Cow's udder: description, structure, possible diseases and treatment features

Cow's udder: description, structure, possible diseases and treatment features
Cow's udder: description, structure, possible diseases and treatment features

The udder is the mammary gland of female farm animals. In all ruminants, including cows, it is located between the thighs, in the groin area. In female cattle, it is an organ formed as a result of the fusion, most often of two pairs of glands.

Udder structure

During puberty, a cow begins to develop numerous ducts in her mammary gland. The rest of the udder of an animal of this age is made up of connective and adipose tissue. In the latter, there are a number of small pores (alveoli).

cow udder
cow udder

During the pregnancy of a cow, small ducts in the mammary gland are first connected into medium ones, and then into large passages. Later (already in the second half of pregnancy), the number of pores sharply increases in the udder. At the same time, adipose tissue gradually begins to be replaced by glandular tissue, which consists almost entirely of alveoli.

Externally, the process described above is manifested primarily by an increase in the cow's udder. The animal, of course, does not experience any pain. This is explained primarily by the fact that the skin covering the mammary gland of female cattle is very elastic and can be greatly stretched.

How milk is produced

A special secret begins to accumulate in the alveoli of a cow during pregnancy. Its character changes at different stages of gestation. At first it is a completely colorless liquid. Around the fourth month, the secret becomes yellowish. Later, its color changes to honey, and the liquid consistency to viscous. Just before the birth, colostrum begins to be milked from the udder of the cow along the passages. It is a very nutritious viscous liquid containing a huge amount of protein, potassium, sodium, vitamins, etc.

cow udder treatment
cow udder treatment

The composition of colostrum begins to change after about 1.5-3 days. At the same time, the percentage of protein included in it, as well as vitamins and trace elements, is significantly reduced. After another 6-9 days, it turns into milk.

Cow milking

To activate the development of the mammary gland, a pregnant animal is supposed to massage periodically (from about the 6th month of pregnancy). First of all, the cow is taught to stroke the udder while cleaning the body. From the eighth month of gestation, the lateral surfaces of the mammary gland begin to be massaged. Next, they teach the cow to touch the nipples.

In order for the animal to be well milked in the future, immediately after calving it is given a bucket of warm swill (1 kg of bran and 50 grams of s alt per bucket of water). At the same time, they feed the cow with high-quality hay ad libitum. One day after birth in the dietanimals increase the amount of concentrates and beets.

If all these recommendations are followed, the owners will not have to treat the cow's udder in the future. The animal will have a good birth and will give a lot of milk.

What problems can occur with the mammary gland

If the technology of keeping the cow's udder is violated after calving, it can become quite seriously ill. In most cases, such problems for cattle owners arise when animals are not properly fed or when sanitary standards are not observed in barns. The most common udder diseases in cows are:

  • postpartum paresis;
  • mastitis;
  • edema.
treat a cow's udder
treat a cow's udder

Immediately after the discovery of any disease of the mammary gland in an animal, treatment should begin. The udder of cows for an accurate diagnosis must first be examined by a veterinarian.

Postpartum paresis

This disease of the udder most often occurs in adult cows (5-9 years old) who are well-fed and high-producing. Paresis always appears suddenly, approximately 12-72 hours after calving. The cause of it is considered to be the nervous stress experienced by animals during childbirth. The main symptoms in this case are the general weakness of the cow, dilated pupils, clouding of the cornea, disruption of the intestines.

Previously, postpartum paresis was considered an incurable disease. However, recently a method has been found to help quickly raise the animal to its feet. Treatment according to this technique involves blowing air into the udder of a cow (through the nipples).by means of a bicycle pump or a special Everas device. Preliminary, of course, all the milk is milked from the mammary gland. Blowing is carried out until the folds on the udder are straightened.

With proper treatment, a cow can show signs of recovery within half an hour. If there are no positive results 6-8 hours after injection, it should be repeated. In this case, it is desirable for the animal to additionally put an enema. Sometimes, instead of air during postpartum paresis, milk from a he althy cow is pumped into the udder of a sick female cattle.

cow udder after calving
cow udder after calving

Mastitis and its treatment

This disease develops in cows most often due to inept milking. Sometimes mastitis is also caused by poor udder care (cold damp floor in the barn, dirt). This disease is localized most often in one or two quarters of the mammary gland of the animal. You can identify it by the following symptoms:

  • inflammation of the udder and the presence of seals on it;
  • puffiness;
  • changing udder color;
  • increase in animal body temperature;
  • discharge from an infected quarter of viscous or coagulated milk mixed with blood and pus.

Mastitis should be treated immediately after the first signs of it are detected. Veterinarians usually prescribe antibiotics and special products for cows that are designed to combat this particular disease. Simultaneously with injections, the udder of the cow should be periodically massaged and milked from it.

There are andfolk remedies for the treatment of mastitis in cows. Some housewives attach a bandage with grated carrots and chopped cabbage leaves to the udder of a sick animal. It is believed that it helps well against mastitis and a compress with vodka. Also a good folk remedy is an ointment made from starch and vegetable oil.

cow has swollen udder
cow has swollen udder

Udder swelling

This disease can occur both before and after calving. Edema is manifested by an increase in the size of the udder and thickening of its skin. Sometimes the tumor even spreads to the belly of the cow. Most often, this disease occurs in first-calf heifers. The main causes are usually dirty bedding and too much succulent food in the diet. If the cow has a swollen udder, treatment should begin immediately. The mammary gland with such a disease is supposed to be massaged periodically, as well as lubricated with petroleum jelly.
