Manufacturer of Single Cup Coffee capsule coffee. Reviews

Manufacturer of Single Cup Coffee capsule coffee. Reviews
Manufacturer of Single Cup Coffee capsule coffee. Reviews

Single Cup Coffee products, whose reviews confirm its quality, will be appreciated by owners of Nespresso coffee machines of all models.

Capsules are produced using a unique technology of water passage, which makes the drink thick and rich.

Coffee capsule manufacturer - Single Cup Coffee (reviews left by users of the World Wide Web about this product characterize it as an incredibly tasty and aromatic drink) appeared on the world market in 2015. Now the Single Cup is under development and is actively gaining momentum.

Starting a business

The business began with the idea to distribute capsule coffee popular in Western Europe in the post-Soviet space. Vyacheslav Timashkov, who previously invested in the first company in the US to manufacture and sell alternative espresso capsules, returned to Moscow and set out to create a similar enterprise in his homeland. Thus, Single Cup Coffee was born.

Single Cup Coffee co-founder Igor Kononenko, who previously worked in the construction business, has taken responsibility for production.

Eventoday, at the time of economic problems, the capsule business, being countercyclical (having oppositely directed dynamics of production volumes, profits and employment), grows by 5-10% annually.

"Birth" capsule

single cup coffee company
single cup coffee company

First, Single Cup Coffee partner Montana Coffee takes samples from a major American coffee bean trader and puts them through rigorous testing.

After roasting the selected beans, a cup of coffee is steamed on them, after which the drink is tasted to determine the taste qualities (taste profile).

After testing the samples and making sure of their quality, the employees of Single Cup Coffee (reviews about the work of the company and its products will be discussed in this material) start roasting the entire batch of coffee beans. Roasting is a very important technological stage: the taste of each new batch of coffee beans after roasting should not differ in taste from the previous batch.

The quality of roasting depends on the quality of the raw materials received, therefore, before starting the process, the coffee beans are sorted out, assigned a category and determine the degree of humidity. About 100 g of grains, taken from each incoming batch, are first roasted on a laboratory roaster. For each type of coffee, a unique method of heat treatment is selected and used.

The product enters the production line after roasting and degassing (releasing carbon dioxide). After grinding comes the turnpackaging: fresh ground coffee is immediately in the capsule. Since the line is closed, packaging takes place inside a nitrogen environment, which makes it possible to ensure that the product does not interact with oxygen. Capsule coffee stays fresh for up to 12 months.

The finished product is packed in boxes, and in this form it is delivered to the Single Cup online store (customer reviews are presented below) or to the wholesale market.

The same taste from cup to cup

single cup coffee assortment
single cup coffee assortment

Each capsule has certain unique taste qualities that remain the same from cup to cup. Vyacheslav Timashkov and Igor Kononenko believe that the most difficult task they had to solve was to achieve taste uniformity.

The stable taste of every cup and everyday quality control are, by and large, the result of the efforts of two luminaries: sommelier Boris Efimov, a multiple winner of the sommelier and barista championships, and Valentina Nikolaevna Kazachkova, chief technologist of Montana Coffee production, world champion in 2009 of the year in cap testing.

Single Cup Coffee Assortment

reviews about the products and work of the single cup coffee company
reviews about the products and work of the single cup coffee company

The heart of the drink is highland Arabica (speci alty standard).

At the summer tasting held in August this year, four varieties were presented: Strong, Intense, Balanced and Mild.

Reviews about the products and work of the Single Cup Coffee company testify to the high taste and unforgettable aroma of capsule coffee.

Secrets of an experienced barista

online store single cup reviews
online store single cup reviews

Boris Efimov knows much more about coffee than has already been said and written about it. A good espresso, he believes, should consist of several factors, the main of which is quality. “Espresso,” Boris is sure, “is a formula consisting of many small but significant components. Changing the properties of any of the components will change the final result.”

The extraction (brewing) time, which usually takes from 20 to 27 seconds, as well as the color of the already roasted coffee, depends on the weight of the portion and the characteristics of the particular variety. The larger the portion, the lighter the roast, the longer it will take to prepare the drink.

“A real boost of energy,” the famous sommelier and barista continues to share secrets, “is only able to give lightly roasted coffee, which contains much more caffeine (which breaks down during the roasting process). There is not much caffeine in espresso. Espresso is a highly concentrated drink. Feeling this rich taste, a person thinks that there is a lot of caffeine in the drink.”

Components of a quality product

single cup coffee reviews
single cup coffee reviews

Given the fact that caffeine is released last, the most invigorating is coffee that is brewed for a long time (for example, in Turkish). The longer water is in contact with coffee, the more substances (including caffeine) are washed into the drink.

Foam is the carbon dioxide released from the grains during brewing. The presence of foam indicates that the coffee is very fresh.

The capsule business has a great future. Vyacheslav Timashkov and Igor Kononenko, co-founders of Single Cup Coffee, are sure of this. Reviews of the Single Cup reinforce this confidence.
