International rating of banks in Kazakhstan

International rating of banks in Kazakhstan
International rating of banks in Kazakhstan

Kazakh banking sector is characterized by stable development. This largely explains the relatively high international rating of banks in Kazakhstan. Over the past few years, most of them have continued to develop. In many ways, the merit of such stability belongs to the leadership of the state, which provides sufficient support through banking structures in the economy.

Main indicators taken into account when compiling bank ratings

Viability indicators are most conveniently tracked by the corresponding rating of banks in Kazakhstan. It is based on the basic financial standards of credit institutions, along with the existing development dynamics of each of them.

When rating the best banks in Kazakhstan, special attention is paid to the timely return of customer deposits, even if the bank itself has certain financial problems.

Funding is also taken into account. Funding stability refers to the ratio between loans issued to customers and deposits for a particular credit institution. Ideally, they should be approximately equal, as thisis a guarantee of financing already issued loans through attracted finance, without the use of interbank funding resources.

Rating of banks in Kazakhstan
Rating of banks in Kazakhstan

If the rating of banks in Kazakhstan shows that an institution is characterized by 100% funding (the term "funding" means raising debt capital through deposits and investments), this indicates the formation of the existing loan portfolio through deposits. Therefore, even in the event of serious fluctuations in the capital market, there will be no urgent need for its urgent repayment.

Quick liquidity is another factor that is certainly taken into account when compiling a credit rating of banks in Kazakhstan. It reflects the ability of the institution to urgently repay short-term liabilities through the sale of its own liquid assets. If the value is close to 100%, this is evidence of the long-term stability of banks. With a small ratio, the situation will also not be critical - bankruptcy can be completely avoided with the proper use of funds received from the planned repayment of loans, even in a crisis.

Features of bank ratings

When compiling the rating of banks in Kazakhstan in terms of their viability, all existing credit institutions of the country are taken into account, with the exception of Housing Construction Savings Bank. This is due to the fact that he, regardless of the circumstances, has full state support.

Particularly successful in the modern market of Kazakhstan aremany subsidiaries of Russian credit institutions. In general, its position in a particular rating often depends on the owner of the bank.

Banks of Kazakhstan rating
Banks of Kazakhstan rating

Viability of Kazkom and BTA banks

In 2014, the procedure for merging these credit institutions was launched. Now in the ratings of banks in Kazakhstan they are presented as a whole. The well-known entrepreneur Rakishev is engaged in management.

According to current information, this bank is currently considered the most viable among credit institutions in Kazakhstan.

Viability of Halyk Bank

This credit institution in the ranking of banks in Kazakhstan gets an honorable second place. Such success is due to the small outflow of deposits, which does not prevent maintaining a leading position among other credit institutions in terms of customer deposits. The total share of assets is 14.4%.

Almost 70% of the shares of this bank belong to the ALMEX group. The owners of this holding are the Kulibaev spouses in equal shares.

Credit rating of banks in Kazakhstan
Credit rating of banks in Kazakhstan

Tsesnabank's viability and performance

In the current rating, Tsesnabank of Kazakhstan is ranked third, if the value of assets is considered. In terms of customer deposits, this credit institution ranks eighth in the whole country.

International ratings of banks in Kazakhstan favorably note funding indicators close to one. That is, herethe shares between deposits from individuals and loans issued are perfectly respected. The indicator of quick liquidity has recently remained at low, but acceptable levels.

The largest share in this bank belongs to the notorious Tsesna holding, which to some extent determines the high rating of Tsesna Bank of Kazakhstan.

Indicators of "Sberbank" of Kazakhstan

Different, including international ratings of banks operating in Kazakhstan, include a number of credit institutions. But the only bank that is among the ten largest by assets among subsidiaries of Russian banks is Sberbank of Kazakhstan. So far, it is in 5th place in the country in terms of deposits accepted from individuals. The reduction in deposits here is also insignificant.

This institution belongs to Sberbank of Russia. The Central Bank of the country acts as the main founder, although certain shares in its capital belong to investors both from Russia and from some other countries.

The best banks in Kazakhstan rating
The best banks in Kazakhstan rating

Indicators of "Bank CenterCredit"

High stability of funding, according to experts, is inherent in Bank CenterCredit. According to the rating of deposits of banks in Kazakhstan, he is given the eighth place. When considering the assets of a credit institution, it occupies the sixth position of the corresponding rating.

A large Korean bank owns a significant share of the assets.

Kaspibank indicators

A feature of this financial institution is a pronounced focus on lending to individuals. Although the inflow of deposits here also decreased somewhat. The bank itself takes the second position in assessing the profitability of existing capital. Among total liabilities, about 47% are deposits from individuals.

The main shareholder of the bank, whose share is slightly less than 90%, is Kaspi Group JSC (KASPI GROUP).

