2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
In ancient times, when planting garden crops, people focused primarily on various kinds of natural phenomena. And many old signs regarding planting or harvesting have survived to the present day. For example, some summer residents try to sow seedlings, focusing on the lunar calendar.
Many gardeners believe that this way you can protect plants from all sorts of diseases and get big yields. In this article, we will consider when it is best to plant seedlings of the most popular garden crops, depending on the position of the night star in the sky.
What is the gardener's lunar calendar
In the Universe, as you know, all celestial bodies in one way or another influence each other. The closest space object to the Earth is, of course, the Moon. And it is from its position in the sky that the life of plants on our planet most of all depends.
Scientists dendrologists during the study of the annual rings of trees have established one very interesting fact. Favorable and Unfavorableconditions for plant growth on our planet alternate every 7 years. And the simplest explanation for this is the cyclical influence of the Moon on the Earth's electromagnetic field.
A full circle - this celestial body in the orbit of our planet does in 24 hours 50 minutes. That is, the lunar day is slightly longer than the earth. The synodic month, which begins with the new moon, is shorter than the solar month. It lasts 29.53 days.
In one month, our natural satellite manages to cross all the signs of the Zodiac. It is believed that each of them in a certain way corrects the influence of the moon on terrestrial plants. In some cases, the signs of the Zodiac can complement the impact of the satellite on cultures, in some cases they can increase, in others they can decrease.
How, when and exactly how it all happens, and can be determined by referring to the lunar calendar. You can find such a source of astrological information, for example, on the Internet, on some site specializing in gardening. Printed versions of the lunar planting and care calendar are also available at newsstands and shops selling garden supplies and seeds.
Quarter Moon
The main phases of the natural satellite of the Earth, as you know, there are four - new moon, growth, waning and full moon. And in each of these periods, the night luminary has a special effect on plants. After the new moon, I and II quarters are distinguished, and after the full moon, III and IV. It is believed that:
- in the first quarter, you need to plant seedlings of crops that give a ground crop inthe form of leaves and other green mass that does not contain seeds;
- in the second quarter it is worth sowing annuals with fleshy fruits and seeds;
- in the III and VI quarters, root crops are planted on the waning moon.
In the new moon, according to astrologers, the potential of the above-ground parts is greatly reduced in terrestrial plants. At this time, fluids, along with vital energy in the tissues of garden crops, begin to flow down. It is believed that it is impossible to interfere in any way with the life of plants at this time. That is, this period is not the best answer to the question of when to plant seedlings of garden crops according to the lunar calendar.
On the full moon, according to astrologers, in plants, on the contrary, the biopotential of the root system and immunity decrease. Their energy moves upward at this time. Therefore, sowing any crops on the full moon, including for seedlings, is also highly discouraged.
When to plant seedlings according to the lunar calendar: general rules
On window sills, domestic gardeners begin to grow mainly only heat-loving annuals that give a ground crop of green mass or fruits. Therefore, in most cases, seedlings are sown by gardeners on the growing moon.
In the first quarter it is worth planting, for example, cabbage, sorrel or salads. In the second quarter of the moon, a good solution would be to sow seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, etc.
Collecting seeds
Very often, Russian summer residents use a purchased planting plant to grow seedlings.material. However, some gardeners grow garden seeds on their own. This allows you to save money and get good harvests in the future.
It is believed that the best results can be obtained if the seeds for sowing seedlings are collected on the day when the Moon is in the constellation Scorpio.
When to plant tomatoes in boxes
In Central Russia, the seeds of this popular crop are usually sown from February 10 to March 20. When to plant tomatoes for seedlings according to the lunar calendar? As we found out, it is best to sow the seeds of this crop at a time when the night star will be in the second quarter.
You can determine the phase of the moon at this particular moment, for example, via the Internet, on some astrological site. A good solution would also be to visit one of the scientific resources of the Network specializing in astronomy for this purpose.
When to plant tomato seedlings according to the lunar calendar, therefore, it is understandable - in the second quarter. It is also believed that it is best to plant seedlings of tomatoes when the natural satellite of the Earth is in one of the fertile signs of the Zodiac. It can be, for example, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces, Libra or Taurus. If the Moon is in Leo, Aries or Virgo, it is better to refuse planting tomato seeds in boxes.
