How do young people choose a profession?

How do young people choose a profession?
How do young people choose a profession?

Why are there so few really happy people in life? How do those who achieve maximum success choose a profession?

Paradoxically, what parents and school tell us turns out to be the most unfortunate decision. Let's remember the great figures of culture and art. Parents or fate intended for them a certain path (Vysotsky, Galich, Rosenbaum, Bulgakov …). However, their inner selves chose completely

how to choose a profession
how to choose a profession

other option. How do successful businessmen choose a profession? Very few among them are those who make vital decisions under the influence of family tradition, the beliefs of classmates or friends. "For the company", as a rule, do not become high-class professionals. Many change dozens of activities in their lives until they find themselves.

How do young people choose a profession? Unfortunately, they rarely think about how comfortable they will feel in a particular role. Often a favorite character, a movie, a "high mission" imagination, or a childhood experience is of great importance. However, the most important thing is whether thethis kind of occupation will affect the abilities, the mental make-up of a person, or it will require a radical break-up "in the name of an idea." A free test, which profession to choose, can be taken not only in the psychologist's office, but also online. Such a questionnaire is built taking into account the characteristics of the main areas of human activity and serves as a tool for analyzing how a particular person can realize himself in this area.

How do test-takers choose a profession?

how to choose a profession
how to choose a profession

They better understand themselves, their inclinations and characteristics. For example, the field of activity "man - other people" is suitable for one. What does this mean in practice? Such a person will be able to realize his potential in communication, in helping and interacting with others. He can become a good doctor, teacher, educator. He is comfortable with other people, he knows how to help them and feels needed. And how do those whose preferred field of activity is connected with sign systems choose a profession? They feel "in their place" when working with texts, signs, tables, data. They do not need and even interfere with excessive communication, they are pronounced introverts. They like to work in silence and concentration.

Others can successfully realize their potential in the natural environment. They do not need constant communication with others, but they feel comfortable with animals and plants. Such people will make excellent biologists, zoologists, veterinarians. How to choose a profession to your liking?

free test whatchoose a profession
free test whatchoose a profession

Besides tests, the ability to listen to yourself is important. If you are drawn to technology, if you can stay in the garage for hours, you know the purpose of each screw in the mechanism, and your parents tell you that "the most prestigious profession is a lawyer," listen to yourself. What is the use of how much a person can earn in this position if he goes to work with disgust, if his soul "does not lie" to help other people. And vice versa: those who cannot imagine a day without communication can hardly "devote themselves" to dry figures or data. They will feel much better in direct sales, in contacts with people, than one-on-one with a computer.

How do those who want to live in harmony with themselves and the world choose a profession? They do not try to break themselves, set them up and convince them that "this is how it should be", "this is what parents want", "it will bring success". They do what the soul lies to. Only in this case can we talk about success.