Indicators of "ATF Bank"

The advantage of "ATF Bank" over many of its competitors, experts call low dependence on deposits made by individuals. Looking at the assets of a credit institution in detail, individuals account for slightly less than 28%.

Just a few years ago, almost all of the bank's assets were sold to KazNitrogenGas. And as you can see today, the new policy of the bank's management is already bearing fruit.

Rating of banks in Kazakhstan by assets
Rating of banks in Kazakhstan by assets

ForteBank Performance

Finishes the top ten in the ranking of banks in Kazakhstan in terms of deposits from individuals ForteBank. At the same time, in terms of assets, it occupies a confident ninth position among other credit institutions in the country. It is characterized by a low dependence on deposits accepted from individuals - they account for no more than 25% of the total asset structure.

Experts predict a stable position for this credit institution along with steady development.

The main share of the bank's shares belongs to businessman Utemuratov, well known in business circlesCIS.

Indicators of "Eurasian Bank"

When considering the rating of banks in Kazakhstan in terms of assets, Eurasian Bank is in tenth position. This lending institution receives funds from various sources. Thus, deposits from individuals account for less than 25% of the asset structure. At the moment, experts note a slight reduction in the loan portfolio.

Most of the bank's shares are in the hands of the Eurasian Financial Company under the leadership of A. Ibragimov and A. Mashkevich.

Reliability ratings of Kazakh banks

Many international financial agencies are critical of the composition of the assets of the main Kazakh banks, their quality. When compiling the international rating of the reliability of banks in Kazakhstan, specialists take into account such indicators as the amount of capital that determines the first or second level of a credit institution. It is she who, in the event of a crisis, will ensure more or less sustainable development.

Financial experts gave the leading position to the "Halyk Bank" of Kazakhstan, which has the capital of the first level of 310.1 billion tenge, of which 20% falls on the authorized capital.

"Kazkommertsbank" occupies the second line - its capital is estimated at 297 billion tenge. Experts recognized BTA Bank as the third in this rating of banks in Kazakhstan.

Landing institutions such as Senim Bank, Kassa Nova Bank and the National Bank of Pakistan close the rating.

Rating of deposits of banks in Kazakhstan
Rating of deposits of banks in Kazakhstan

Popularity of Kazakh banks

Financial experts compile a separate rating, focusing on such an indicator as the mention of credit institutions. Based on this, ratings of the popularity of banks are formed.

QAZKOM is currently the most mentioned among banks in Kazakhstan. Of course, the last few years have not been the easiest for this credit institution. An unpleasant factor was the downgrading of his rating to "ССС" by the rating agency. But the bank's management managed to urgently correct the situation and return the previous international rating from S&P to B-.

Despite serious personnel changes in the bank's management, updating its brand, it has recently been able to increase its existing assets.

"Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" took the honorable second line of the popularity rating from S&P. In many ways, this was facilitated by the implementation of an open information policy. Press conferences were regularly held here, many events in the life of a credit institution were covered. Many experts believe that the bank owes such high performance to the increased media activity of its chairman Shayakhmetova.

Moreover, according to the results of 2016, it was Halyk Bank that managed to gain leadership in retail lending. This is one of the five most profitable banks in the country, which is also important. His profit is increasing.

DB from JSC "Sberbank" received the third place in the popularity rating. It's no secret that this is a childformation of one of the largest Russian banks. Experts are sure that such a high popularity is due to the activities of Sberbank as such.

Housing Construction Savings Bank is mentioned a little less often. It is also quite popular in Kazakhstan. There are several reasons for this, including the implementation of the Affordable Housing program from the state, which provides for financing housing construction.

Reliability rating of banks in Kazakhstan
Reliability rating of banks in Kazakhstan

Analyst forecasts and general trends

Today's situation on the world stage is ambiguous. Of course, this is also reflected in the financial sector. The stability of many credit institutions in Kazakhstan is being lost.

Thus, recently experts predicted a possible revocation of the license and Delta Bank. Against the background of such conclusions of experts, his assessment fell to "CCC".

Analysts tried to reduce Kazkom Bank's position in long-term credit ratings. But, in view of the strong state financial support, a negative scenario for this Kazakh bank is excluded.

In general, following the results of 2016, there was a decrease in the ratings of many banks in the country from international agencies. This is due to the deterioration of the credit mechanism against the backdrop of a general recession in the country's economy. Many credit institutions in a difficult financial situation had to make a series of cuts, involving not only cutting money on certain items of expenditure such as advertising and business trips, but also reducing the number of employees.

In general, due toIn response to the expected deterioration of the economic situation in the country, the main Kazakh banks are already taking steps to reduce their dependence on various external resources. There is a policy of active use of own funds to finance all activities.
