Report for husband. Financial report to husband

Report for husband. Financial report to husband
Report for husband. Financial report to husband

Modern women are more and more often interested in each other how to make a report for her husband on the state of the family budget. For some, this question is extremely important due to the need to save money, someone just wants to learn how to manage cash flows, and for some, reporting is a means of manipulation. This action is not always required for good purposes. Some spouses in this way not only control every step of the second half, but also try to manipulate in every possible way. Should I report to my husband for spending? How to manage a family budget? Where can the money be spent? All of these questions will be answered below. If you correctly approach the solution of the task, it will not cause any significant trouble.

report for husband
report for husband

Reasons for reporting

A report for a husband on the state of the family budget is not always a bad thing. Although many women perceive such a requirement as an infringement of rights and a manifestation of mistrust between spouses.

The most common reasons men ask for expense reports are:

  • need to save money (financial hardship);
  • desire to save more;
  • control of all purchases;
  • greed;
  • quick expenditure of funds even with high earnings.

In some cases, husbands require reporting to hide their own unreasonable expenses. But often such a situation arises in order to save money, to calculate how much money is required for a normal life and in case of a greedy spouse.

Types of family budget

How to write a report for a husband? First, a few words about how people distribute money. The answer to the question of whether it is necessary to report for each purchase depends on this.

How much money is needed
How much money is needed

Family budget happens:

  • joint;
  • separate;
  • mixed.

In the first case, all the income of the spouses is collected in one "barrel", and then distributed to family needs. Money is considered common. With a separate budget, each of the spouses manages only those funds that he earned independently. There is no joint budget.

Mixed type of family budget is a combination of the previously listed forms. Spouses add certain (usually equal) amounts from their incomes into a common "barrel", and spend the rest at their discretion. All current needs of the family are paid from the general finances.

Who is in charge of finances

A financial report in front of a husband or wife, as we have said, is often perceived as a humiliation and a signdistrust. But it's not so bad. Keeping a family budget helps control expenses, save more for a rainy day and save.

greedy husband
greedy husband

It is worth noting that in modern families, even with a joint budget, spouses can keep track of household finances in different ways. Most often, this issue will be led by one person - a husband or wife. Only in some cases absolutely all purchases and expenses are controlled by both spouses equally.

If the household budget is managed by the spouse, the husband can at any time ask where the wife spends money. And vice versa. This is fine. But only if the spouse was not initially stingy and not greedy. Otherwise, full financial statements will be a means of manipulation and subordination.

Earnings of husband and wife

Home finances give citizens a lot of trouble. Especially when it comes to a married couple or people with children. After all, while a person lives alone, he himself is in full control of his cash flows.

In a family, relationships often develop in such a way that one spouse earns money, and the other distributes it. And then the first may require a report. This will help you understand how much money you need for a normal life.

Some believe that a wife's earnings are her personal money. And the husband's income is family. Such a model does exist. And it often succeeds. In particular, if a woman runs a household, but works in her spare time.

There are people who think that a report for a husband if a woman works is a humiliation. A similar model is found, as a rule, with a mixed or separate method of doing home accounting.

Only occasionally does it happen that a husband takes all the money from his wife, and even requires reporting for each purchase. In Russia, such behavior is not welcome. Especially since women run the household and are more familiar with store prices.

Where is the line of decency

The financial report to the husband is usually done at the end of the month. Consider a few situations that occur in real life. Let's assume that the family has a joint budget. The husband earns money, the wife takes care of household and children.

Reporting to the spouse in this case is the norm. After all, the breadwinner must understand well how much money is needed to ensure a decent life for the family. Sometimes it happens that a woman spends too much on pins and excesses to the detriment of her husband, children and family needs.

home finance
home finance

The situation described often includes a verbal report in general terms. A woman must report how much money is spent:

  • for food;
  • for transport;
  • for lunches for my husband at work (if available);
  • for clothes, shoes;
  • for training;
  • on drugs and medicine;
  • for entertainment and life;
  • for household chemicals.

This is the kind of report that would satisfy a normal earner husband. If too much money is spent, the spouse may ask to save on certain categories of expenses. Especially if the salary is already low.

Butmost often reports are required by a greedy husband. The option described earlier will not be enough for him. A person will begin to demand all checks, receipts and payments, not trusting his wife. This is greed. In particular, if the family has a normal income and there is no need to comply with the savings regime.

Where does the money go

Savings is the main reason why spouses can ask each other to account for purchases. Both in full and in general terms.

If the family decides to take up accounting (this prerogative is transferred mainly to wives), they will have to keep a log of purchases. It will help you understand where the funds go, as well as how much money you need for a normal life.

Most often it turns out that the finances in the family are spent on:

  • entertainment;
  • cafes and restaurants;
  • snacks and snacks;
  • delicacies you can do without;
  • drugs;
  • doctors;
  • food bought from stores;
  • transport (gasoline, car maintenance, bus and subway tickets).

Women may spend too much money on cosmetics, perfume, and clothes and shoes for themselves. If a husband or wife is "sick" of shopaholism, the report will not be superfluous.

financial statement to husband
financial statement to husband

Notes in notebooks

Spouses will have to spend a lot of time in order to correctly account for household finances. This is painstaking work that not everyone can handle.

As a report, people often start a special notebook in which all expenses are recordedper day. They are supported by checks. At the end of the month, expenses are calculated with further analysis.

"Excel" to help

Also, as a report, you can keep a journal of expenses in Excel. It must be filled in by both spouses by analogy with the previous method.

It is advisable to keep receipts. You can list every purchase down to apples and milk with prices to visually see what the family can do without.

Mobile apps

The next type of expense report for a husband or wife is the use of mobile apps. For example, there is an application "Home Accounting". With its help, a person will be able to enter all expenses and incomes, and then analyze the data received.

Most of these applications are free. The problem is that such a report is painstaking. And wives may forget to enter purchase data into the app. This means that full control of finances will not work.

How to deal with greed

Greedy husband requires constant accountability for every purchase? Doesn't give money to the family? "Cuts" the amount of money allocated for family needs?

Under such circumstances, the wife should not scrupulously collect checks and provide full accounts. Greed will have to be fought. How?

Reports won't help here. But the spouse can be entrusted with the maintenance of home accounting and the implementation of all purchases on their own. As a rule, after a few months the requirement to provide a report disappears.

where does the wife spend her money
where does the wife spend her money

Only bank transfer

There is another option, but it does not provide details of purchases. We are talking about situations where spending is made by bank transfer.

This approach allows you to make a general report for the husband or wife on expenses. Purchases can be viewed either using Internet banking or by ordering a statement from a financial institution.
