites of the store holodilnik-v-spb.ru. According to the feedback of employees, painting the refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine with water-based acrylic paints is popular. Such a decor will be resistant to any external influence, including dampness, sunlight, mechanical abrasion.

A few words about Kholodilnik.ru promo codes

Many large companies use discount coupons and promotional codes to attract customers. For ordinary consumers, this is one of the easiest ways to inexpensively purchase household appliances.

Despite the fact that all the products presented in the catalogs of the company's websites have a low price, the buyer can make a purchase with even greater benefits. Promo codes are a secret combination of symbols (numbers and Latin letters), by presenting which you can get a discount on a product or other interesting offer. For example, users confirm by their reviews of spb.holodilnik.ru that coupons are often available on this site, the use of which en titles them to free shipping.

To get a promotional code, you need to regularly visit the website of the online store and follow the news. Coupons from "Holodilnik.ru" are frequently updated, and you do not need to carry out any complicated actions to receive them. It is enough just to copy a certain combination of characters and paste it into the field when placing the corresponding order in the online store. Using special coupons is a way to save your money.

spb holodilnik ru store reviews
spb holodilnik ru store reviews

Discount program

If you believe the reviews, Holodilnik.ru complies with the legislation related to the protection of the rights and interests of consumers. The company offers its customers a lot of profitable offers. In addition, customers have the opportunity to participate in the promotion and accumulate bonuses for the next purchase, and the company guarantees a high level of reliability of goods from certified suppliers.

Holodilnik.ru makes sure that none of the purchases disappoints customers, and the purchase serves well for many years. The cumulative discount system, consisting of three levels of discounts: 5%, 7% and 10%, cannot but rejoice. In the name of a customer who makes a purchase in excess of 3,000 rubles, by defaultmap is drawn up. The buyer will be able to receive it along with the order. When summing up the benefits of the discount, it is important to remember that it does not apply to promotional items, and when buying several items at the same time, the discount will apply to the most expensive item.


The first option for accumulating bonus points involves using a Sberbank card. It is valid when making purchases in the online store at moscow-holodilnik.ru. Reviews fully confirm the information presented on the official website of the company. By paying with a bank card, the client can return up to 2% with bonuses for the Thank You project. To do this, you need to register in advance on the cashback service. One bonus from the purchase will be equal to one ruble. You can use points as you like in any store participating in the program from Sberbank. In some companies, bonuses can pay up to 99% of the cost of the purchased goods.

However, bonus offers do not end with the Thank You program. Kholodilnik.ru has been participating in the Aeroflot Bonus program for a long time, according to which the buyer receives award miles for every 50 rubles from the cost of the goods. Feedback about the bonus project can be read on one of the sites m.holodilnik.ru. According to people who often fly abroad, this offer is really profitable and allows some to save up to 20% on airfare.

Also, bonuses can be exchanged for gift certificates, including certificates for the purchase of equipment in Kholodilnik.ru, and prizeproducts. The client only needs to register on the website of the Mnogo.ru bonus program and issue an electronic card, the number of which will need to be indicated with each purchase in the online store. You can also use the accumulated points when purchasing products from Wine-Butik.ru.

Tips from customers

Today it is almost impossible to imagine your life without a refrigerator, smartphone, TV or washing machine. All these devices simplify life, save time and effort, help to always be aware of events and have information. But household appliances and digital electronics, even with discounts, are not affordable for everyone. Many plan to purchase expensive appliances in advance in order to be able to save money. Based on the reviews, holodilnik-v-spb.ru is a very useful resource for saving money. Shopping will not hit the wallet if you follow simple recommendations.

moscow holodilnik ru reviews
moscow holodilnik ru reviews

Those who plan to purchase equipment in advance need to visit the site more often and get acquainted with the promotions held in the online store. These often include great deals like these:

  • 50% discount on the second item when ordering a product of a certain brand (for example, Samsung);
  • discount from 10%, which is valid in case of purchasing a set;
  • models from new brand collections at a "hot" price;
  • a gift, subject to a set basket for a certain amount.

Don't refuse the offered discountprograms. For example, you can get a savings card at Kholodilnik.ru after the first purchase in the amount of at least 3,000 rubles. All subsequent purchases will cost 5% less thanks to the discount card. As soon as the total cost of goods reaches 120 thousand rubles, a 10% discount for each subsequent purchase becomes available to the client. Goods can be purchased on the websites of Kholodilnik.ru, including https://holodilnik-v-spb.ru. According to feedback from active buyers, new settlers are the fastest to reach this level - those who purchase large and small household appliances to equip their new home.

