Steel 40ХН: characteristics, GOST and analogues

Steel 40ХН: characteristics, GOST and analogues
Steel 40ХН: characteristics, GOST and analogues

Unfortunately, exploring the vast Internet in search of simple and understandable articles on the topic of metal structures and steels in principle, at best, you will find a couple of unstructured articles that do not make much sense. In other cases, information is provided in the form of simple clippings from regulatory documents, where all information will be given in the form of obscure scientific and technical abbreviations and designations.

This state of affairs does not suit us, therefore, in today's article, we will simply get acquainted with the main characteristics of 40ХН steel as much as possible, and also discuss its scope and chemical composition.


Steel 40ХН characteristics
Steel 40ХН characteristics

Let's start our excursion with the simplest, namely, with the answer to a rather important question. Where is this steel used or, to paraphrase a little, for which industrycharacteristics of steel 40ХН will be most in demand?

If we refer to the documentation, namely to GOST 4543-71, it will become clear to us that 40ХН steel is structural, alloyed, chromium-nickel. This name makes it clear that this grade of steel is used primarily for the manufacture of something. In most cases, the use of 40XH steel is closely related to the manufacture of parts for various mechanisms.

For example, axles and shafts of engines, gears, rollers, connecting rods, levers and much more are often made from 40XH. All of the above parts are subject to high loads during their entire operation, from which we can conclude that the characteristics and mechanical properties of 40XH steel are not so bad.

However, you should not think that steel of this grade is already produced in the form of finished parts. Like any other steel, 40ХН is supplied to the market in the form of strips, bars, hexagons, squares that are familiar to everyone.


Steel 40ХН characteristics, application
Steel 40ХН characteristics, application

We are sure: it is no secret for readers that the alloy of iron and carbon is steel. Pure steel, to be exact. However, such material is not always suitable for use. It is in order to improve the initial properties of steel that various elements from the well-known periodic table are added to its composition, the presence of which in the composition in a certain proportion endows the alloy with certain properties such as increased wear resistance and oxidation resistance.

Steel 40ХН was no exception, the characteristics of whichdirectly follow from the ligature composition, which looks like this:

  • 0, 4% carbon;
  • 0, 6% chromium;
  • 0, 65% manganese;
  • 0.27% silicon;
  • 1, 2% nickel;
  • 0, 3% copper.

Alas, the smelting technology cannot guarantee the complete absence of harmful impurities in the composition of 40XH steel. Characteristics due to their presence do not deteriorate significantly, since the percentage of such impurities does not exceed 0.035%.

Steel 40KhN - characteristics, mechanical properties
Steel 40KhN - characteristics, mechanical properties

Steel 40ХН: characteristics

The use of 40KhN steel as a material for the manufacture of heavily loaded parts of mechanisms is the clearest indicator that the alloy has sufficiently high strength indicators. And this is certainly true. Most of the master alloy in the composition increases the strength characteristics of 40ХН steel, such as wear resistance, impact strength, ductility, resistance to elevated temperatures, and also makes it more resistant to corrosion.


As usual, almost any steel - tool, construction or structural - will always have several analogues or substitutes both within the manufacturing country and abroad.

Let's start with domestic steels. Among the similar ones were:

  • 40X.
  • 35HGF.
  • 50xn.
  • 30XGWT.

But in foreign markets you can find something similar. For example:

  • United States of America - 3135 or 3140N.
  • Japan –SNC236.
  • China – 40CrNi.
  • Germany - 1.5710 or 40NiCr6.

Well, now you know much more about 40XH steel, its inherent characteristics, and applications. We hope you found this article helpful.