Planting cucumbers
This plant is no less popular among domestic gardeners than tomatoes. And of course, many summer residents are interested in when it is better to plant seedlings of cucumbers. Total. In this case, of course, it is also very good to focus on the lunar calendar as well.
It is believed that seedlings of this garden crop are best sown in the second quarter on the growing moon. The largest harvest in the future can be obtained by planting cucumbers at a time when this celestial object will be in the sign of Taurus.
Cucumbers do not tolerate transplanting outdoors very well. Therefore, the timing of their sowing, of course, must be chosen in such a way that by the time they are transferred to the garden, the seedlings are already strong enough and have a developed root system.
It is better not to plant cucumbers in boxes, but, for example, in plastic cups. When using this method of sowing, it will be possible to transfer the plants to the garden in the future without damaging the roots. In Central Russia, cucumbers are usually planted for seedlings from April 25 to May 5.
When to plant peppers
Most varieties of heat-loving garden crops are planted by summer residents in boxes in February - April. But some plants are sown for seedlings in January. What to plant in the middle of winter? - the answer to this question is, for example, bell pepper.
This crop, depending on the variety, begins to bear fruit 105-140 days after sowing. That is, the growing season for pepper is quite long. That is why the answer to the question of when to plant pepper seedlings is the period from mid-winter to March.
You can plant this crop for seedlings starting from January 15th. The very latestsowing in this case - 17 March. If the seedlings of this crop are planted at the end of March or in April, the peppers subsequently may simply not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.
According to the lunar calendar, this plant should be sown on the growing moon in the second quarter. In this case, it is desirable to choose a moment when the night luminary will be in the sign of Scorpio, Libra or Taurus.
Timing for eggplant
About when to plant the seeds of this crop for seedlings, many domestic gardeners would also like to know for sure. Eggplants in Central Russia are usually sown for seedlings in late February - early March. Like tomatoes, cucumbers or peppers, according to the lunar calendar, this crop is supposed to be planted in boxes in the second quarter of the moon. In addition, it is believed that this plant is patronized by such zodiac signs as Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.
Eggplant seedlings are usually planted in open ground at the age of 75 days. Therefore, the optimal dates for their landing in Central Russia are the 2nd and 3rd decade of March.
When to plant cabbage seedlings
The growing season for this horticultural crop is shorter than for nightshade. Late varieties of cabbage for seedlings are usually planted in April, early ones - in the middle or end of March. Some summer residents sow the seeds of this crop and later - in May. In this case, cabbage seedlings are grown not in boxes, but directly on the site - under the film.
According to the lunar calendar to get a goodthe harvest of this crop, it should be planted in the first quarter of the moon. In this case, it is best if the natural satellite is in the sign of Aries or Cancer. Cabbage planted at this time will subsequently give the largest and strongest heads of cabbage.
Planting pepper seedlings: seed preparation, auspicious days
If you are interested in planting pepper seedlings, then you should definitely know how to properly care for it. First, young plants require high-quality lighting. The matter is not limited to one natural sunlight here. It is necessary to install special phytolamps or fluorescent lamps
What temperature can tomato seedlings withstand in a greenhouse, in the open field, on a balcony, under covering material, in a greenhouse?
Tomatoes are a very popular crop for cultivation by owners of summer cottages. Hard-working gardeners get large crops of the most useful vegetable in almost any climatic zone. It is important to know the temperature regimes for germinating seeds, planting seedlings, ripening fruits in different conditions in order to choose the best way for you to get a good harvest
Sowing pepper for seedlings: seed preparation, optimal timing
Sowing pepper seedlings sometimes includes a procedure such as bubbling. In simple words, this is the treatment of seeds with air bubbles. It allows you to speed up the germination process. Usually sparging is carried out two weeks before sowing
Preparation of cucumber seeds for planting in the ground, for seedlings, in the greenhouse
All gardeners, of course, have their signature secrets for getting a great harvest. But what about those who do not have too much experience in such matters? Preparing cucumber seeds and planting cucumbers in open ground or a greenhouse - these questions are of great interest to many novice gardeners. So let's go over the main points
Pepper: planting seedlings, seed preparation, care
Planting pepper seedlings, of course, must be done correctly. First, the summer resident should decide on the appropriate sowing dates. And secondly, pepper in the future, of course, should be properly looked after