2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
JSC NPF "Future" is one of the largest financial institutions that provides Russian citizens with the opportunity to increase their pension contributions as a result of concluding OPS agreements. The company started its activity in the market more than 18 years ago. Now it is a merger of large NPFs - Welfare and Stalfond.
About the Fund
Because the company is not new to the pension services market, it can already “boast” of success in its business. At the beginning of 2016, more than 3.2 million people became clients of the combined fund from the merger of two significant structures in the field of pension insurance. In total, the pension giant JSC NPF "Future" owns more than 12% of the market.
Initially, the company was directly related to Russian Railways and was their corporate partner. Subsequently, the expansion of the client flow and the loss of the status of a highly specialized NPF allowed agents to differentiate insured persons and attract billions of rubles for pensions. Nowthe monetary "airbag" in NPF "Welfare" and NPF "Stalfond", which are a single fund "Future", is 210 billion rubles.
Openness and transparency of the fund is the key to the confidence of future clients
Investors willingly go to the conclusion of OPS agreements. In addition, the activities of the company are described on the official website. It also indicates which address NPF "Future" has. There are large offices in every millionaire city. The main one is located in Moscow, on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 2. The openness policy allows the network to calculate the size of the future pension and find out what the income will be after the conclusion of the contract. The official website, in addition to information about the founders, pension programs, reveals the main aspiration of the organization - the indexation of savings.
NPF "Future": rating from the influential agency "Expert RA"
It is impossible to imagine the activities of any large and small non-state fund that would not fall under the influence and assessment of the rating agency "Expert". This firm is one of the leaders and most demanding appraisers, which is now known to many clients who are not directly related to pension insurance. At the NPF "Future" rating at the end of 2015 still could not overcome the cherished border "highest reliability". He stopped at stage A+ (very reliable).
However, the opinions of experts of all analyzing companies are unanimous regarding the fact that the fund does notheld on, because officially he is still very young. Despite the fact that NPF "Future" has already earned reviews on the network, it is still a fund that was formed as a result of the merger of two other NPFs. Therefore, it is too early to judge how a legal entity will cope with the reorganization, with clients, and with the internal situation in the team.
And yet, to earn such an honorable rating in the early stages of its development is in itself a good result, which more than 67% of Russian NPFs cannot achieve during their entire activity. They either do not fully meet their obligations to insured persons, or do not have a completely transparent policy of attracting customers and running their pension business.
Rankings of other agencies
However, it will not be possible to analyze the activities of the fund "in all its glory", since "Expert RA" is the only company with which the NPF had a desire to engage in the examination of its own business. Other agencies were not invited as analysts. For a young company that has not yet fully matured and realized its place in the insurance business, this is forgivable. But for such a giant as NPF "Future", such a nuance is not the best moment, as it makes it impossible for potential insured persons to evaluate their work to attract customers and study their financial condition.
People who want to transfer their pension savings are interested in where NPF "Future" has offices, what is their working hours. For example, in Yekaterinburg, the branch operates at the address - st. Strelochnikov, 41; inKazan - st. Pushkina, 12 (additional office 207). A branch in Saratov is located on the street. Vavilova, 28A, office 34.
"Personal account" of the fund - what and how?
It's hard to imagine life without the Internet now. And non-state companies are well aware of the desire of customers to access all their accounts at any time convenient for them, including at home. It is no secret that 75% of Russian NPFs offer their insured persons the service of access to personal account data and pension statements, which fully disclose information about the status of the contract (active, suspended, terminated, not concluded), all savings, in particular, what the amount of funds was transferred directly from the employer, and how much was indexed by a private company, how much percent the client lost when changing the management company, and so on.
At NPF "Future" "Personal Account" on the website also allows the fund's clients, without visiting the company's branches, to study the status of their account, make adjustments in case of erroneous crediting (by filing a claim), send a letter about changing the tariff plan (with an individual pension plan that allows such a function), as well as simply follow all the movements of funds in a convenient environment.
Access to the "Personal Account" is opened both when visiting a branch of the company (a personal visit to managers and agents), and when concluding an OPS agreement or the client's own registration from the official website of the NPF "Future", the address of which is easy to find throughsearch query.
Is it profitable to transfer NPP to NPF "Future"?
3, 2 million customers who have already entrusted their pension savings, of course, did not doubt their choice. Otherwise, they would hardly have transferred them to the "Future". However, many of the “silent” people (78%) cannot make up their minds about where to send their funded part in order to then receive a decent “increase” to their pension. They cannot make a final decision about fund selection based on the principle of reliability.
Certainly, it's nice to feel that your retirement savings are in good hands. And yet, the main reason why citizens enter into OPS agreements lies in profitability. Everyone wants to get an "increase" in their pension. But not many people decide to take this step due to low awareness in the field of pension insurance and the fear of making the wrong choice.
In 2015, the profitability of NPF "Future" left much to be desired. But this is due only to its merger and reorganization. According to some financial sources, it was generally negative (-6.8%). And this means that the savings of citizens remained at the same level as in the previous period (2014). However, you should not panic and strive to quickly choose another company: 18 years of successful operation in the field of OPS speak of stability. And negative profitability, taking into account the still existing moratorium on the formation of NPP, still will not take away from clients those funds that have already been transferred from the employer and are “fireproof”.
