How can you make money online? Five real ways

How can you make money online? Five real ways
How can you make money online? Five real ways

If you are looking for the answer to the question: "How can I make money on the Internet?", Then this article is especially for you. At the moment, the worldwide web is filled with many advertisements promising instant profits without any effort. “Make $1000 in a week… Earn a lot and fast… Earn a million, two, three…” etc. We will analyze only effective ways to earn money, comparable in terms of money with a salary when working in an office. Of course, to come to such figures, you have to put a lot of effort. But financial independence is worth it.

1. Your website (blog)

Any Internet entrepreneur to the question "How can I make money online?" will answer: “On his own website” And he will be absolutely right. There are two options here: 1. You create and promote your site yourself. This will require significant effort and difficult to predict time costs. You have to study a lotinformation. 2. You find a specialized company and entrust the work to it. The second option is optimal, but requires financial investments.

2. Freelancing

A freelancer is a person who does some specific work for money. For example, it can be design work, website writing, script development, copyright, transcription, etc. In order for freelance earnings to be high, you must already be able to do something at the pro level, have an excellent portfolio and testimonials from grateful clients. In this case, you do not have to think about how you can make money on the Internet. Customers will line up for such a specialist.

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what can you earn money on

3. File hosting

If you are thinking about where to make money quickly, then this method is the most suitable for you. To get started, select a file hosting service with payment for downloads and upload a file. If it is downloaded 1000 times, then you will receive about $5-7. But in order to talk about the contents of the file, you must either have your own website or some other source of traffic. For good earnings, two conditions are necessary: a large number of uploaded files and good traffic to your resource.

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where to make money fast

4. Information products

If you have not yet decided how you can make money online, then start creating information products. This is a pretty profitable way. It is suitable for those who are experts in any field. Next, you need to find a problem in your area and releaseguide on how to solve it. For example, if you work as a translator, then do the course “How to learn English?” If you are a blogger, then write a manual “How to make a blog?” etc. The main thing is that the information product should be of high quality and really help people solve problems.

how to make money on youtube
how to make money on youtube

5. Youtube

This method is for those who often ask the question "How can I make money on YouTube?" Let's take this as an example of online games. First of all, we register on YouTube and in affiliate programs for specific online games. Then we search the network for each game video and upload it to Youtube. To promote your account, you can use special services (PumpYT, LikeTweets, etc.). After watching the video, people will follow the links in the description and register in the game. For each registration you will receive approximately 5-30 rubles. This scheme is also applicable to other affiliate programs (movies, mini-games, etc.).
