Filter paper: innovation in simple

Filter paper: innovation in simple
Filter paper: innovation in simple

For the first time, filter paper began to be used in ancient China, of course, ordinary material was used for these purposes, but the principle was laid down. Currently, it is produced only in a few specialized enterprises. This is due to the fact that filter paper, despite its apparent simplicity, is a product for the manufacture of which a whole range of technologies is involved. In addition to the cellulose base itself, it contains special fibers and chemicals, dyes, polymers.

filter paper
filter paper

Filter paper is used to clean oil, fuel and air flows in automobile engines, power units and engines for agricultural machinery. It is used for filtration in gas turbines, industrial compressors, diesel engines of railway vehicles. In addition, laboratory filter paper is used for analyzes in the food industry (sugar, beer and wine), as well as in a number of other industries.

filter paper
filter paper

Such a wide scope of material is provided by uniqueproperties of each of its types, designed specifically for a specific purpose. The indicators depend on the initial components and conditions for further use. Therefore, the task of the technologists responsible for the production of this material is to ensure that the filter paper meets the physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics of the often aggressive environments in which it will be used.

The process of its manufacture is aimed at giving it a certain porous structure, which will ensure deep retention of foreign inclusions from filtered gases and liquids. In this case, the filter paper must have certain strength properties, which mainly give it a uniform distribution of fibers in the material and deep impregnation of the base with polymer binder compositions. The technology of its production consists of three main stages: synthesis of a fibrous composition, preparation of the base, impregnation of the paper base with a binder polymer.

laboratory filter paper
laboratory filter paper

A large number of components can be used for the third operation. True, styrene-acrylic copolymers (acrylic impregnation), phenol-formaldehyde resins (phenolic) are most often used in modern industry. The former have a number of advantages. In particular, in the manufacture of paper with acrylic impregnation, no additional technological operation is required - heat treatment, such filters are also considered environmentally friendly, which is especially important when processing air. Phenolic impregnation is a traditional way of producing material for automotiveindustry. In this case, two types of resins (novolac or resol) or mixtures thereof can be used. The main advantage of novolac compared to resole is the lower content of free phenol.

In filters, paper can be installed after embossing, as well as in several layers, which can be of various varieties. This increases the working surface, strength, range of types of captured particles.
