Addresses of VTB ATMs in Belgorod

Addresses of VTB ATMs in Belgorod
Addresses of VTB ATMs in Belgorod

VTB is one of the most significant banks in the Russian financial market. Hundreds of thousands of Russians, including residents of Belgorod, are clients of the institutions. The list of ATM addresses of this bank is published below. For the convenience of customers, the working hours of each of them are also given.

City of Belgorod
City of Belgorod

Located on the territory of organizations

VTB 24 ATM in Belgorod under the serial number 392222 is located in one of the departments of the Belgorod Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital. Exact address: st. Novaya, d. 42. Offered services: issuance of cash in rubles. Working hours: according to the schedule of the hospital.


ATM 385650 was installed on the territory of the Belgorod Oncology Center. Address: st. Kuibysheva, house 1. Available according to the opening hours of the dispensary. Customers have the opportunity to make non-cash payments (repayment of loans, replenishment of the phone balance and others), withdraw funds.

Address of the VTB ATM in Belgorod, installed in Kopeyka Voronezh LLC: st. Sadovaya, d. 65v. Available services: withdrawal of funds in rubles. Operates according to the working hours of the organization.

ATM 398972 installed on the territory of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Belgorod. Exact address: B. Khmelnitsky Ave., 133zh. The terminal is available for receiving cash in foreign currencies: dollars and euros, as well as in domestic currency; making payments and issuing cash. The operating mode of the ATM is according to the operating mode of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Located at VTB Bank branch

VTB ATM in Belgorod under the serial number 388223 is located on the territory of the additional office "Prospect of Glory". Exact address: Prospekt Slavy, 35, letter A. Clients have the opportunity to deposit cash in euros, rubles, dollars, make various payments, pay loans, withdraw cash in rubles. The terminal is open 24/7.

VTB Bank
VTB Bank

VTB ATM in Belgorod under serial number 398963 is located in the additional office of Trubetskoy Bank. Exact address: Grazhdansky prospect, 36. Available services: depositing cash in various currencies, withdrawing cash in rubles, making payments. Terminal opening hours: on weekdays from 9 am to 8 pm, on Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm.

ATM with serial number 397292 is installed in the additional office "On Popova". Exact address: Popova street, 18. Available services are exactly the same as at ATM 398963. Terminal operating hours: around the clock.

Located in the mall

VTB ATM in Belgorod with serial number 397151 installed in the RIO shopping center. Exact address: B. Khmelnitsky Avenue, house164. Clients have the opportunity to deposit cash in rubles, euros and dollars. It is also possible to make cash and non-cash payments, withdraw funds in rubles. The terminal is available according to the opening hours of the mall.

Cash withdrawal
Cash withdrawal

VTB ATM in Belgorod with serial number 382570 is located in the MegaGRINN shopping and entertainment center. SEC address: pr-kt B. Khmelnitsky, 137t. Available around the clock. Customers can deposit cash in multiple currencies, make payments and withdraw funds in rubles.

Work around the clock

ATM 381087 is installed on the territory of Belgorod Aviation Enterprise, at the airport. Exact address: Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue, 166. For the convenience of passengers, the terminal operates around the clock. Services offered to customers: cash withdrawal in foreign currencies ($, €), as well as in domestic currency.

VTB ATM in Belgorod under the serial number 385701 is installed on the territory of Belgorod Plant Rhythm OJSC. Exact address: B. Khmelnitsky Avenue, 135d. It is important to note that the terminal operates 24/7. Offered service: disbursement of funds.

It is worth noting that the full list of ATMs in the city is published on the official resource of the financial institution. Some terminal hours may vary during holidays.
