Addresses of Alfa-Bank in Omsk. Opening hours and available services

Addresses of Alfa-Bank in Omsk. Opening hours and available services
Addresses of Alfa-Bank in Omsk. Opening hours and available services

One of the largest commercial banks "Alfa-Bank" is widely represented in Omsk. It is worth noting that there are branches for individuals, as well as for business representatives. A number of offices are open on Saturday as well. Terminal areas are open 24/7.

Omsk city
Omsk city

Offices for individuals

The address of the Alfa-Bank branch in Omsk is the Akademichesky credit and settlement office: Prospekt Mira, house 56. There is free spontaneous parking near the office.

The work schedule of this department is "Academic": on weekdays from 9 am to 8 pm, on Saturday also from 9 am to 8 pm. The office is closed on Sunday.

What services can individuals receive:

  • get a car loan,
  • pay for services without opening a current account,
  • open a metal account.

There is a continuous service hall in the branch, where at any time convenient for the client, you can use an ATM, as well as call the Alfa-Consultant call center.


Credit office "Omsk - Park Kultury"operates according to the following schedule: daily, except Sunday from 9 am to 8 pm. The address of Alfa-Bank in Omsk is Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street, 162. Spontaneous free parking has been opened near the office.

The department serves private individuals. Services available:

  • rent of individual bank safes,
  • car loan processing,
  • pay for services without having to open an account.

Adapted to serve people with disabilities.

KCO Alfa-bank
KCO Alfa-bank

Address of Alfa-Bank in Omsk: Krasny put street, 61. KCO "Omsk-Uspensky" operates on weekdays from 10 am to 7 o'clock. evenings. Saturday and Sunday are closed. There is free organized parking next to the branch. There is a cash desk in KKO, cash transactions are carried out for individuals and legal entities.

Business Offices

Operational office "Volochaevsky" branch "Novosibirsky" operates from Monday to Friday from 10:30 am to 18:30 pm. The address of Alfa-Bank in Omsk: Krasny Put street, 61. The branch serves small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. Services offered include:

  • alpha courier service,
  • Overdraft loan processing,
  • issuance of cards of the Alfa-Cash line.

Operational office "Continental" branch "Novosibirsky" is located at: street 70 years of October, 13, building 3. Working hours: weekdays from 09:30 to 17:30. There is free organized parking next to the branch. Forentrepreneurs and businesses the following services are available:

  • end-to-end service,
  • Alfa-Pay service,
  • Internet banking for business.
Branches for business
Branches for business

Alfa-Bank's address in Omsk: Marshal Zhukov Street and the intersection with 10 Let Oktyabrya Street, 25/31. There is free spontaneous parking nearby. Operational office "Omsk" branch "Novosibirsk" operates from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 9 pm, on Saturday from 12 pm to 7 pm. Checkout hours: Monday to Thursday 09:15 to 17:00, Friday from 09:15 to 15:45.

Operational office "Prospect Kultury" is located at the following address: Prospekt Mira, house 33. Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as individual entrepreneurs, are served in the department. Working hours: weekdays from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Operate on Saturday

Address of the Alfa-Bank branch in Omsk: Marshal Zhukov street/corner of 10 years of October, house 25/31. Additional office "Irtysh" operates from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 8 pm. The office provides the following services:

  • Apply for a car loan.
  • Serviced by a personal VIP manager.
  • Metal bills.
  • Instant issuance of cards.
  • Cash transactions for individuals and legal entities.

There is also a cash desk in the branch.

Offices of Alfa-Bank
Offices of Alfa-Bank

Address of Alfa-Bank in Omsk: st. 70 years of October, 13, building 3. Opening hours of the Topoliny credit and cash office: fromMonday to Saturday from 9 am to 8 pm. There is free organized parking next to the branch. Office Services:

  • Design investment products.
  • Agency point for the placement and redemption of shares.
  • Apply for a car loan.
  • Sale of FIFA coins.

With terminals 24/7

KCO "Omsk-Yubileyny" works not only on weekdays, but also on Saturday from 9 am to 8 pm. The address of Alfa-Bank in Omsk is 10 Marksa Avenue. The branch serves private clients. KCO has a 24/7 service room where you can use a self-service terminal and a telephone at any time to contact the Alfa Consultant call center.

A complete list of KCOs and operating offices is available on the official website of the financial institution. Hours of operation may vary during public holidays. It is important to clarify in advance.