Financeof non-state pension funds, which, when merged, created the largest unit in the field of OPS contracts, controlling more than 12% of the pension services market with a 210 billion share of contributions in rubles, allow the organization to pay off to all contributors, regardless of what the company's profitability will be (negative / positive), what is the situation in the financial market of the country as a whole (crisis, sanctions, high competition, monopoly).
It is worth noting that the location of one of the largest offices of the NPF "Future" is Yekaterinburg. In it, the staff explains to all clients what needs to be done and what can be done in case of an incomprehensible or emergency situation, what is the financial atmosphere in the company itself and why the employees have long chosen this company of their own free will. But to get a response, clients will have to be prepared to deal with bureaucracy and lack of enthusiasm (as opposed to drafting OPS contracts, which benefit both agents and the company).
How not to fall into the traps of false agents? Story 1
Unfortunately, information is increasingly appearing on the Internet that insurance agents are fraudulently entering into OPS agreements, literally forcing clients to forcibly join the funds they offer. And these cases are not isolated. It is enough just to go to a website or blog where deceived citizens bitterly and bewilderedly tell everyone about how they fell for the tricks and promises of scammers. And what is most offensive - these "employees", alas, in reality and the truth are insurance agents who simply cannotor do not want to earn a premium by entering into OPS agreements in an honest way.
The same story with the NPF "Future" - the reviews of disappointed people who were promised mountains, or, on the contrary, took advantage of their position and "secretly" slipped them into signing an agreement, now no one is surprised.
Employment without employment: story 2
How to find a job when the country is in crisis? Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the announcement in the press. Advertising in newspapers and the Internet allowed the employees of the NPF "Future" to supplement reviews of their "dirty" work with new statements. The tactic is as follows: the client wants to get a job on an ad, which, as a rule, indicates attractive working conditions. Namely: a high salary, a friendly team, office work and a social package. Of course, there will be a lot of people who want to get such a prestigious place. The company simply will not be able to physically accommodate everyone, but letting them sign an OPS agreement under the guise of a questionnaire or a fire safety form (or any other legend that has nothing to do with alleged employment) is quite.
This tactic is almost a win-win. In need of funds, the unfortunate job seekers will sign almost everything that is “slipped” to them. And only at home, when the excitement and excitement subside a little, they will eventually understand what they have done. But it will be too late. It is useless to count on the fact that after signing all the documents, the client is still going to be offered a workplace: it did not exist initially. It was all just a clever ploy.leadership, a PR stunt that generated millions in profits but significantly reduced customer satisfaction with Future's results and business practices.
What should customers do in case of fraud?
Alas, but if the insured person, not realizing the consequences of his actions, nevertheless signed the OPS agreement with his own hand, it is almost impossible to prove that it was concluded fraudulently. The company always has an excuse. And as a result of the investigation, a potential vacancy will even be offered, which supposedly was waiting for its applicant. And the deceived people will have no choice but to accept their choice or try to transfer their NPP in a year to another company that will act more transparently and treat its customers with respect.
However, there is still hope that pension savings have remained in the previous place. If SMS informing did not report this or a confirmation letter from the Pension Fund has not yet been received. In this case, the contract may be considered incomplete. And the client will still be in the company that he had before the meeting with the insurance agents of the Future Fund.
You can check this in the "Personal Account" (if the client has one) or during a direct visit to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Thus, the NPF "Future" reviews of its activities, most of which (8/10) are extremely negative, have earned their unlawful policy. She left no chance for the company to develop and getnew customers based on the attractiveness of their insurance products.
NPF or FIU? Pros and cons
One of the most requested queries related to finance and profitability, in addition to the exchange rates of the ruble and other currencies, is related to the transfer of NPPs to NPFs. Employees of the Pension Fund vying with each other claim that in the future NPFs will not pay a penny to their clients. And employees of private companies, on the contrary, remind that 6% of savings in the event of "silence" will remain in the FIU. They will be distributed by the state for payments to pensioners of the present.
Non-government pension funds feedback from customers, both disappointed and enjoying their choice (who have already transferred their NPP), are different. Some insured persons are extremely happy that they themselves can manage their funds. Others, on the contrary, did not fully understand what they had done with their funded part. Others were forced to transfer on a mandatory basis by their employers, who entered into a corporate contract and have already managed to receive their profit from the company, which has now opened up access to a large number of new customers.
However, it is extremely difficult to influence the opinion of an individual. Especially with regard to the so-called "silent people", who themselves do not fully know which fund they should choose and whether it is worth transferring their pension savings somewhere. The state is interested in the fact that the funds were not transferred to the NPF. Therefore, for the third year in a row, it has extended the moratorium on indexation under OPS agreements. Of course, onThis situation was largely affected by the economic crisis, but the population is still in the red. For those who have already transferred NPPs to NPFs, there is no need to worry about the choice. If the company is insured, the payments will be returned, as in the case of bank deposit insurance. The largest NPFs (including Future) have entered the insurance system, which is additional protection for clients and increases their loy alty to the company.
NPF and the crisis: when is the license revoked?
In an era of crisis, many companies could not endure the financial flow and checks that fell on them. Many of them went bankrupt, others reorganized into smaller firms, others decided to voluntarily leave the market. As for NPFs, the worst thing for them is the loss of the license of the Central Bank. This means a ban on activities in the financial services market. And if the company fell under the revocation of the license, then investors will have to look for another management company. Or they are obliged to come to terms with the fact that the default contributions will be transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia. At the same time, the share of deductions paid by the employer will remain unchanged. But the loss of interest indexing contributions is not excluded.
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