Hand milling cutter - assistant home master

Hand milling cutter - assistant home master
Hand milling cutter - assistant home master

When it is necessary to accurately perform a longitudinal groove or other recess on any part, as a rule, a milling machine is used. Such equipment is in any plumbing or carpentry shop. Regardless of the material being processed, be it wood or metal, the principle of operation remains the same: the rotating cutting edge and the workpiece come into contact, and when moving relative to each other, the material is excavated to the desired depth with the required profile configuration.

Manual frezer
Manual frezer

A hand router, unlike a stationary machine, takes up little space, it is relatively inexpensive, and its benefits can be considerable. The device of this tool, in general, is simple, it consists of a “head”, that is, a node in which there is an electric motor with a control circuit and a spindle on the shaft, and the part that provides thread direction, that is, milling. At the same time, when choosing a manual router, it should be remembered that for the successful use of the device, it is the quality of the guide and fixing unit that is of paramount importance. It is desirable to give preference to the tool with the maximum number of castparts of both the platform and the parallel or turret stop. As for the "head", its quality is directly dependent on the mechanical part.

Milling cutter for manual router
Milling cutter for manual router

The motor is direct drive, high speed, shaft rotation speed is usually 30 thousand rpm. It can be controlled by an electronic circuit that provides smooth acceleration and stabilization of speed in the event of an increase in load. These additional features protect the router from overheating and the electrical network from overloading during current peaks during transients.

The quality of the work is directly dependent on the uniformity of the movement of the cutting tool relative to the workpiece, so the base must be smooth. Another factor that affects the successful completion of the task is the absence of distortions and backlashes, which is why the rigidity of the holding knot is so important, especially since it has depth adjustment.

Milling cutter set for manual router
Milling cutter set for manual router

The collet holding the router bit includes the collet itself, which transmits the force of the drive shaft to the cutting tool, an insert, and a clamping nut.

A special mention should be made about the insert, the choice of cutters depends on its inner diameter. It is worn directly on the driveshaft shank.

Now about what this whole construction was created for. A set of cutters for a manual router is usually included in the package, but it may not be enough. To make the right choice, remember thatthey are prefabricated, in which the profile configuration may change depending on which blades are mounted on the base blank.

In addition, cutters are divided into high-speed and carbide, the latter being more durable, but also more expensive.

The type of work performed also affects the choice of cutter. It can be edging (for processing edges), figurine (for forming decorative edges), tongue-and-groove (for creating tenon-groove joints).

In the right hands, a hand router can successfully replace a number of carpentry tools.
