List of ATMs "VTB 24" in Khabarovsk

List of ATMs "VTB 24" in Khabarovsk
List of ATMs "VTB 24" in Khabarovsk

Khabarovsk is one of the largest cities in the Russian Far East, and of course, a large number of VTB 24 branches and ATMs operate there. The list of terminal addresses is published below. For the convenience of bank customers, the working hours of each are also prescribed.


Located in stores

Address of the VTB 24 ATM in Khabarovsk, installed in the Veteran store: Rudneva street, house 56. It works according to the store's opening hours. Available services: cash withdrawal in rubles, non-cash payments.

The VTB 24 ATM in Khabarovsk with serial number 397050 is installed on the territory of the Pelican store. The exact address is: 191, Pacific Street. Among the available services, it is offered to withdraw or deposit cash, pay a loan payment, and top up the balance of a mobile phone.


You can also find a terminal on the territory of the Samberry hypermarket at 98 Trekhgornaya Street. Available during hypermarket opening hours. It is important to note that it will not be possible to deposit cash, only withdrawal is available.

ATM with serial number 396118 is installed in the RazDva minimarket at the address: Shelesta street, 116/A. Only cash withdrawals available.

Located in government offices

ATM with serial number 399037 is installed on the territory of the Regional Clinical Oncology Center. Exact address: Voronezh highway, 164. Available services: depositing cash in dollars, euros and rubles, withdrawing cash in rubles. Bank customers should remember that the terminal is available according to the opening hours of the center.

Bank office
Bank office

The VTB 24 ATM in Khabarovsk is also installed in the building of the Pacific State University. Exact address: Pacific street, 136. Of the available services, depositing and withdrawing cash, making non-cash and cash payments. Also, an ATM is installed in the building of the Far Eastern State Transport University. Exact address: Serysheva street, 47.

ATM with serial number 392173 is installed at 49 Voronezhskaya Street, in the Road Clinical Hospital. Available according to the opening hours of the medical facility.

Work around the clock

ATM with serial number 397022 installed in the building of the railway station in Khabarovsk. Exact address: Leningradskaya street, 58. The terminal operates 24/7. From the available services, depositing cash in various currencies, withdrawing funds in rubles and making payments.

Also operates 24/7 and the terminal installed in the RazDva minimarket. Address: Vladivostokskaya street, 61/A.