But what to do in force majeure situations, when, for example, you urgently need to buy a new refrigerator to replace a burned-out one? After all, it is often more profitable and more expedient to purchase new equipment than to repair the old one. For customers with a limited budget for the purchase of the necessary appliances, the company "Kholodilnik.ru" has provided several options for solving the problem:

  • Purchase items from the "Sale" category. Here you can find everything you need. Equipment that is sold on the site at a better price is unclaimed and unsold items that do not have external defects and work without failures. In the "Sale" section, the price of individual products has been reduced by several thousand rubles.
  • Buy discounted appliances. We are talking about new and working goods with a small marriage or visual defects (scratches, dents). The damage is minor and does not affect the functionality of the device, the discount for discounted equipment is about 20%from the initial cost.
  • Use promotional codes for purchases at Kholodilnik.ru. Coupon discounts can be up to 20% on expensive branded models.

The online store does not skimp on profitable offers, so here you can almost always find a suitable solution for yourself. To use the coupon, you must enter a secret combination of characters at checkout and click the "Apply" button. The cost of goods is recalculated instantly. As a result, the buyer will have to pay a different amount, significantly different from the original one.

Purchase by installments and credit

Another way out of a difficult situation is to buy the necessary equipment in installments or on credit. Holodilnik.ru cooperates with reliable Russian banks, which provide very favorable conditions for consumers. You can become the owner of a new refrigerator or TV with a huge screen even if the client does not have all the required amount.

Installment without interest and overpayments is provided for a different period, a maximum of 2 years. An installment payment agreement is drawn up by analogy with a loan agreement, where one party is the buyer, and the other is the bank. Installment is a regular loan, the interest on which is repaid by discounts on goods provided by the store. To use this method of purchase, you need to select a product marked with the icon "In installments". You can make a purchase without overpayments and down payment.

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http ru holodilnik ru reviews

To participate in the promotion organized bythe company "Kholodilnik.ru" and its partners, it is necessary to make purchases in the amount of at least 10 thousand rubles. It can be one or more products. The maximum cost of a basket for which an installment plan is provided is 250,000 rubles. At the same time, it is important to take into account that this method of payment automatically deprives the right to use promotional, discount discounts and promotional codes.

Buying on credit is a real opportunity to get the thing you need without waiting for the right moment or salary. The loan program is selected on optimal terms for the client. You can pay the cost of the goods in a few months with a minimum interest charge.

According to buyers, the main disadvantage of lending in "Kholodilnik.ru" is that only some goods from catalogs participate in the program. They are marked with a special "On Credit" badge. To purchase household appliances in the online store for credit funds, you must:

  • choose among the options you like the product that participates in the program;
  • make a purchase indicating the payment method "Credit";
  • clarify the parameters of the agreement: the amount of the down payment, the loan term, preferential terms, the possibility of early repayment of the debt, pen alties, etc.;
  • indicate the phone number to which you will receive a free SMS message with a code to confirm authorization;
  • fill out a simple form and submit an application for a loan;
  • in five minutes to receive a decision, and, if approved, confirm the intention to purchase the selected productposition on credit funds.

This is where the active actions of the buyer end. All that remains for him is to wait for the delivery of the loan agreement, which must be signed. The document will be delivered to the address indicated when filling out the application form. It should be noted that delivery is carried out only within the city limits where the warehouses of the online store are located, but upon additional agreement with the courier service, an agreement can also be expected in the region.

Orders are delivered to customers within three to five business days from the date of signing the loan agreement. The first loan installment can be paid in any available way directly on the Kholodilnik.ru website in your personal account. You should also pay attention to the fact that a five percent discount discount does not apply to goods purchased on credit.

Working at Kholodilnik.ru

If there are practically no complaints from customers, then employees often express their dissatisfaction. The positive aspects of working in the company include:

  • the availability of corporate transport for employees, however, without it, the online store would hardly be able to survive in the market, since it is impossible for staff to get to their workplaces on their own;
  • catering - many users say that the food here is delicious, besides, lunches at work are a big plus for family savings and the absence of the need to carry food containers to work;
  • positive work environment, friendly staff, paid internships for newbies;
  • perspectivecareer growth.

The benefits end there. In reviews of Holodilnik.ru, employees often complain about delays in wages, some users point to the lack of payments for several months. To obtain a stable salary, it is necessary to perform a large amount of work, often not corresponding to the job description. According to the responses of accounting staff, the company has certain problems, sometimes financial accounting is not kept properly, reports are not submitted on time.

Movers note difficult working conditions. Warehouse workers often complain about a short half-hour lunch in a 12-hour working day, but many often have to go without lunch due to heavy workload and an endless stream of orders. According to their feedback, the employer saves on hiring staff, so each of the employees has to perform work that significantly exceeds the amount due, in accordance with the job description. The schedule of loaders can hardly be called normalized, since they often have to be late.

reviews about the site holodilnik spb ru
reviews about the site holodilnik spb ru

At the same time, customers themselves speak unflatteringly about the movers who come for delivery. Most users describe them as not entirely conscientious workers. This allows us to conclude that there is no strict labor discipline, and also, possibly, about staff turnover, due to which the company has to hire incompetent people, since there is not always a choice.

There are also reviews of those who are completely satisfiedwork in a company. They consider personal insults, lack of professionalism and experience necessary for the high-quality performance of official duties to be the reason for the negative feedback from colleagues.
