How to find out if a person has loans in a bank?

How to find out if a person has loans in a bank?
How to find out if a person has loans in a bank?

The debt load of the population is growing every year. If ten years ago one loan in a family was a rarity, today the bill goes to three, four or more. Sometimes even the wife does not know if her husband has debts. Today we will talk about how to find out if there are loans on a person. This can be important information for a young couple about to get married. Is it possible to plan for a happy future if one of you has an outstanding debt behind you, and you plan to take another to organize a wedding? This is a special case, but sometimes it can lead to divorce. Let's explore ways to get to know this "dark" side of life.

how to find out if a person has loans
how to find out if a person has loans

The first way is to check the history through official services

Since only he can find out if there are loans on a person, you will need to obtain his permission. So, the first way is to check your credit history through a special portal or credit bureau. In the first case, you will need an electronic signature and basic data about the person. In the second case, you can not do without a power of attorney. In fact, the request in this case does not sound like to knowwhether there are loans on the person, and he, through you, wants to check his data. Of course, for this he provides all his data, signatures, and, if necessary, he is personally present at the issuance.

Check through bailiffs

There is another option that sometimes has to be resorted to. If you are looking for a way to find out if a person has loans, and he voluntarily does not want to tell anything, then you can check the information through bailiffs. But this method is only suitable if there is an overdue debt.

Is it possible to find out if a person has a loan by simply contacting the bank? No, in this case, employees will be forced to refuse, since the information is confidential.

how to find out if a person has taken out a loan
how to find out if a person has taken out a loan

Authorized services

We emphasize once again that if he regularly pays his bills, then not a single bailiff will help to find out if a person took a loan from a bank. Why might this be required? For example, the father does not pay child support, but suddenly the ex-wife finds out that he took out a loan. Of course, if you find out in time which bank gave him the money, then you can seize the account through a bailiff. But not a single bailiff will search through all the banks.

It's another matter if there is a debt. In this case, there are two ways to determine the presence and amount of debt:

  • Personal appeal to the bailiff service.
  • Online via website.

Of course, in either of these two cases (if a debt is discovered) there will be an unpleasant conversation about how youyou will extinguish. By the way, choosing the first option does not make much sense, because through the Internet you can find out equivalent information in a matter of minutes.

Can you find out if a person has a loan?
Can you find out if a person has a loan?

Are you sure you don't have a loan?

No, forgetting about it is hard enough. Therefore, such information is most often of interest to employers and borrowers, as well as those who are worried about the machinations of fraudsters. Is it possible for you to get a loan without your knowledge? Yes, recently scammers have become more active and use any loophole. If you have lost documents at least once in your life, then there is a chance that they were used for similar purposes. So how do you know if a person has a loan? You just need to make a request. The printed history will show all the moves that have been made by you or on your behalf.

Where does it all begin?

How is the database of borrowers formed? From the first day when you come to apply for a loan, all the information is collected from you. Passport data, length of service, number of dependents. Now, for many years, the credit bureau will store data about every person who once took out a loan. If you were a co-borrower or guarantor, you will not be an exception. Moreover, even if you did not take the money, but only made a request about this, this information will also be reflected here. As a result, it will be enough to take a printout and make sure that your history is completely clean.

find out if a person took a loan from a bank
find out if a person took a loan from a bank

What does a credit history give?

Can Ifind out how many loans a person has? Yes, quite, if you get access to this information. A good history is the key to lending at a bank, and on preferential terms. Therefore, if you plan to take a mortgage in the future, it is recommended to gradually increase the loy alty of the bank. To do this, take a small loan for new shoes, household appliances. Gradually, the bank will begin to offer better conditions.

What is sanctified in history? First of all, loans. This also applies to what a person has already paid. Separately, you can get information about existing loans. Finally, you will see the dates of the application, as well as refusals, if any.

I would like to immediately note that these data are not subject to adjustment, especially on their own. Since it is possible to find out whether a person took a loan only with his consent, when applying for a loan, the bank will definitely let him sign a consent agreement. If you refuse to sign it, then even a bank employee has no right to look into this data. But will the loan be approved in this case?

is it possible to find out how many loans a person has
is it possible to find out how many loans a person has

Credit history structure

This is a regular document that contains comprehensive information. That is, the surname, name and patronymic of the borrower and his passport data. Taxpayer ID and insurance number. Then follows the main part of the document, which contains all the information about the money taken. The dates of all messages to credit organizations and bank responses will also be listed there.

If an error is found

Unfortunately, it happens. If yourequested a history and found inaccurate data in it, or maybe just a typo, you need to apply to verify this data. Now it will be the task of the operator to find out at what stage it was admitted. You may be required to provide a printout from the bank where you applied for the loan. The operator will verify the data and, on the basis of the statement, change them if they really did not correspond to reality.

how to find out if a person has a loan
how to find out if a person has a loan

Annual statement

Not everyone knows that there is a free service of informing the public about the state of credit history. Once a year, you can get the data for free. If you want to receive this information again in a few months, you will have to pay from 800 to 2000 rubles. And again I would like to emphasize that it is impossible to find out data about another person, even if this is your close relative. All information is strictly confidential and not subject to public disclosure.

Sberbank of Russia

Today it is the most popular among the population. Therefore, I would like to consider, using an example, how to find out if there are loans per person in Sberbank. This also applies to privacy laws. That is, only a person who has passed identification can request information.

To make this request, the client must know the individual code. Usually it is issued at the first request, but you can get it later at any branch of the bank. But if there is no time, then you can complete this request online. The data may be in different bureaus, sofirst you need to know where to look for them.

This can be done using the online service of the Central Bank. Here you enter data into the questionnaire and after processing the data, the data will be sent to the postal address. There are other ways to get data:

  • Directly apply to the bureau with a personal passport.
  • Use the Internet. In this case, immediately indicate that you are interested in the history of loans taken from Sberbank.

Usually there are no problems at this stage. The request is processed quickly, and in a few minutes you will receive all the necessary information. They can be presented as a certificate of no debt or for personal purposes.

how to find out if a person has loans in Sberbank
how to find out if a person has loans in Sberbank

Instead of a conclusion

From the above, we can say that you will not be able to find out information about another person's loans, unless there is his consent. However, it turns out that even if you do not have loans, it will never be superfluous to check the data. This can be especially relevant if you lost your documents or they were stolen from you. Fraudsters are on the alert and may try to get you a loan. Today, more than ever, we need to be vigilant.
