The currency of Tunisia. Description and history

The currency of Tunisia. Description and history
The currency of Tunisia. Description and history


Today, holidays in North Africa are quite problematic. This is due to the multiple Arab revolutions and numerous bloodshed. However, there are also states that this rebellious epidemic has not touched. One of these countries is Tunisia. It is located in northern Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, Libya and Algeria. This state of 10 million is not as big as Egypt. It is familiar to domestic tourists, at the moment it is more safe.

Currency of Tunisia

currency of tunisia
currency of tunisia

The system of exchanging values using paper money in Tunisia is quite developed. Also, it will not be difficult for tourists with plastic cards to withdraw cash from an ATM, since there are a lot of them in big cities and tourist areas. The Tunisian currency is relatively expensive, costing approximately the same as the US dollar. It is called the Tunisian dinar and is indicated on the international market as TND.

In contrast to the usual way for us to split the currency into 100 smaller, mostly monetary monetary units (penny, cents), the Tunisian currency is divided into 1000 millimams. Although today they are in circulationmilliams in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 units, due to their low purchasing power, it is quite difficult to meet them. Also in monetary form, monetary units of 0.5, 1 and 5 dinars are common. Paper money in the country has a large purchasing power and in circulation they are found in amounts of 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 dinars. You can exchange funds at exchange offices in large cities of Tunisia, which are open from 9 am to 11 am and from 3 pm to 5 pm local time. The rate is usually fixed by the country's central bank.

History of the Tunisian dinar

The currency of Tunisia in its current form appeared in 1960. She replaced the Tunisian franc.

tunisia currency
tunisia currency

Such financial changes in the country are connected with obtaining independence in 1956 from the French protectorate and the announcement of the independent state of Tunisia. The currency, due to administrative and clerical red tape, became independent after 2 years. She received the name of the Tunisian dinar. At the beginning of the formation of their own currency, Tunisians exchanged it for colonial francs in the ratio of 1 to 1000. However, this rate was soon canceled, the exchange began to be made for the American dollar in the proportion of 1 dinar=2.24 US dollars. To date, the exchange rate is not so great: 1 dinar is equal to 0.718 US dollars.

Tunisia's currency against the ruble

The exchange rate of the Tunisian dinar in relation to the ruble is as follows: 1 TND=23 RUR.

Tunisian currency to ruble
Tunisian currency to ruble

However, in this North African state, the euro andAmerican dollar. As, however, in most countries of the world. Perhaps, in the distant future, such a fate awaits the domestic currency, but today it is best to buy dollars at home and go with them to any part of the world. You can bring them to Tunisia in unlimited quantities. You can also take out as much as was brought in, although it is unlikely to succeed. Tunisian dinar is not accepted in duty free, it is also prohibited to take it out of the country.
