Pig measurement table: classification by fatness and age norms

Pig measurement table: classification by fatness and age norms
Pig measurement table: classification by fatness and age norms

In the absence of scales, the mass of living creatures can be calculated visually. But this is an extremely difficult task. It is only for professionals. And the question becomes relevant, how to find out at least the approximate weight of the animal without special devices. There are several effective methods, including using a pig measurement chart.

Description of methods

To find the mass of this living creature, you can use the following options:

  1. Use a special pig weight chart.
  2. Work with odds.
  3. Take into account the age of the pig.

The first two methods are considered the most effective. They will be revealed further.

Average pig weight

It is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Breed.
  2. Gender
  3. Age.
  4. Eating mode.

The average weight of an adult is in the range of 140 to 300 kg.

Among these animals there are champions in terms of mass. For example, "Big Bill" pig weighs over 1000 kg.

Pig Big Bill
Pig Big Bill

Eatand its antipodes. These are rather miniature creatures, the so-called mini-pigs. Their weight does not even reach 30 kg.

miniature pigs
miniature pigs

Pig breed

This factor has a powerful effect on the weight of the animal. There are decorative pigs. They are few and have no economic value. And all other breeds are divided into the following types:

  1. Meat. Their specificity is abundant overgrowth of muscle mass. It prevails over fat.
  2. Meat breed of pigs
    Meat breed of pigs

    2. Sebaceous. They are characterized by a high fat content. They are characterized by the fact that their mass reaches 200 kg.

    Greasy breed of pigs
    Greasy breed of pigs

    3. Meat. Differ in uniform distribution of meat and fat.

Which one to give preference to, each breeder decides for himself, based on the characteristics of each species.

There are also national breeds. For example:

  1. Ukrainian steppe boars. Their standard weight reaches 350 kg. Some representatives achieve 10-20% more performance.
  2. Ukrainian steppe boars
    Ukrainian steppe boars

    2. Vietnamese pigs. They weigh just over 100 kg. In rare cases, individuals can form up to 115-120 kg.

    vietnamese pig
    vietnamese pig

The weight trend also applies to piglets. For example, take the age of seven months. At this stage, Vietnamese individuals weigh up to 60 kg, and white pigs weigh 100 kg.

Motives for calculating mass

Pig weight without using specialappliances need to know for the following reasons:

  1. Feed calculation. The success of raising pigs depends on the quality of their nutrition. The more food, the faster the animal will grow. To ensure the required diet, at least indicative data on the mass of the pig should be available.
  2. Control weight gain. When piglets gain weight, you need to regulate this process. If the indicator is below the norm, it is required to influence the growth dynamics in a timely manner. To do this, use an adjusted diet. And additional feed and vitamins are introduced into the diet.
  3. Knowing the estimated weight. This is important when the animal is heading for meat. To calculate income, be sure to calculate the approximate weight of the pig yourself in advance. This will help a special table for measuring pigs to determine the weight.

Get more accurate data

To achieve this goal, you first need to measure the pig. Only two indicators are taken into account here:

  • length of the whole torso;
  • whole breast volume.

Length is measured using two points. One is between the ears, the other is the tail.

The circumference under the shoulder blades is used to measure volume. Here it is better to work with a tailor's centimeter.

More accurate data can be obtained by observing the following criteria:

  1. The procedure is carried out before the animals eat. Stand the pig upright and raise its head a little.
  2. After receiving the data, they must be entered into the table for measuring the weight of pigs with a meter. They are combined. In the place of the table wherelines and columns with the selected indicators intersect, and the approximate weight of the animal appears.

Data parsing

The following is an example of a pig measurement chart. The data in it has a maximum error of 10%. The unit of measure is centimeter.

The initial horizontal line indicates the measurement of the chest in the area under the shoulder blades.

The first column indicates the length of the torso. Mass is reflected at the intersections of lines:

62 66 70 74 79 82 87 91
37 11 14 16
41 13 16 17 20
45 14 17 19 22
49 15 18 20 23 26 30
53 17 19 22 25 28 32 35
57 19 22 24 27 30 34 37 39
61 20 23 25 29 32 36 39 42
65 20 24 26 30 34 37 42 45
69 26 28 32 36 39 44 48
73 28 33 37 41 45 49
78 37 42 47 52

Finding the right value from the pig measurement chart is a very simple process. After measuring the animal, find the data as close as possible to the obtained indicators. And Howhas already been noticed, the number at their intersection is the approximate mass of the animal.

A pig measurement table can be much larger than the example presented. It all depends on the number of transactions and the data received.

So, for larger individuals, the following table is relevant:

94 99 102 106 110 114 118 122
61 44
67 48 49
69 51 54 61
73 52 57 61 66
76 54 59 64 70 76
80 57 62 68 74 78 84
84 60 65 70 77 81 88 95
89 64 68 76 82 94 101 108
93 67 72 78 86 91 105 113 120
97 69 74 82 88 96 101 110 118
101 78 86 93 100 107 114 123
104 87 94 102 109 118 126
108 98 106 113 122 131

Work onodds

It is the best option when the necessary scales are not available. And this is a very convenient method when it is not possible to create a live weight measurement table for pigs.

True, the data is very approximate. Here you should operate with the same values that were obtained during measurements.

The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. Measurement data are multiplied by each other.
  2. Visually examine the level of fatness of the animal. It directly affects the required ratio.
  3. Based on the level of fatness, you can choose the optimal parameter. There are three in total. The first is 182. This means that the animal is thin. A value of 156 indicates an average fatness. And a score of 142 indicates a lot of fat in the pig.
  4. The result of step 1 must be divided by the selected parameter (one of three).

Calculation example

How it is possible to work without a live weight measurement table, but using only one or another coefficient, is described in the following procedure:

  1. Getting basic data. For example, the length of the body of living creatures is 78 cm. The measurement of the chest showed a value of 82 cm. The pig is well fed normally. K=156.
  2. Indicators are multiplied: 78 X 82=6396.
  3. The result of item 2 is divided by the coefficient (156). It turns out 41.
  4. This parameter is matched against data from the table. Indicators 78 and 82 intersect at the place where the number 42 is displayed. That is, the discrepancies are insignificant.

Methods with a table and coefficients, although they have errors, are quiteworkers.

Meat from live weight

Pork products
Pork products

It is very important to calculate the volume of final products after the slaughter of a pig. When cutting her carcass, a certain amount of mass is always lost - about 30%. This number includes fat, head and internal organs. The latter are usually also sent for sale. Their total weight reaches 3 kg. Half of it is liver.

For example, a pig weighing 100 kg retains about 70% of its mass after slaughter and butchering operations. And living creatures with a weight of 200 kg - 80%. Those are pretty significant differences. Therefore, most livestock breeders are trying to fatten their pigs to the maximum so that they gain the maximum possible mass before slaughter.

As for carcass cutting, there are several ways:

  • maintaining integrity;
  • dividing into two parts;
  • cutting into many pieces.

This task is best left to professionals. Amateurs often spoil all the products and become unsuitable for sale and personal use. In this case, up to 20% of pure meat may be lost.
