Aluminum (sulfate, or sulfate) - a brief description, areas of use

Aluminum (sulfate, or sulfate) - a brief description, areas of use
Aluminum (sulfate, or sulfate) - a brief description, areas of use

Aluminum (sulfate, or sulfate) is a complex inorganic substance. It is white s alt with a characteristic bluish tint (let's say pink). The crystalline hydrate is colorless. Hygroscopic. Dissolves fairly quickly in water.

aluminum sulfate
aluminum sulfate

Aluminum sulfate solution is often used for water treatment (during coagulation, impurities settle and are filtered out without problems), in the processing of textiles. In a slightly alkaline environment (as well as in a neutral environment), it forms a precipitate (gelatinous insoluble pigment) used in fabric dyeing and printing.

Aluminum (sulfate, or sulfate) perfectly neutralizes garden soils with high pH. This property is used by gardeners, achieving repeated flowering of certain types of flowers.

Aluminum (sulfate, of course) is included in a number of antiperspirants. True, the question of its negative effect on the skin is being asked more and more often. It is believed that with frequent use it can cause irritation and even allergies.

Used aluminum sulfate (sulfate) and in the construction business (asaccelerator, waterproofer). It is quite effective in the fight against slugs, mollusks, insects. Moreover, aluminum sulfate can be found in the composition of complex fertilizers. Without it, the production of fire extinguishers is impossible. Some cosmetic companies use this substance in their products (mascara, shadows).

aluminum sulfate solution
aluminum sulfate solution

Aluminum sulphate is included in the composition of medicines that relieve irritation that appears after an insect bite. The action consists in the destruction of toxic substances injected by insects into the skin. Drugs are produced more often in the form of a spray, which is directly applied to the affected area (or areas).

In the food industry, aluminum sulfate is found in a number of emulsifier additives (called E-520). This is a substance that is both a hardener, a peeling agent for fruits, and a yeast substitute. They clarify water, process lobster and crab meat. It is also an excellent tool that allows you to achieve a denser consistency when preserving vegetables.

Technical aluminum sulfate (Al2(SO4)3) is obtained by the reaction of sulfuric acid and aluminum hydroxide. We can observe it in crystals (plates) and indefinitely shaped pieces up to 10 kg (second or third grade), but usually it is a homogeneous loose substance (crystals up to 20 mm, top grade).

Aluminum sulfate technical
Aluminum sulfate technical

When inhaling the vapors (dust) of this substance, coughing, shortness of breath begins. Contact with eyes and skin results in redness, itching, pain, and evensevere burns. Ingestion causes stomach irritation, accompanied by vomiting with diarrhea.

First aid for aluminum sulfate poisoning involves:

- washing eyes or skin;

- exit from the area of poisoning to fresh air;

- taking a glass of milk with further provoking vomiting;

- see a doctor.

Store aluminum sulfate in cool, dry places. The container must be tightly closed. Mixing with other substances is unacceptable (contact with bicarbonates, for example, is literally explosive).
