Zinc sulfate: features of use

Zinc sulfate: features of use
Zinc sulfate: features of use

You can increase the yield if you use zinc sulfate. This is a universal fertilizer that is suitable for flower, berry, vegetable and fruit crops. Zinc is essential for plants to grow and develop. It will also be indispensable during the fruiting period.

Why do plants need zinc?

Zinc sulfate
Zinc sulfate

The need for beneficial trace elements varies from crop to crop. But their manifestations of deficiency are similar. With a lack of zinc, plants will have small leaves. The fruits on them are rarely formed, they will be irregular in shape.

For a sufficient supply of zinc to plants in the soil, this trace element should be in a concentration of 0.5 to 0.25 mg/kg. At the same time, it can penetrate into plant cultures from water-soluble forms. But on calcareous soils, it practically does not dissolve. Because of this, the level of its entry into plants decreases. The availability of zinc also deteriorates when phosphate fertilizers are applied to the soil.

The most striking lack of this trace element is visible on apple trees, grapes, pears. It is also noticeable in the appearance of citrus fruits, cereals and some types of vegetable crops. You can change the situation if you use zinc sulfate. Applicationthis fertilizer must be carried out according to established standards. This is the only way to improve the condition of crops and increase their yields.

Rules for the use of fertilizers

For the improvement of grain, fruit, vegetable and flower crops, experienced farmers advise using zinc sulfate. The solution of this element is applied directly to the plants. If possible, try to spray both the top and bottom of the leaves. This will contribute to improved absorption of trace elements.

Zinc sulfate application
Zinc sulfate application

For spraying, you need to prepare a solution. For the treatment of berries, fruit crops and flowers, it is enough to dilute 3 g of zinc sulfate in 10 liters of water. You can saturate cabbage and cucumbers by mixing 5 g of fertilizer in the same amount of water. But for the processing of tomatoes and various root crops, you will need 10 g of zinc sulfate.

Spraying is carried out only in calm and dry weather. Processing is best done in the evening or morning hours, avoiding scorching sunlight.

Zinc sulfate can also be applied to the soil. This is done on the basis that per 1 sq. m of land should receive 1 g of zinc sulfate.

Outward signs of micronutrient deficiency

Zinc sulfate is an excellent antiseptic. It is a colorless crystalline substance with a density of 3.74 g/cm3. Zinc sulfate is obtained by dissolving elements containing this metal in sulfuric acid. The resulting unwanted impurities are removed by special purification.

With a lack of zinc, fruit trees are affected by rosette disease. Small chlorotic leaves are visible at the ends of the branches. They form a socket. At the same time, root growth becomes weak. If the lack of zinc is too great, then the problematic affected branches will begin to die off.

You can see the lack of zinc in corn. Her new leaves will be light yellow or white. Yellow stripes form on the old ones. The yield of such corn will be low.

Seed treatment

Pre-sowing seed treatment
Pre-sowing seed treatment

You can get the best yields if you prepare in advance for planting. For example, pre-sowing treatment of corn seeds is carried out as follows: they are dusted with a special mixture consisting of 42 g of zinc sulfate and 150 g of talc. This amount is enough to process 1 centner of seed.

Pre-sowing treatment of seeds of other plants may be carried out differently. Many recommend soaking them in water in which various trace elements are dissolved, including zinc sulfate. But you can put the seeds in solutions with fertilizers for no more than a day.
