List of VTB ATMs in Saratov

List of VTB ATMs in Saratov
List of VTB ATMs in Saratov

Cash is accepted at VTB ATMs in Saratov in many areas of the city, most of these places are open around the clock for convenience. Below is a list of addresses of VTB ATMs that are installed in the city of Saratov. A list of available services and hours of operation is also provided.

Saratov city
Saratov city

ATMs located in organizations

VTB ATM in Saratov under the number 385876 is located on the territory of Club Strike LLC. Exact address: tract Volsky, 2. Clients have the opportunity to withdraw cash according to the organization's working hours.

ATM 383898 installed next to the exit in the family hypermarket "Magnit" on the street named after acad. OK. Antonova, house 14 B. Available services: cash withdrawal.

ATM 385875 on the territory of OAO NPP Almaz gives the bank's customers the opportunity to withdraw cash in rubles. Exact address: St. Panfilova I. V., house 1.

VTB ATM in Saratov No. 397535 is located on the 1st floor of the AUCHAN TAU Gallery complex. Exact address: st. Dachnaya 3rd, 1 TAU Gallery. Available services: depositing and withdrawing cash, making payments. Operates according to the regimethe work of the organization.

Terminals installed in bank branches

VTB ATM in Saratov is installed in the additional office of Trofimosky I Bank at the address: Moskovskoye highway, 1/1. Customers have the opportunity to make non-cash payments and withdraw cash. Operates according to the schedule of the bank branch.

ATM with serial number 397471 is installed on the territory of the additional office of VTB 1452 of OO "Leninsky". Exact address: Builders Avenue, 24A. Available services: acceptance of funds in rubles, dollars and euros, cash and non-cash payments, cash withdrawals. ATM operating hours: on weekdays from 9 am to 8 pm, on Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm. Also, the branch has ATMs under the serial numbers 387081 and 386135. They allow you to perform exactly the same operations, but are available around the clock.

Cash acceptance
Cash acceptance

ATM No. 387920 is installed in the additional office of the bank 1252 OO "Kirovskiy". Exact address: Tankistov street, 15. Services: deposit and withdrawal of cash. Operates around the clock.

24/7 ATMs


VTB ATM in Saratov under the serial number 383776 is installed in the Lenta hypermarket at 50 Blinov Street. Working hours: around the clock. Available services: making payments, withdrawing funds from the account.

ATM No. 396499 on the territory of the shopping center "Slavyansky" is located at 50 Let Oktyabrya Avenue, 93B. Operates around the clock.

Full listaddresses published on the official website of VTB in the section "Branches and ATMs".
